Bring Him Back (Oh, Lookie, Another Special Chapter)
Bring Him Back (Oh, Lookie, Another Special Chapter)
One week later
I sat on the comfy and soft sofa, the TV remote on my lap, a few bags of chips on my left side, cans of sodas on the other side, and finally, a bowl of popcorn in my hand. I was supposed to be out with my friends today, but can’t I enjoy a weekend alone in my house watching a movie marathon?
I wanted to, so I ditched.
As I was about to turn on the TV, I let out a loud groan when my phone went off. Angry, I picked it up without even looking at the caller’s I.D.
“What do you want!?” I snapped at whoever was on the other line.
“Baby, where are you?” an annoying voice asked. Oh, good. It’s her.
I rolled my eyes, “At home.”
I can imagine her pouting her face innocently right now, “We’ll be hanging out at Jini, remember?”
“I know,” I said in a bored tone.
“Then why aren’t you here!?” she screeched in her high-pitched voice. I flinched a little in hearing that absolutely annoying sound. I kind of understand now why Cole broke up with her.
I rubbed my temples and told her, “Just stop whining, Willow. I want to be alone so I’ll be alone.”
“Don’t tell me you’re cheating on me with that nerd.”
I bit my lip at the mention of Kennedy. Why would Willow think that I like her? She’s my former best friend, nothing more.
“Never,” I said and hung up instantly.
I didn’t even care about Kennedy or Aesha anymore. Popularity’s already in my blood and that’s what I just need. It was a shame Cole left the popular group just to be with Aesha.
I don’t care about my past.
I don’t care about my friends.
Not even Kennedy.
Brent, how come you don’t care about her? You’ve liked her for years!
I don’t know, I guess I don’t like her anymore now.
I hated that day when I actually yelled at her and insulted her for being a coward. I felt guilt that I did it and mentally scolded myself for it.
I didn’t want to lose Kennedy, really. But all those years she was so naïve and innocent that she didn’t ever notice I liked her, I became fed up with it. She will never love me.
Would she?
I sighed and rubbed my face. I haven’t heard anything form her at all ever since last year. I hope she didn’t see me as a jerky bastard who left his friends to be famous.
I guess she did.
I miss her.
I miss her.
I miss her.
A lot.
Well, I’m not regretting my decision of being famous. I just want her back by my side, scolding me for what an idiot I am. Tutoring me in all my subjects. Her giggles and laughs would always brighten up my day.
I was the only one who saw her beauty.
The knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. Ah, great, it better not be mom.
But I opened the door to see…
Her head hung low, and she refused to look at me. She wore a braid down her back and her cute glasses were perched on the bridge of her nose. She stood there, nervously rubbing her arm up down until I cleared my throat.
When she looked up at me, I resisted cracking a smile. Those dark eyes of hers, they were adorable. But as I looked into them, I noticed a hint of sadness.
“Hi. May I come in?” she asked me. I nodded and let her in.
“Make it quick, nerdy. I want to be alone.” I snapped at her once she sat down on the couch.
She rolled her eyes, “Gee, what a surprise that is.”
“Why are you here?” I glared at her. Yeah, Brent. Nice flirting skills you have.
“It’s about Aesha.” She said.
“What about her?” I won’t be surprised if Aesha caused a big snowstorm in the middle of nowhere, or something. Though, Kennedy stared at me as if I was crazy, “You don’t know?”
“Know what?”
She stared at the ceiling, sighing, “Of course you won’t know.”
“What is it?”
Her gaze reached me, and I noticed she looked stressed and her eyes were clouded up with sadness, “She ran away.”
My eyes widened at this. Why the hell would she do that? Why?
Curious, I took a seat next to her, “Why? What happened?”
She bit her lip, “A lot of things, actually.”
Oh, damn, was I one of the reasons? Why she ran away? But why was Kennedy talking to me about it?
“How’s the search?” I said absentmindedly, not caring if I suddenly cared about Aesha.
“Cylene said to just wait for one month. She’s assuring us that she’ll come back sooner or later. But I doubt it.”
Why would Cylene say something like that?
“Okay, so if you won’t do anything about her disappearance, then why the hell are you here, Ken?” I asked, biting back a smile for mentioning her name.
She frowned, “I was just thinking…..” She didn’t finish.
I cocked an eyebrow? “Thinking about what?”
She shook her head, dismissing the thought, “Nothing. Just forget I ever went here.” She said with a little hurt in her voice.
What was she about to say?
“You did a great job wasting my time,” I said. She looked at me, scowling, “Yeah, and you did a greater job not even caring about your friend!”
I rolled my eyes, “You’re so stupid, aren’t you? Of course I wouldn’t care! She was my friend. You both were my friends and you can’t do anything about it now!”
“At least I went back to her and was actually there for her! You don’t know how guilty and hurt she feels, Brent! But now it’s all clear to me. You’re just a jerky heartless bastard!”
Okay, that hurt.
This time, she didn’t even look like she was going to cry. In fact, she was furious. Yeah, I guess everything had changed, including her. Usually in this situation, she won’t argue at all and if I was mad, she would burst into tears.
I slammed her into the wall and pinned her there, getting close to her. She winced once her head hit the wall. She struggled to get free, “Brent, let me go, you jerk!”
If she thinks I’m a jerky heartless bastard, then fine. I’ll act like it.
I put my lips close to her ear, “You just noticed that?”
Kennedy’s chest moved up and down and she was biting her lip, “I-I shouldn’t have come here.”
There goes her weak side.
“P-please, l-let me g-go,” she pleaded.
“What makes you think I will?”
“What is wrong with you!? You just turned into a monster!”
Really, now?
I raised my hand and slapped her across the face. If I was lucky, it’ll knock some sense to her and she’ll finally recognize my love for her.
I’m so stupid, right?
No, that’s not the right word.
I’m so desperate, right?
Then the door burst open.
Followed by an ear piercing scream.
“Brent!” In came Willow, glaring at me, “cheating on me with that nerd, huh?” she stood there, hands on her hips.
“Actually-“Kennedy began but I slapped a hand on her mouth to silence her.
“Yeah, I am,” I said in a bored tone, “So what?”
Willow stomped her foot, “Why would you do this?!”
“Because I want to, that’s why.”
“But I’m your girlfriend, not her!” she yelled.
“You mean you’re now my ex-girlfriend, and she’s my new girlfriend.” I said as Kennedy’s eyes widened.
Willow narrowed her eyes at Kennedy. She opened her mouth to shout something again, but I spoke ahead of her, “Now if you will excuse us.”
And then my lips smashed into Kennedy’s right there, in front of my ex.
In her point of view, she’s probably thinking that I’m some horny pervert by kissing her right in front of my ex-girlfriend. But for me, it was heaven that I’m finally kissing the only girl I love. I heard Willow storming away but I continued kissing her.
I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close to me. My lips moved over hers, but she wasn’t kissing me back at all. Though I can tell her eyes were closed like mine.
It’ll be better if she kissed me back…..
My hand moved up to stroke her cheek and to soothe her. I can feel that she’s tense and her body was firm, probably because she was shocked. I moved my tongue over her upper lips and that’s when she pulled away, gasping for breath.
She looked at me in shock, her eyes widened and her lips slightly parted. I ran my tongue across my lip, and I can still taste her.
She mumbled something under her breath I couldn’t make out.
I forced out a smirk, “Did you like it?”
She scowled at me, “You slapped me then you just kissed me!?”
I shrugged, burying my hands in my pockets.
I can tell she was already really angry right now, as mad as Cylene gets. Her fists were clenched and her eyes flaming with anger.
Then she spun on her heel and walked out the door.
I love you, Kennedy.
I went out of the house, breathing heavily. I rushed into my house, went upstairs to the bedroom, shut and locked the door, and leaned my back against it.
Oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh.
Oh my freaking gosh.
He kissed me.
He actually kissed me.
That moron jerk actually kissed me.
Yeah, I wanted so bad to kiss him back, but I didn’t want him to think that I would fall for him and let him use me like that. I know he already turned into a playboy.
Even though it was my first kiss, I would never kiss him back.
My hand flew up to the spot where he slapped me. It still hurt, I’ve got to admit and it really hurt when he slapped me in more ways than one. My hand traveled down on my lips, where he kissed me. I could still feel the warmth of his lips against mine.
All I wanted when I came to his house is that maybe he'll be friend to me and comfort me or something.
Normally I would’ve talked to Aesha about it but now she’s….
And I have no idea for how long.
Knowing my best friend, she won’t do something like this. Ever. But the things going on in her life are hurting her – especially the letter.
Though, Brent is one of the reasons she ran away.
I want to hate him so much for leaving us, but somehow I just couldn’t. Somewhere in his heart, I’m hoping the old him is still there. As cheesy as that sounded, it’s true. I believe he would change one day.
I just hope that would happen sooner.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I quickly picked it up.
“Hello?” I said.
“Hey, Ken. Can you, um, come by the hospital right now?” Sean asked.
“Yeah, sure, I’ll come. Is there something wrong with Shaelon?”
“No, actually, she’s already awake. We just gotta tell you something. Oh, and if you can, just bring Cylene along.”
“Yeah, sure.” I hung up.
Sean already knows about Aesha running away, but their mom doesn’t. Whatever they’re going to tell us, I hope it’s not bad news.
“Come in!” a voice form inside called out. I opened the door and went inside the house.
“What’s up?” Cylene asked me.
“Sean called a while ago and asked me to come to the hospital,” I informed her.
“What for?”
“I don’t know. He just said to come,”
Cylene nodded her head, “Okay, I’ll come with you.”
She went to the bottom staircase and yelled, “Cole, we’re going to the hospital. I’ll be back soon!”
I bit back a smile when I heard a grumble from Cole upstairs. Oh, siblings.
“Come on,” Cylene said.
I climbed on the passenger seat of her purple and black convertible. After buckling my seatbelt, Cylene asked me, “What do you think they want?”
I shrugged. Cylene never knew about Sean being gay, the twins fighting and Brent leaving us.
Cylene turned to me for a second and narrowed her eyes, “What’s wrong, Ken? You look…bothered.”
Yeah, bothered by my first kiss.
I sighed deeply, “Cylene, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this, but Brent left us. It’s been like that for so long…I came by his house this morning – I have no idea why – but he didn’t care at all about Aesha running away.”
I choked back a sob as I said this.
“Anything else I don’t know about?” Cylene said, biting her lip.
“The twins were fighting. One day in the library, Sean hurt Shaelon with scissors. Aesha soon found out that Sean was gay and Shaelon was upset with him because he kissed her crush,” What a blabber mouth you are, Kennedy.
She gripped on the steering wheel. Hard.
“So…those are reasons why she ran away?” she asked.
“I should have known,” she rubbed the bridge of her nose.
So she knows already. Great. Just great.
“What do you want to talk about?” I asked Sean as Cylene and I went inside the hospital room.
“Hey, guys!” Shaelon greeted us. She was sitting up on the bed.
Surprisingly, she seems like the old Shaelon, her personality before her brother and her fought. They seemed to get along already.
“Hey,” Sean gave us a little nod. Cylene and I sat on the couch in the corner.
“What is it?” Cylene asked.
“We’re just going to tell you that mom doesn’t mind about Aesha running away,” Sean said, “Mr. Leigh’s paying for Shaelon’s hospital bills and after that….”
What!? Aesha’s stepmom doesn’t even care!? All Aesha did was hurt Shaelon with her powers…it wasn’t that serious, was it? Well she’s not dead..
“And?” Cylene urged him to continue.
“We’re moving to some kind of condominium and Mr. Leigh already proposed to our mom.”
My eyes widened at this. So if Aesha comes back, she’s not accepted as their family anymore? That’s so cruel!
Sean ran a hand through his hair, “Shaelon and I….we didn’t want to lose our sister at all. She cares for us…and she didn’t mean to hurt Shaelon. But there’s no changing Mom’s mind.”
So there…her family’s leaving Aesha.
Okay, Brent, you can do this. I took a deep breath.
No, Brent, she hates you!
But you love her! Go get her back!
Can’t you just accept the fact that you can’t get her back anymore!?
But no, it was too late. I already knocked on the door.
Cole raised a brow at me as he opened the door, “Brent?”
“Hey,” I said, “Is Kennedy there? She’s not home so I assumed she’s here, hanging out with Cylene or something.”
He shook his head, “Nope. Kennedy and Cylene left to go somewhere else. But you can come inside…I’m alone here.”
He let me in. Seriously, the crush of my former friend let me in his house?
I sat on one of their couches, “So did they tell you where they were going?”
He sat beside me, “They went to the hospital. Something with Shaelon, I guess.”
My jaw hung open, “What happened to her?”
He frowned, “You didn’t know? Aesha accidentally hit her with her powers. She’s been in the hospital ever since.”
My gaze dropped to the ground. I can’t believe I missed so much. There were a lot of reasons why Aesha left…one of the reasons is me.
“I left them…” I said softly. They were the only words I can think of to say.
“Why don’t I fill you in?” Cole asked and I nodded.
Then he told me everything. The letter, the accident and even the fights he had with Aesha. He told me everyone thinks they’re part of the reasons why Aesha left.
“So why are you here?” he asked me after he finished.
I nervously bit my lip, “I wanted to make it up to Kennedy. It might sound crazy, but I’m in love with her. But this morning she came by my house. We got into an argument and I ended up pinning her to the wall then slapping her. Willow walked into my house, upset and I kissed Kennedy right in front of her.”
Then Cole burst out laughing.
My brows furrowed, “What’s so funny?”
After his laughter died down, he said, “Nothing. I also did stupid things while in love with Aesha.”
“Then at least give me advice, Cole. I don’t know what to do. I feel so stupid.”
“All I’m gonna say is….good luck, man.”
And as if on cue, the door opened to reveal Kennedy and Cylene.
“What are you doing here?!” Kennedy looked at me angrily.
“Ken, I just want to talk,” I looked at Cole and Cylene, “Do you mind if…?”
Understanding what I said, Cole stood up, grabbed his sister’s arm, and dragged her upstairs.
“What do you want?” Kennedy snapped at me.
I rubbed the back of my neck, looking into her dark eyes, “I just want to apologize, Ken. I’m really sorry.”
She rolled her eyes, “So you’re saying sorry, so next time you can act like a jerk again?”
I shook my head quickly, “No, Ken. Just please forgive me. I’ll get out of the popular group; I’ll leave Willow forever and stop being a jerk to you.”
She gave me a flat look and didn’t say anything. I took a step towards her and pleaded, “Please, Kennedy. Just give me another chance.”
She glared at me, “Fine. You’re forgiven. But that doesn’t mean I won’t hate you.”
Again, that hurt. So much.
But it was worth it…I’ll make her love me, soon.
O_O I almost died freaking out when they kissed, ahhhhh!!! Kent/Brennedy forever!!!! Oh, and comment which ship name you want.
As for the including my friends as characters here in the book, you'll see yourselves in chapter Twenty Two.
Freaking out here,
P.S. For the second time in forever, I wrote 3000+ words!!!
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