~Chapter Three~
Apparently you had to stay with the ninja on their ship since they needed to be on the go with your help. But, Sensei was nice enough to allow you to get your own room on the ship. You first wanted to go home to pack your things and say goodbye to your mother and dogs. You were dropped off at your house and you went inside.
"Kirstin is that you?" Your mother asks you from the living room. "Yeah mother! I'm home!" You say as you go over to her and give her a hug. Your dogs T-Grey and Maggie start jumping on you with happy expressions to see you. "Hi guys!! Good to see you too!" You coo at them and pet them. "You're home early." Your mom says. "Yeah! Um so something happened at work. Did you see the news report about the aliens?"
"Yeah, what about them?" "The ninja, came to Borg about that. But, since I'm studying 'space stuff' in college and I used to know all the 'alien myths' and all that, Mr. Borg wants me to assist them. Sooooo I'm gonna stay on their bounty for awhile and I thought I just pack up and say goodbye." You explain and your mother smiles at you. "Well you have fun! I'll be fine here." She says petting T-Grey who had jumped on her lap and laid down. "Alright. I'm gonna go pack real quick."
You head to your room and pack up. When you were done you grabbed your suitcase and put your backpack on your back and left your room back to the living room. "Well, I'm leaving." You say and your mother gets up and give you a hug and a kiss on your forehead. "You'll do great I'm sure!" She says and you smile and nod. Your dogs whimper since you were leaving. You bent down and give them both a hug. "I'll be back soon you two! Don't give mother a hard time you hear me!" You say ruffling their fur.
They wag their tails and bark. You get back up and your mother walks you to the door. You say one last goodbye and you leave your home. When you turn around you see the blue ninja there with a wide friendly grin on his face. "Hey Kirstin! I'm Jay remember?! Here to help with your bags!" He says and takes your suitcase and backpack. "Oh uh thank you?" "Oh yeah sure! We're parked down there." You nod and follow him.
"So! To tell you the truth I got totally bored! And Cole was being annoying again. So I figured you could use help with your bags. But isn't it cool that aliens are here in Ninjago?! I love science fiction and I've read a lot of comic books about them with Lloyd! I've also seen a lot of movies and played a ton of video games with aliens in them! They're just so cool!!! And I mean it's also pretty cool that-" "Pardon my question but...do you..always talk this much?" You ask him.
"Pretty much! But hey! You know a thing about me now! Pretty good start to our friendship right?" You blink your eyes a couple times to process what he said. "You..want to be my, friend?" "Well sure! You're nice and since you'll be stuck with us for awhile you're gonna need a best friend between all of us!" "And...you volunteer?" "Yup!" You smile, this would probably be your first friendship you've made with someone around your age. "Thank you Jay, I've never had a friend before. Well, besides my dogs, mom, and Mr. Borg."
"Well yeah! No problem! But...how come you've never made any friends?" "I'm a little...shy and nobody wants to be friends with 'The nerd girl who works for Cyrus' it's just...hard." You say hugging yourself with a frown. "Well, I understand completely. I grew up in a junkyard and nobody wanted to be friends with 'Junk boy' but all that changed when I met the others ya know. And it looks like it's all gonna change with you too." You smile at his words knowing you weren't the only misfit growing up. Jay was nice and you accepted his offer at friendship.
You both made it to the bounty and boarded the ship. As soon as you both came on the ship started levitating into the air. "Where is-" "They're all in the bridge but you can greet them all once you're settled but a little warning when ya meet Kai and Cole, they're on their period." Jay says with a laugh. You raise an eyebrow in confusion, "But only females go through the menstrual cycle.."
Jay opens your room door for you and puts your bags down next to your bed. "It was a joke! Ya know, they act cranky and grumpy like girls would on their period! Ya know, a joke!" Your mouth forms an 'O' shape in realization. "I'm not so good with jokes and puns...I'm sorry." Jay leans against the door frame with a smile. "Haha it's okay! Zane's the same way too. But I think he's starting to understand them more now. And he can always turn on his funny switch when he wants to crack some jokes of his own!"
Your eyes widen, "He's the same way? And what exactly is a...funny switch?" You question him getting very intrigued by the titanium droid. Jay smirks at you and stops leaning against the door frame. "Ya know, you should ask him! It could be a good conversation starter! And if there's anyone else I suggest you should be close with...its Zane." He says with a wink then leaves you.
You were very confused as to why he would act like that all of a sudden. You shrug it off and unpack your things. When you were done you left your room and went to the bridge to see if they needed your help. You walk in to see them talking to a girl and a woman on screen. "They actually have a small piece from the ship that landed!" The girl says with a smile.
"And when they analyzed it they found that it might have been from a galaxy next to us. The-" "Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy..." You say quietly understanding the information given. "They're still finding out what planet might it might have been from but so far that's all they had." The woman said. "Thanks guys. We'll figure it out eventually." Lloyd tells them and they nod. "See you guys soon!" Nya says and hangs up.
Misako and Nya exit the base and begin walking. "What do you think is in the Canis Major?" Nya asks Misako. "I don't know but whatever planet they're from they must have a reason to be here. I just hope they're-" they stop walking when two aliens appear in front of them. They were their heights, had light green skin, a pair of eyes that were like...a human's, olive green details on their face and skin, a Mohawk looks to be made of scales, and black interdimensional clothing.
Nya looks at Misako and she clears her throat. "Uh, um, we come in peace! Ninjago means no harm to-" Misako says but stops once they start morphing...into them! They changed into Nya and Misako! "Maybe it's their way of...understanding? Communication?" Nya hopes. "I-i don't think-" just then a beam of light covers them from the sky. The aliens smirk at them and wave goodbye. "AHHHHHHH!!!" They both scream as they get beamed up to the ship. Just like that, gone. With the morphed aliens as a replacement.
"So...any thoughts Kirstin?" Jay says immediately putting you in the spotlight. Your eyes widen as they all look at you. "U-uh, well the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy is indeed the closest Galaxy. It's twenty eight thousand lightyears from earth. It's very small and from what I remember it has...red giants." You explain, remembering what you learned in astronomy class. "What exactly is a red giant?" Cole asks and Jay scoffs. "It's Mars, doofus!...right?" He says.
"A Red Giant is a star. A giant one. It's intermediate mass makes it in a late phase of stellar evolution. It's outer atmosphere is inflated and tenuous making its surface temperature low and making it appear red." Zane explains. Everyone still had confusion on their faces but you smiled at him since you understood him completely. You clear your throat, "Yes, basically a giant star. And...Mars is a red planet. But, I don't believe any probes found any planets there. But! Let's check!"
You go over to the computer and plug in the computer chip that Cyrus gave you yesterday and begin searching through Borg industry data. "Wait so...Borg's computer is all on that one chip?! So technically we're using his computer on ours?!" Jay asks surprised. "Yes." You say looking through everything under the Canis Major. "No planets." You confirm with a frown. "So much for NSC.." Kai said with a sigh. "That's enough for today, thank you Kirstin. You all may take a break." Sensei Wu said and leaves the bridge.
Everyone else leaves and you stay just staring at the Galaxy in front of you. It made no sense, the Ninjago Space Center scientists were always right. If the aliens are from the galaxy then maybe- "Do not worry Kirstin. I'm sure we will figure out where they are from soon." Zane says from behind and you jump startled. "Zane! Oh I uh...didn't see you there. But yes, we'll find it." You say calming yourself down. Zane raised a brow in confusion but decided to ignore it.
"You seem to know a lot about space." "Well I um, study astronomy in college and sometimes the topic of aliens pops up here and then." "That's...cool!, oh, but I don't mean quite literal. Right, so! Uh minor or major?" "Minor. I want to be like my father, in engineering! Working with people like Cyrus." "Incredible! What branch?"
"All of them." You say with a shy smile. "I'm sure you'd be great." Zane says with a smile. He was really fascinating to you, but as a friend of course. "Thanks." He smiles at you again then leaves the bridge. You really wanted to ask him what makes his gears work but you were pretty shy to ask. You exit the program on the screen then leave the bridge
A/n: Srry it took so long guys but here's chapter 3! :D yeah you guys will probably need a dictionary with you while reading this book, lots of big words and stuff xD lol good luck. But oh no! Nya and Misako got taken! 😱 who's next?! Comment whatcha think of the plot so far and Vote if you like this chapter! :)
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