~Chapter Ten~
"There's no way! I don't even feel it!" You said touching at your skin. "Well it feels like metal to me! See!" Jay says and starts knocking on your leg. "That's impossible!! All I did was hit some bark from a tree!! How could I have metal in my leg!!" You said not believing it.
"Well it's in ya alright! See!" Jay says and takes your arm and slams it down on the table over and over again. "Jay that's enough! But he's not wrong for once Kirstin.." Zane says as Jay let's go of your arm. "FOR ONCE!?!" Jay says furrowing his brow at Zane.
You sighed and looked down at yourself. "Must I go to the hospital?" You ask them and they nod with frowns on their faces. You sigh and nod, "Alright but before you take me, my mother should know about this."
Zane and Jay took you back to your village to your house. You breathed in and out as you rang the doorbell. A couple rings and you could hear your dogs scratching on the other side of the door, barking.
The door finally opened and the smile on your mother's face changed into a worried expression when she saw you. "Oh Kirstin! What happened to you?! Come in! Come in!" She says and let's you three inside.
She gestures for you all to sit down on the couch in the living room and you three take a seat. "Explain if you all can, but what's going on?" She asks as she sits down on the love seat. You three took turns sharing the story as short as you three could and you saw a sign of relief on your mother's face to hear that you all won the fight.
"So...we found this shiny thing in her leg and Kirstin thought she tell you before we go and take her to the hospital." Jay finishes and you nod. Your mother nods and breathes in and out. "Thank you Jay and Zane for bringing my daughter here." She says and there were surprised looks on the boy's faces when they heard her say their names.
"I told her who you all were weeks ago." You whisper to them and they nod in realization. "Our pleasure Mrs. Brown, we care about Kirstin just as much as you do. Her safety is our concern as well." Zane tells her and you blush.
Your mother smiled and nodded at his response before she got serious and looked at you. "Kirstin, is there anything about yourself that you might have...questions about?" She asks you pretty mysteriously. Why was she asking such a question?
"Now mother?" you asked her and exchanged glances with Jay and Zane. "Alright, alone with me then. If you two don't mind." She says looking at the two and they get up. "Alright we'll be...somewhere but here!" Jay says and they both walk off somewhere in the house.
When they leave, your mother sits next to you on the couch. "Questions about myself mother?" You asked again and she nodded. "Why would you ask me that?" She frowns and sighs, "I'll...explain soon just...answer the question."
You sighed and hugged yourself, "I could come up with a million things...Like, why do I not get cold when I'm supposed to, why don't I understand jokes and puns like Jay does, why do I always feel a tingling sensation whenever I'm around Zane, how am I able to remember things from when father was still alive, why do I have a silver slit in me and...why am I such a...nerd. I'm, not the perfect daughter..I'm just-" you said as you put your head in your hands and cry.
Your mother embraces you and rubs your back, "Oh Kirsty, you're everything your father and I could ever want! You're perfect to us. Nothing's wrong with you. It's just you have a few...enhancements."
You immediately let go from the hug and looked at her with wide eyes. "Enhancements?? What are you trying to say to me?!" You said getting freaked out and confused. Jay and Zane hear you from the living room and decide to slowly enter back in.
Your mother sighed again but smiled this time. "Kirstin, what you're about to hear is a lot to take in. Are you ready?" She said. You brace yourself and nod. Your mother smiled then showed you a picture frame of Cyrus Borg, your mother, and a droid...that had similarities like your father.
"W-who-" "Kirstin, this photo was taken way before you were born and way before Cyrus is where he is now but, we were in the same college and he was top of his engineering class! He worked with a company who wanted to change technology for the future. Cyrus built human-like droids! They were made to look like humans but droid on the inside. They were given assignments to help people or to build things. I had no idea he built those until later on." She explained.
"After we graduated college he ended up, being the CEO of that company and changed it to Borg Industries. He also kept building droids. Now I still had no idea he was doing that until I walked in the building one day. I went to check on him and I bumped into one of the workers there which just so happened to be-" "Father?" "Yes. It was...love at first sight actually. Cyrus saw me and introduced me to him! And well you know what he said?" "No what?"
Your mom smiled and looked down, "Kayla, this is Model 6478 of my humanoid droid line! But your father just told me to call him by his real name, Ryan." "W-what??" You said in disbelief. "Kirstin your father was a droid. And skipping to the point I guess, you're...half droid."
"SHE'S HALF DROID!?" Zane and Jay said in surprise and your mother shook her head yes. Your hand went up to your mouth with a gasp and you stood up and backed away. Tears fell down your face and you shook your head, "NO!! I-I...IS THAT WHY YOU TOLD ME I WAS YOUR PERFECT DAUGHTER! BECAUSE I'M A MACHINE!?" You yelled and your mother got up and shook her head no.
"Of course not Kirstin! It's not about the abilities you can do! It's who you are to us! Your personality, your heart, you Kirstin!" You almost tripped as you backed away and then suddenly your vision turned into some sort of...screen vision. You saw numbers, saw the temperatures around you, the blood types of Jay and your mother, everything all on a screen. "WHAT IS THIS!?!" You yelled and began to feel weak and fall.
Zane and Jay catch you and try to calm you down but you close your eyes tight and release yourself from them. "I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS!!!" You said then ran right out of the house.
You didn't know where you were going but you didn't care. You felt like even worse than you did before. You felt like even more freaky. Half droid? How could your mother and father keep this from you your whole life. You were very upset at them, even though your father was now gone.
You made it to a tree and slid down it, you brought your head to your knees and you cried. You never asked for this life. In fact how were you even crying? How exactly were you a 'half droid?' You were still confused too.
You sat there crying for about 20 minutes before you felt tingling in you. You felt a presence sit in front of you, "Kirstin?" You didn't look up but you immediately knew it was Zane.
You sniffed, "Leave me alone." "But Kirstin...I understand how it feels." "No you don't." "Yes I do! I once thought I was human." When you heard that, you looked up and saw Zane with your weird screen vision, which was now blurry and wet since you cried. "W-what do you mean?" You asked with a shaky voice.
Zane gave you a small smile, "I'm a humanoid droid too. Just like your father, I used to look like a human too, before the titanium. I-i used to think...I was odd too and so did the others. Until, I stumbled upon my father's uh, tree house and I found a blueprint...Of me." Zane explained and you stopped crying as you listened to what Zane had to say.
"And...how did you react?" You asked. "Just like you did. Although a bit more dramatic. But I was worried the others might not accept me if they found out. They were all I had if they left. But, they embraced who I was and thought I was pretty...cool. I embraced who I am as well and learned to use my droid abilities. I know you can to. And we'll be with you every step of the way."
You sighed and just sat there looking down, not saying a word back. Zane stands back up and reaches out his hand for you with a smile. You look up and take his hand and you stand back up as well. "Zane...I'm, scared. Also confused. This is all so new to me. This other life I never knew of. It's big and, I was already struggling as a normal nerd girl to begin with! I don't know where to start." You say putting your hand on your arm, looking down.
"I completely understand. But, I suggest you start with letting your mother finish explaining. There might be some answers to some questions you have. From there I- I mean, we can help you with some basic droid skills!" He says with a grin and you smile.
Your eyes met Zane's eyes as you looked back up again. "But wait, you care about me so much because I'm like you now." You said and he shook his head. "No, of course not!" "Then why do you still care ab-" "Because I love you Kirstin!!! Unconditionally and I can't help it!" He said as he took your hands in his.
Your eyes widened and the tingling had felt stronger than it ever did before in you. You didn't say anything for a minute then, "Why did you wait so long...to tell me?" You asked him. "I was...afraid we might not work out. A mere droid and a human. We, wouldn't be together eternally...Life is short for you because you're human, so what am I to do once you pass on? But, you're half human! Therefore I figure, we might have...a 99.87 % chance of being together."
"And you still-" "Loved you before we all discovered your other half? Most definitely." He says with a smile. You blush really hard and he must've thought it was cute since he then gave you a sweet, soft kiss on your cheek.
You were legit speechless. You could even read your own readings and your hormone adrenaline was going up pretty high. "Will you...be my significant other??" Zane asks you biting his lip. You keep blushing and you smile. "Only if you'll be mine." You agreed and embraced him in a hug.
You realized that the ninja were right about you two, you both would eventually get together. As you both were hugging, you two heard slow clapping and you both let go to see Jay of course.
"Um yeah, about time people!! Took you both long enough! Any who! Your mom is worried about you Kirstin. You should finish talking to her." He said and you nod. You all made it back and as soon as you saw your mother, you gave her a hug.
"I'm sorry for-" "Don't apologize, I expected a sudden breakout from you. It's alright, it should be me that's sorry. I should have told you beforehand." She says as you both let go from the embrace. "I have many questions." "Of course. What else do you want to know?"
You thought for a moment to figure out what to start with. You looked at Jay and Zane and they gave you a thumbs up. "That surgery that day...I didn't really have a bone problem, did I?" You asked. "No. before your father died in the hospital he told me one thing, he really still wanted to be in your life. What makes you half droid is that half of your father's parts are in you. He wanted that before he died. I don't have the X-Ray but Cyrus knows just exactly what robotic features you have." Your mom explains.
"Mr. Borg has something to do with..me?" "Oh yes. Those glasses I gave you were to change the look of the areas around you. So you thought you were in a regular hospital, really we were in Borg Enterprises in his droid hospital." "So...if father was a machine, he had no genes...so how exactly do I?-" "You'll...have to ask Cyrus about that. You're one of those special humans." Your mother says with a nervous smile.
"Then I want to talk to him. I need to know. Everything." You said. She nods and grabs her phone, dialing Cyrus's number. As she waited for him to pick up, Jay got your attention. "What?" You ask him. "What happened out there with you two?! I only heard the part where you ask Kirstin to be your girlfriend, Zane." He said and you start blushing again as you remembered.
Your mother starts talking on the phone as Cyrus must have picked up. "Oh uh, Zane was just telling me that, he went through the same thing I'm going through." You said. "And I told her we would help her. Right before...I told her how I felt." Zane added. Jay grinned wide to the news he was hearing.
Your mother got off the phone and got off the couch. "Get in the car everyone, we're going to pay a visit." She said and you all followed after your mother as she got the keys and went out the door.
You held onto Zane's hand as you two walked to the car. You felt a little nervous just wondering all the things Cyrus would tell you. Jay turned around and saw you both. "Mrs. Brown, I think Kirstin and Zane should sit together." He told her and your eyes widen at his sudden words.
Your mother opened the driver's side of the car door. "Why? Ohhhh." She said as she turned around and saw you two. She grinned and agreed with Jay. "Ugh guys...." you said blushing.
"Ah! Good to see you all again!" Cyrus says as he turns his wheelchair around. "Hey Cyrus! Long time no see!" Jay says and Zane smiles and nods. "It sure has been awhile Cy." Your mother said and shook his hand. "Sure has been! And my! What happened to you Kirstin??" He said seeing all the bandages you had been patched up with. "Alien encounter sir. But I'm alright. I just have a few questions." You say and he nods.
"You want to know what makes you half droid now do you?" He says raising a brow. You nod and he smiles as he grabs his tablet from his desk and rolls over to you all. He does a few swipes before he gives you the tablet. You gasp as you saw the different X-Rays of your body. "Woah ho! That's so cool!!" Jay says over your shoulder. "Your left side has robotic parts." Zane says on the other side of you.
Your left leg, your spine, your left side of your back, your left arm, and your left side of face, was all robotic parts. Your brain on the other hand, had something in and on it. "What's in my brain?" You ask.
"Now that's a bit more complicated to explain. Basically Kirstin, your body has parts from your father's that I upgraded. Now since they're not genetically connected, I put a Cybernetic Control System in your brain that connects those parts, to work similar to the right side of your body."
"Then I wanted to add your father's computer vision to your eyesight! So your eyes were replaced to look like a human eyes! So your left side of the brain has more bionic implants than your right." Cyrus explained.
"Wow." Was all you could say. You were surprised at what you had, but a few of your questions cleared up. But you still had one more for now, "What about my other half? It's mostly just my mother's?" You asked. "Well, yes and no. With your mother's genes and your father's appearance and traits, together you're a scientifically developed baby."
"Woah, woah, woah, wait! You guys can literally create human beings?!?" Jay buts in and Cyrus chuckles. "We only program, but when her parents asked, I knew a few scientists in that field willing to help!" "Freaky cool!!" You process everything and give him a small smile. "Thanks for telling me. You too mother." You say.
"We all did this because we love you. Please understand that." Your mother says and gives you a hug. "I love you guys too." You said as you hugged her back and let go from the embrace. "And you can still come by and stop here while you're on the mission anytime. You're always welcome here Kirstin." Cyrus said and you smiled and nodded. "Until next time Cyrus. And thank you!" Your mother says as you all wave goodbye and make your way out of the building.
Your mother and Jay went ahead and you walked out next to Zane. You sighed and put your hands in your jacket pocket. "Will you be alright?" Zane asked you. "Yes. It's just...an enormous amount of information I have to take in."
"You will get used to it. I promise you." "I hope so. I'm, glad that I have a part of my father in me, but how I was made...just isn't human." "You are still human." "Just a different kind." "Don't think about it like that." "I'm...trying not to."
"Human, Droid, or both, my love for you will never change." You blush at his words and hold hands with him again. "Thank you Zane."
A/N: Yo this chapter got real deep in the plot. This is pretty much the biggest plot hole in the book! 😱
SO WHAAAA?! KIRSTIN IS HALF DROID?!? Pretty cool huh!!
So! Comment what you all think and leave a vote if your eyes widened and mouth dropped open while reading this!! 😂😁
And if you still have questions about the whole half droid thing, let me know and I'll try to explain it more 😅😂😊
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