TWO: Birds of a Feather
*(Y/N) POV*
My arms prickled with goosebumps as I finally reached the large, silent park. The night air was freezing, but all I had to cover myself was a worn-out singlet and tatty (F/C) sweatpants. I'd used part of my earnings for the evening to purchase some bread, butter and a block of cheese, along with two big bottles of water and two warm coffee cans. I swung the plastic bag in the air as I approached the scrawny lump on the closest park bench and cleared my throat.
"Ojiisan, I come bearing gifts!" I announced, rather loudly, and the familiar lump stirred a little; spluttering a phlegmy cough as it sat up.
"Well, if it isn't my favourite little Songbird! You really don't have to be so kind to an old hobo like me." He gave me a warm, caring smile and I reciprocated. Akitsugu was the first and only person who had actually given a damn about me when I was kicked to the streets. He was well into his seventies, with long, unruly silver hair everywhere but the top of his head, which shone like a polished egg. He had shared what little food he had with me, and always made sure to keep me out of harms way. If anybody deserved to be called a hero, it was Akitsugu. Now that I had somewhat of a job, I wanted to take care of him. He was the closest thing to family that I had, and I needed to keep him healthy.
"I know I don't have to. I want to. Now, how about you use that mouth of yours to eat instead, 'Kay?" I handed him one of the two cans and sat the food down between us; carefully beginning to prepare the elder man his meal.
"You deserve so much better than this, Songbird..." He sighed; bowing his head as I handed him a sandwich.
"So do you, Ojiisan. It won't take long until I can afford to get us out of the park, though! I'm close!" I pumped my fist; smiling wide. I had to keep telling myself that, for both our sakes. Akitsugu used to try to make ends meet by selling flowers to people walking down the street. That was his quirk; Florist. He could create the most beautiful flowers from the palms of his hands, but not many people were willing to purchase anything from a scraggly old man on the sidewalk. Nowadays, his flowers had lost their vibrancy; always appearing slightly wilted and sad. I wanted to keep him bright, even if his quirk was failing him. The worst part of the situation, though, was his physical health. Over the last few months he had developed an awful cough, and he couldn't move about for very long without having to take a break. I was worried about him.
"You really are an angel, my little Songbird. Thank you for caring for somebody like me." He patted my knee with his arthritic hand and I sighed softly. I hated being called an angel, because I was far from it.
"You know, apparently the local soup kitchen is giving out free blankets and stuff tonight...I could go and get one for you if you'd like?" I offered; tearing off another chunk of cheese to pop into my mouth.
"Oh, no, my dear. I need to get these old bones of mine moving unless I wanna end up like the ol' Tinman!" He laughed; a slight wheeze blowing through his teeth. "And knowing you, you'll be wanting to take one of your bird baths in the fountain, so I'll give you your privacy. Just be careful of-"
"Of loose-belted, no good, disrespecting perverts. I know, Ojiisan, I know." I giggled softly; holding my arm out for support as he began to lift himself up from the bench.
"That's my Songbird." He smiled again; his crows feet creasing like the cracks in aged cement. "I'll see you in the next few days, okay? Take care of yourself." There was a faint pang in my heart as I watched him begin to hobble away, but I had to admit his stubbornness.
"You too, Ojiisan. Love you!" I called out, and he turned his head as much as he could to give me another grin.
"Love you too, Songbird!"
Just knowing I can help him with what I'm doing...that's enough...It's completely worth it...
Once I had stashed my food away, I had stripped down to my underwear and climbed into the fountain. It was colder than a polar bear's toenails, and my teeth were chattering enough to make my jaw ache. I kept a sharp eye out for passers by as I relentlessly scrubbed the glitter from my (S/C) skin, and it was all well and good until I was certain I felt eyes on me.
Who the fuck..?!
My head whipped around, but I couldn't see a soul. I covered the patches of fabric that hid my bits and pieces; knowing full well that the material had become rather see-through. Despite not being able to see anybody, I still had that feeling.
"Okay, who the fuck is watching me?! Man up and show yourself! My quirk is real deadly!" I bared my teeth towards the still, silent shadows, but my tough-guy act went to shit when I heard an amused chuckle from overhead. My head snapped up, and I squeaked in shock when I saw someone's back hovering about ten feet above me.
With large, flapping, vermilion wings...
"Don't worry, Sunshine...I didn't steal a peek!" Hawks snickered; staring up into the starry sky as I shivered in the fountain below.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I screeched; stumbling out over the concrete side and hurrying to slip on my tatty clothes.
"Would you believe...a coincidence?" He asked; turning around to face me and flashing a cheesy, toothy smile.
"You have five seconds to tell me why the fuck you followed me...and how you followed me...or I'm gonna scream pervert so loud that the whole of Japan'll hear..." I growled; taking a few steps backwards. Puffing out a rush of air, Hawks lowered himself to the ground; rubbing the back of his neck.
"Calm down...I just wanted to talk...and besides, you should thank me! Some creeper was ready to drag you into an alley on your way home and I; the great Hawks, prevented it!" He said proudly; his protective glasses shimmering in the flickering streetlamps. Just as I was about to ask how he managed to follow me unnoticed, I felt something shift from the back of my singlet. A single feather; familiar in colour, drifted it's way back to it's place on his left wing.
"So...let me get this shit straight..." I pinched the bridge of my nose. "You used your quirk to follow me home from work...stopped me from having a typical run-in with a thug...and watched me have a shower? To talk?" I was so done with men, it was just a joke. Not just regular men...but Pro Heroes.
"First of all...I didn't look. I'm a gentleman, not a pervert." He pouted a little, and I tried my best to not think of him as cute. "Secondly...I followed you to a park. Not home. Why the hell were you in a fountain in your delicates anyway?" I began to walk in the opposite direction; my fists balled at my sides.
"This is my home, you bird brain! Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to be left alone..." I muttered; my teeth gritting as I heard his footsteps follow.
"As a certified pro, I'm afraid I can't do that, Sunshine! What's a girl like you doing out on the streets? Ran away?" He queried; quickly matching my stride, but keeping a fair distance between us.
Sunshine? The fuck?
"No. I'm just like the rest of us. Unwanted. Nobody gives a fuck, so go flap your pretty little wings and go shit on a statue somewhere!" I barked aggressively. He stayed by my side the entire way back to the bench where I had met up with Akitsugu, and I was over it. "Didn't you hear me, you smug little shit?!" He just tilted his head; scratching his chin with a gloved finger.
"I care. Besides, you're kinda like me!" He moved closer; stretching his wing so it laid across my bare shoulders. "Birds of a feather flock together, amiright?" I willed the heat in my cheeks to leave as I felt the gentle tickle, and I managed to shove him away.
"I'm no bird, you dumb...b..bird! Just because we both have winged quirks doesn't mean that we're similar!" I plonked myself down on the cool wood and folded my arms across my chest.
Can't this fucker take a hint?!
"Your quirk...Apart from the wings, your singing voice is hypnotic, right?" He asked curiously; standing in front of me with his hands buried deep in the pockets of his fur-lined coat.
"Not hypnotic...I can well as will movements from the target...but I'm no good with it..." I grumbled sourly.
Why the fuck am I telling him this?!
"That's pretty impressive! You got a license?" He leant closer, and I could smell the scent of chicken, laced with hints of alcohol on his breath.
" didn't even finish middle school..." I admitted bitterly. He hummed in thought; the scritch-scratching of his chin resuming.
"Hmm...that's okay...we can fix that easily..." I blinked in confusion for a few moments before screwing up my nose.
"Uh, come again?" He waved me off as he shrugged off his coat; flinging it over my face quite carelessly. It smelt like aniseed; sweet licorice fresh from the candy store.
Oh no, he smells amazing...fuck...
"You're gonna freeze to death out here. You're gonna come stay with me!" He ruffled my (H/C) hair beneath the coat and I quickly tore it off; jaw dropped and probably one of the most hideous shocked faces ever recorded in history.
"Can you fucking repeat that? I think I misheard the bullshit flooding from your mouth..." I narrowed my eyes as he rolled his; stretching his toned arms above his head.
"I said that you...the ball of sassy gonna come stay with me...the brave, selfless hero, Hawks!" His grin was silly, and I found myself torn between reciprocating or smacking it right off his rounded face.
"Yeah...thanks...but no thanks...I don't want your charity..." I scoffed; trying to maintain my dignity as I slipped on the oversized coat. I was too cold to care.
"Charity? Oh, no, you've got me all wrong, Sunshine! It's not because I feel sorry for you!" His vibrant wings stretched out to full length in some kind of show of bravado. "It's because you're gonna be my new apprentice!"
Seriously, what's with calling me Sunshi...wait, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!
In my shock, I fell off the bench and straight onto my ass; mouth popped open in disbelief.
"Eh?! D..dude, you've got some serious fucking balls to assume that I'll be your fucking apprentice!"
"Thanks!" He chirped; extending a hand to help me up, but I swatted it away.
"Not a compliment! The last thing I wanna be is a hero!" I snapped viciously; clawing at the dewy clumps of grass beneath my hands. Hawks didn't look phased in the slightest, and just nudged his hand forward again.
"Well, at least come with me and we can talk it over? You can get out of those wet, see-through clothes and have an actual shower, yeah?" His dark eyes were half-lidded again, and they kept lulling me back into a calmer state.
"The more you open your mouth, the more I think you're probably just gonna ra-"
"I'm not like that. Cross my heart, hope to die, bake my wings into a pie!" His leather-clad hand was directly in front of my face now, and he could sense my internal conflict by my hesitation. "You'll have your own bed...bathroom...I'll even order you a meal! Whatever you'd like, Sunshine!"
A bed...I haven't slept in a real bed for years...and a meal, oh my I..?
"Wh..what's the deal with this whole Sunshine thing..? It's creepy..." I mumbled; taking his hand and allowing him to help me to my feet. His expression lifted again, and he just shrugged.
"I think it suits you. Anyway, shall we go? Your wings are actually functional, right?" I shielded my face with my forearm as his vermilion wings began to flap a little and averted my eyes.
"Uh...It doesn't work without a significant amount of light...D..doesn't work at night..."
Not in the way I wish it did, anyway...
"Oh..." He paused; folding his wings against his back. "I guess we're calling a cab, then!" He chuckled awkwardly. I kept my distance as we began to walk; having my doubts. But the one thing I hate; more than my life, more than my job...
...was that I couldn't help but think that he was cute...
***Have some random bullshit ✌***
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