~Chapter Nine~
You sat on the edge of the ship's plank, dipping your ankles in the snow. You felt a little homesick even though you weren't far from home. You really missed your mother. You dialed her number since you decided to check on her.
It ringged a few times before you smiled widely once you saw your mother's face on the video chat. "Kirstin!" she says with a grin. "Hi mother! I just wanted to make sure the aliens didn't get to you." she chuckled, "I'm alright Kirsty! I've got the dogs remember!"
Once your mother said that your dogs T-Grey and Maggie jumped on her lap and wagged their tails excited to see you. "Hahaha speaking of which!" she says and you laugh. "Maggie! T-Gray!! How are you guys doing?! Miss me?!" you cooed and they barked.
"I missed you too!! Are you taking good care of mother?!" they barked yet again and you and your mother laughed. "Oh sit down you two! I want to talk to my daughter!" she said as both dogs calmed down and laid down on either side of your mother on the couch.
"How's the assignment?" she asked. You then told her everything. From your research, to the aliens, to the possible theory Jay came up with about the aliens. You also told her upcoming next steps you and the ninja had to do. "Well you be careful dear. You all can do it! Get them off our planet." she said with a smile and you gave one back and nodded.
"So how's the ninja doing?" she then asked and you smiled. "They're wonderful! Very nice and friendly. I enjoy it here with them. Jay's my closest friend here." you tell her and she smiled widely happy to hear the news. "That's great that you finally made some friends! I'm glad Cyrus put you on this assignment!"
"Me too. And well, friendship isn't the only thing I've found here." your mother raised a brow and only smiled wider. "Oh really?" "Mother...I-i've gotten a certain...interest in one of the ninja.." "Who?!" she asks with excitement as she pulls the camera closer.
"The titanium one." you say biting your lip from blushing again. The reaction you got from your mother was unexpected. She seemed, very happy about it. "That's great Kirsty!! I want to meet him one day!" "Yeah! I'm sure he'd love to meet you."
"Tell me everything!" you smiled and told your mother everything about you and Zane. From the researching with him to your date with him yesterday. When you finished your dogs got back up and started jumping on your mother again. "He sounds amazing dear! Well I should go! The dogs are at it again! Probably hungry. You can visit me anytime alright!"
"Alright mother. Goodbye! And bye doggies!!" you said and they barked. Your mother chuckled and waved goodbye to you, "Haha alright goodbye Kirstin! Stay safe!" she said then hung up. You smiled, it felt great to hear and see your mother again.
"And what might you be doing down there?" you heard Zane's voice as the tingling started up again. You turned around and looked up to see him leaning on the deck's edge looking down at you with a curious smile. "Video calling my mother! And what might you be doing up there Mr. Roboto?" you said with a smirk.
"I heard talking and I wanted to see who was down here. And that's Mr. Roberts to you Kristin." you giggled, "Oh right. Well, Come down!" Zane makes his way down the plank but ends up slipping on a piece of ice on the plank and falls all the way down until he's face first into the snow.
You gasp and help him up, "Zane! Are you alright!?" you ask him. He was sitting in the snow for a bit before he started bursting out into laughter. "Hahahahaha! That was rather fun!" you laugh along with him since you had to admit, it was a little funny.
Both of you eventually slowed down your laughter. "Is your funny switch on?" you ask him. Zane opens up his panel to see that it's off. He seemed pretty shocked, "Its off!" you smiled, "Well hey, my father always said, laughter is a gift! Embrace it, it'll set you free."
Zane smiled and nodded, "I guess I also just, feel different things when I'm around you..." you immediately blush and you stand up so you could stop blushing. "W-want to go for a walk?" you ask him. "Sure." he said standing up as well.
You weren't sure where you were going with him but as long as you could see the ship from the distance, heading back wouldn't be hard. You two had small talk here and there while walking. "Snow accumulated yesterday huh?" you said. "Definitely."
More silence then, "So...what's the next phase in our plan? With the aliens." Zane asked. "Oh, we'll start constructing you boy's new weapons!" "Great!" You looked down at the snow with your hands in your jacket pockets then you stop in your tracks with a smile.
"Why've we stopped?" "Would you like to create a snowman?" you ask Zane. "Sure!" he smiles. You two then get to work, rolling snow together to make the bottom of the snowman. "I haven't built one of these in a long time." you say. "Really?" he says as you both start patting the bottom and shaping it into a sphere.
"Yeah. I guess after my father died there was certain things I discontinued doing and certain things my mother and I continued doing." you both then started rolling snow together to make the middle. "When was the last time you built a snowman?" he asked as he lifted the medium sized sphere on top of the big one.
You smiled at the memory, "One day we were snowed in and i was saddened because school was closed. I wanted to learn! Do school work! Take a test! But it was closed so I was bored inside the house. My mother and I were by the fireplace and she was sewing a special sweater for my grandmother. Then my father came in the room, all dressed to go outside and he handed us our snow coats. He was all excited to go outside."
You both rolled and patted together a smaller sphere and put it on top of the medium one, making the shape of the snowman complete. "He told us, 'Why are we sitting inside when this weather is out there! Let's make the most of it!' so we got dressed to go out and we shoveled all the snow out of the doorway to get out the house, and we played in the snow!"
You two put two sticks as the arms on the sides of the snowman. "We had snowball fights, found the sleds and went sledding, and yes, built the best snowman ever!" "Sounds like you all sure did make the most of the winter weather." Zane said as you two put pebbles in the snowman to make a face since you two didn't have coal.
"We sure did! He loved all kinds of weather. Any kind of weather he would play with us in or weather he could pick up my mother and...haha kiss her in it." you chuckled and Zane smiled. "Ahh, I want what they had...But yes, that was the last snow day we had together as a family." "You have fairly a lot of memories of your family together."
"Sure do. I remember every single detail and words said! I have Flashbulb memory." "Impressive! But, I think whatever you and your father did, you should not stop because he's gone. You should continue the other things you stopped doing after he died. In his honor!" "Maybe." you said with a smile.
You two then stood back and took a look at the masterpiece you both did. Apparently building a snowman with a nindroid makes the surface of it perfect! "What should we call it?" Zane asked you. You thought for a bit, "Professor Flaky!" you said and Zane laughed. "I like that!" "Hahaha me too! It'd be irony if he studied how snow worked!"
"It would!" "Should we keep walking?" you asked him and he nodded, then you two were off. "Is this another...date?" Zane asked and your eyes widen. "Oh! Uh uhm...not necessarily, I-i just wanted some fresh air...with you. If you don't...mind?" "Oh! Then yes, I do not mind. I just was just...wondering." "Mhm."
There was a silence again until Zane spoke up again. "It feels really good to not use my humor switch when I want to laugh when I mean it." he said with a smile. "You seem more, natural without it. You are very unhinged, when your switch is on! Haha like that day when you flirted with me!"
You both laughed remembering that day. "That day did not go well!" Zane laughs. "I'd have to admit, your attempt at being slick was pretty funny! Though maybe you should have tried something stupid like, Are you the square root of two? Because you make me feel irrational!"
"Hahahahaha! Or how about, If i could make any compound, I'd make Uranium Iodine to put you and I together!" "Hahahaha! what about, you must be the square root of negative one because you can't be real!" "Hahahaha You turn my hardware into software!" "Hahahahaha last one! I wish I was adenine so i could be paired with U!"
You two laughed and laughed about the many nerdy pickup lines Zane could have said. While Zane was laughing, you quickly made a snowball and threw it at him. He stopped laughing when it hit him and he looked at you. You giggled as you made another one. "I guess this is the part where I throw one back!" He said as he quickly made a snowball and it hit you in the shoulder.
That began the start of the snowball fight. You two were making bunches of snowballs and dodging the ones that was thrown at you two. You had to admit, you missed having snowball fights too. Then while Zane was busy making more, you took one and hid behind a tree nearby.
He looked up and saw you were nowhere to be found. "Kirstin where are you?! You must be hiding right?!" You stayed hidden behind the tree and when he had his back turned you threw the snowball. He quickly turned around and you silently giggled as you hid again.
"You're somewhere here, I can tell! Do not make me use my falcon vision!" when it was time you jumped out from out of the tree and tackled Zane to the cold snow. You two laughed for a bit more then just laid there in the snow looking up at the sky. Well, you were looking up at the sky and you could feel Zane look at you.
He then brought his hand to your face and caressed your cheek. You blushed hard and the tingling started up again. He turned your face so you were now looking at his bright light blue eyes. He smiled, "You're so, beautiful." he tells you but your expression softens and you turn your head looking back up at the sky.
"No i'm not. But thank you for being nice anyways." you said in disbelief. "But you are! I was telling the truth." "I just don't believe it. Never did. Everyone just thinks i'm some...weird nerd girl who's hideous. And everyday I look in the mirror and...I see their point." you say with a tear coming down your face.
Zane sat up and looked down at you, "What they say is ridiculous! The figure or look of a woman should not matter! Don't listen to them Kirstin." he said and you sat up and looked at him. "But-" Zane brought your face so very close to his as if he was about to kiss you. "You're beautiful to me. Inside and out. Don't listen to what anyone else says, stay yourself. I like you just the way you are." He said in a lower tone of voice.
You gave a small smile and closed your eyes as you felt your lips get closer to Zane. Just then, ZAP! You two were frozen stiff! You both were under the control of the Zero Point Gravity gun! You both were lifted into the air and unfroze when you two were thrown and hit a tree. You felt a hard scratch on your skin and you winced in pain at the hard compact with the tree.
"Kirstin!!" Zane said checking to see if you're okay. You slowly get up, "I-i'm okay, but look! Four are coming this way!" "Stay here I'll stop them!" Zane says as he quickly puts his ninja mask on and runs over to them. You look down at your arm and saw your left side's clothes were ripped and you had scratches on your skin, you even saw blood dripping from some cuts.
Zane used his ice element to fight the aliens but it was four against one and the odds were unlikely. They blasted him with their weapons but Zane dodged the blows best he could. You counted and noticed there were only 3! Where was the other one!?
Before you could think about that one, you got blasted again and this time your back hit another tree. Now, that hurt. "KIRSTIN!!" you heard Zane from the distance as he froze the alien that shot you in ice. Just then a silver falcon flew above Zane and it looked like Zane was talking to it!
It then flew over to you and opened it's beak. "Kirstin! Its the ninja! Zane told us what happened! We're on the way!" you heard Jay say and the falcon flew back up to the sky. Well the other ninja were pretty fast because they arrived quickly. The other 3 went with Zane and Jay went over to you.
"We gotta get you fixed up Kirsty!" he says as he helps you up and puts you over his back. He ran back to the bounty and sat you down in a chair on the bridge. "Doh! Where's the first aid kit!" he said as he looked around the room. "Is it in the closet?!" you ask and he opens it and finds it on the bottom shelf.
"Oh haha yeah thanks!" He puts it on the table then gets to work. "Well on the bright side at least ripped jeans are in! Hehe." he jokes trying to lighten the mood. He takes off your ripped jacket and starts treating your scratches and wounds on your arms and hands. "How'd it start?!" he asked and you began telling him everything.
He stopped dabbing a cut when you said Zane almost kissed you. "DANG IT SO CLOSE!!!" he said and you blushed. "Just finish up." you tell him and he goes to check your back. Just then the rest of the ninja come back inside the bridge looking exhausted.
"Well? Did we win??" Jay asks them. "Barely but yes." Cole says sitting down in a chair and resting. "When can we start making our own weapons out of those things?" Lloyd asked. "Well, lets talk about it now. Now, the only thing we can make out of those things are deflectors. So lets brainstorm on what kind of weapon that would be." you said and they nod and start thinking.
"If we are trying to defend ourselves from their weapons, then I suggest a shield." Zane says and the ninja perk up at that suggestion. "That's perfect! But something portable and small, nothing we can put on our backs to make us look like some turtles." Cole says and Jay immediately gets up excited.
"SHIELD GAUNTLETS!! WE CAN WEAR THE SHIELDS ON OUR WRISTS!!" all the ninja cheer at that idea, except for Kai who seemed to make mental notes at that. You winced as Jay went back to dabbing bacitracin on your scratches and cuts. "Yeah!! Great Idea Jay!! We could wear them on our wrist and press a button making them pop out and go back when we don't need it!" Lloyd says and the ninja agree.
"OOH! And we can stun them with like our elements with the gauntlets!! We could activate it when we punch them or something! Like Cole could have a dirt stun blast, Zane can have a cold stun punch, for Kai a heat stun punch, Lloyd an energy stun blast, and for me a shockwave stun punch!" Jay adds to the planning and the ninja get excited yet again.
"Could that be built?" you ask and Jay nods. "Totally! I've tried making gauntlets before! And with Zane's help with a sturdy blueprint I could build it!" "Good but keep in mind, none of this energy can be withdrawn without altering the system to a different form in which the system has a lower zero-point energy. But there we have it! Shield Gauntlets, plus your elemental powers, equals no more aliens!" you say and they cheer. "Sounds great! I'm just gonna go put a pack over these wounds." Kai says as he slips out of the room.
"Yeah me too! Hang in there with the bruises and cuts, Kirstin." Cole says and Lloyd nods and they walk out of the bridge. Now it was just You, Jay, and Zane. Jay stops dabbing bacitracin on your skin and stops to touch it. "Uh...what's this?" he asked and Zane bent down to look with Jay. "Its...silver. Like some sort of...metal." Zane says and Jay nods.
"Yeah, it feels like metal...Kirstin, i don't know how, but you have metal in your skin. You need a hospital..." Jay says and your eyes widen at his words. "No...way..."
A/n: Yup a cliffhanger! More on the way! 😱
And to anyone who doesn't think you're not beautiful or people call you fat, ugly, thin, and you're thinking of changing,
You're all wonderful and beautiful! Unique in your own way! I mean how boring would society be if we all looked like the Kardashians! Like for real, that would suck!
We need different, we need unique! And thats whats good about you all! Inside and out!
So please, put the styling gel down, the makeup, and open the fridge back up! Don't change just because people think you look different. Be you!
-Purple Ninja for president 2020 😂😂😂 🇺🇸🇺🇸 JK but seriously,
I just wanted to add that to the story and this rant here because ik there's still people out there who just need to hear it! 😊
But yeah thats all! Haha stay tuned!
Song at top; Beautiful To Me by Olly Murs
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