Saying that I was nervous would have been an understatement when Hawks dragged me over to the hefty number one hero. His glare was hard and stern, and the flames that whipped across his face made me feel much smaller than I was.
"Sunshine, meet Endeavor! Endeavor, meet the love of my life, (L/N) (F/N)!" The blond stood a little off to the side as I looked up at the man, offering my hand for a polite shake.
"Uh...It's great to meet you...I'm really sorry know...his existence, and all that..." I chuckled shakily, and I wasn't sure if the rise of his brow meant that he was impressed or disgusted.
"Hmm...likewise, I suppose..." Endeavor reached out and shook my hand briskly, almost throwing me off balance. His hand was ginormous, and I was somewhat perplexed as to how Hawks had managed to avoid being beaten to death by such a man. We had only been there for a few moments, and I could already see just how much my partner annoyed him.
"So, how was the trip, my man?" Hawks tried to make some kind of small talk as he grabbed my suitcase from me, giving me that half-hearted 'let me do it' look. Endeavor shrugged his broad shoulders and looked down on him. I didn't like the looks he was throwing around so casually.
"It was fine. I assume yours was also comfortable?" Man, was he bad at this. Laughing, the avian man began to walk off towards the elevator, and I hurried to follow.
"Nothing but the best! First class for my precious cargo!" He beamed, and I could feel the revulsion radiating from the flame hero as he remained standing in the hotel lobby. "We'll be right back down! Just gonna stick these up in the room and change our clothes, 'kay, buddy?" We had arranged to have a quiet dinner; just the three of us, and even though I didn't particularly like Endeavor, I was glad that I could be a part of it all.
Once we had made it to our floor, I followed my fiance down the hall and into our room, which was quaint and cosy. Nothing overly fancy, like the first class seats he had insisted upon booking on the plane, and I was happy that it felt almost like home.
"You...called ahead and requested extra pillows...didn't you..?" I mused, eyeing the ridiculous pile of cushions and blankets stacked upon the ottoman.
"Well, duh! I mean, I know this is supposed to be a business trip, but once the official meeting is over and done with tomorrow, this is going to be a little getaway for the two of us." Hawks placed our luggage up against the wall and jumped into the air, gracefully gliding his way over to the bed and landing upon it in a lazy, almost kind of sexy position. "We could make this our own little love nest~"
The thought had my chest thudding hard. We hadn't been intimate at all since I found out I was with child; mostly due to the fact that he had rarely been home to initiate such sensual activities, but it was kind of a weird thought. I could only imagine how awkward it was going to be if we tried to have sex with my growing gut in the way, but I wasn't about to say no to such an intimate invitation.
"Aw, somebody a little horny..?" I teased, turning to my suitcase and unzipping it from the top.
"Well, it has been like, what, five months since I got to bury myself inside you? Do you know how hungry for you I am, Sunshine?" He was testing the waters, that was for sure; trying to get some sort of flustered response, and it was working. Keeping my heated face turned away from him, I pulled out a modest black dress from my messy collection of clothing. Two could play at that game.
"Starve." My wicked smile caused his vermillion wings to shiver, and I tried to ignore the way he dragged his bottom lip inward with his teeth. Making sure to be as cruel as humanly possible, I began to undress, slowly riding my shirt up and over my head.
Sure, my body may have been stretching and warping in all sorts of ways, but that didn't mean I thought he'd find it unattractive. That wasn't the case at all. Hawks was worshipping my form more than ever, and I could almost feel the heat of his desire as he ate me up with his lidded gaze.
"Fuck...I want to marry your sexy ass right this second..." He mumbled, crawling up the length of the bed so he was right in front of me, almost on top of the dress I had laid out on the duvet.
"Too fucking bad. I'm not letting Tsunagu's wedding plans go to waste. That'd be rude...and he's been with me every step of the way." It has a harsh dig, I knew that, but my partner deserved it. His whining was like music to my ears, and his entire formed slumped down until he looked like a melted pile of clothing and feathers.
"Did you hear that? The sound of my poor heart, shattering and gouging holes in all my vital organs?" He wailed, proving my point that he had an over the top flare for the dramatic.
"Don't die on me yet. I won't get shit if you cark it before we get hitched." I laughed, leaning forward and running a hand over the soft red of his left wing.
"Don't think for a second I won't cry. Do you want me to cry, Sunshine?" Hawks lifted his head and pouted like a child, but he wasn't able to maintain such an expression when he saw that I had stripped off the remainder of my clothing. All that was left was a rather unsightly maternity bra and panties.
Even when I look like this...he still loses his mind...Why did I ever doubt him again?
"Hurry up and get changed, you pelican prick..." I sighed fondly, reaching to grab my clothes. In a flash, Hawks and swiped the dress out from under my hand and leapt up onto his feet on our temporary bed, swinging it from the strap on his pointed finger.
"Can't a guy just bask in the beauty of his wife-to-be for a little while?" He cooed, and I folded my arms over my swelling breasts.
"Sure he can...but not when there's a literal flaming tank waiting for us downstairs." I scoffed, knowing better than to attempt stealing it back from him. In my pregnant state, there was no way I could even come close to matching his speed or agility.
Not phased in the slightest, Hawks tilted his head and smirked down at me, as though he was lining up the perfect shot for his memory bank.
"Is it too soon to call you a milf? Cuz damn, I wanna make sweet fucking love to you..." The way he spoke to me; so lewd yet so loving, had me screaming on the inside, but I truly didn't want to piss off the flame hero any more than he already had. Making sure to sway my hips, I approached the very edge of the bed and extended my hand, cupping the prominent rise of his groin and giving it a frighteningly firm squeeze.
"Call me that again and I'll snap this right in half, okay, sweetheart..?" I forced my voice into a sickly sweet overdrive, and I could clearly hear his startled gulp. "Give me my dress...and change your clothes."
"Y..yes, dear..!"
"...and, I shit you not, I swear his dick became an innie after that kick!" I sweatdropped as Hawks yammered on happily to Endeavor about Miruko's badass escapades, and I stole a glance at the number one across from me. He looked like he was ready to either flee, or gouge my partner's eyes out with his fork.
"Uh, babe...You've got a little..." I pointed to the corner of my own mouth after tapping Hawks on the shoulder, then to my entire face. "God, you're a mess..." I wasn't just trying to get him to leave the table for a few moments. He really did have a sauce facial going on, and it was embarrassing. Laughing, he stood up and thumbed towards the restroom.
"Guess I'll go freshen up!" With that, he left, and I was kind of surprised to hear that my sigh of relief was matched by my company.
"How do you cope, living with such an idiot?" He questioned me, and I wasn't quite sure how to respond for a few moments. The Endeavor was making conversation with me, and it was unexpected, to say the least.
"It's...a challenge...but he does have his good points..." I replied with a soft chuckle. "...but don't ask me to list any off the top of my head. I don't do well under pressure." The snort that puffed from his nostrils almost made me flinch, and I had to hide the way my eyes widened.
Did...he just kind of...laugh..?
"I saw your debut on the news. I wasn't expecting a rookie with minimal training to manage such a mission." Not only that, but he followed it with a compliment. I thought that perhaps I had died from food poisoning at some point during our meal, but a sneaky pinch to my own thigh under the table proved me wrong.
"Uh...well, I honestly didn't expect it, either..." I admitted, looking down at my cleared plate. "Hawks pushed me...So did Best Jeanist...They saw something that nobody else could, I guess..."
This is weird...
Endeavor took a sip from his drink, placing it back down on the coaster and met my (E/C) eyes. His stare sent a tingle of intimidation down my spine, and my unborn child kicked a little to seemingly agree with me.
"Well, if you decide upon returning to heroism after birth...then I suppose I wouldn't mind working with long as you don't bring that moron of yours along." I couldn't help but giggle a little, and he looked a little shocked by my reaction.
"So, where were we?!" Before I could reply, Hawks returned and plonked back down into his seat, placing his elbow on the table and leaning his chin in his hand. "Oh, that's right! I was gonna ask you for a teensie little favour, Enji, my man!"
Oh dear god...What now?
Gritting his teeth, Endeavor narrowed his cerulean eyes and leaned back in his seat, folding his arms across a chest that would take an ant a decade to travel across.
"You're pushing your luck." He growled, but showed no signs of stopping the question from coming. Hawks' hand came down upon my thigh beneath the table, and he shot me a quick glance. His amber eyes were screaming mischief, and I fretted over what was about to come out of his mouth.
"I was wondering...If you'd be so kind as to marry us? Like, right now?"
"Excuse me? What?"
I nearly choked on the food that I had already eaten, and Endeavor looked more confused than angered by the request. Hawks, on the other hand, simply looked smug.
"You heard me, loud and clear! You should know by now that I'm an impatient little shit, so...would you do us the honour? We could go across the street to the pier, make it all romantic and official-like!" This was completely out of the blue. I knew he hadn't thought about this ahead of time, and it was likely he had an idiotic lightbulb moment during his trip to the bathroom.
Hawks never slowed down, and even though I knew that, I could never seem to keep up.
There was a long, almost heavy silence for an age, before Endeavor cleared his throat and locked eyes with my sooner-to-be husband.
"If you're actually serious about this...then I suppose it wouldn't be that much of a bother..." He muttered, twitching his lip in a small snarl.
"I've never been more certain about anything in my life! Come on, then! Let's get to it! If we do this now, then we can get the marriage certificate before city hall shuts shop for the night!" Hawks leapt up and shot me the most dazzling smile yet. I couldn't ever say no to a smile like that. Not that I wanted to.
He's...the love of my fucking life...
It all happened so fast, and before I knew it, we were standing together on the pier, across from the restaurant, with Endeavor towering before us.
"Knowing you, you probably have a speech or something prepared..?" The flaming inferno glared down at Hawks, who just grinned back. I could feel him vibrating through the boardwalk.
"Nope, but I'll take the floor anyway!"
Remind me again why I'm marrying you?!
"(Y/N)..." I was silenced as he turned and took my hands in his. Our skin, pressing together, made the most blazing heat. "There isn't really anything I can say that won't sound corny...but everything that I'm about to tell you is the truth. I love everything about you. Your bravery...your smile...the way your nose crinkles when you yawn...even how you insult me with every name in the book..."
No stop I'm gonna fucking cry, you tit!
"...I never believed in love at first sight...and I still don't. I believe that we were designed to love each other from the very beginning, before I ever laid eyes on your beautiful face...I want to give you the entire world...both you, and our little girl..." Everything about Hawks in those moments was warm, assentuated by the vibrant glow of Endeavor's facial flames. I was fighting the urge not to break down into a fit of sobs.
"What about you, girl?" The number one snapped me out of my emotional daze, sounding less than thrilled about having to be a third wheel.
"H..Hawks...even though I'm yet to know your true name...which is kinda ridiculous...even though you never cease to piss me off and make me want to punch you right in the face...I love you, more than I could ever begin to describe..." I squeezed his hands and allowed myself to become lost in his amber pools. "I never thought I'd amount to anything in life...but, then you showed up...and you gave me something nobody else had..."
Don't cry don't dry don't cry don't-
"...A chance. Meeting you...moving in with you...falling for you...and now...marrying you and having a baby together...I never believed that anything even remotely close to this would ever happen...and I can't wait to see what else lies ahead..." I trailed off, no longer hyper aware that Endeavor looked like he wanted to throw himself into the ocean.
"If that's all...then...Hawks, do y-"
"Hold up there, big guy! Forgetting something!" Hawks held up his finger before diving into the breast pocket of his suit, pulling out a golden wedding band. "Can't forget these, can we?" All I could do was stare at the ring as he slipped it onto my finger, and quickly realising that he had one on his own hand, too.
" long have you been planning this..?" I asked in a breathless whisper, and he shrugged a shoulder.
"In the bathroom, actually. I've just been carrying these around for safe keeping during the last two months."
You...beautiful idiot...
Again, clearing his throat, Endeavor puffed out his chest and looked down at us with steely blue eyes.
"Hawks, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" My impending husband pulled me a little closer and nodded his head once; his ashen hair bobbing in the faint breeze.
"Damn right I do!"
This is happening, holy fuck..!
"Uh...gir...(L/N) (F/N) you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I didn't even care that Endeavor fumbled over my name, and I smiled lovingly.
"I do..."
This is...
"By the power vested in me by the Hero Public Safety Commission of Japan, I now pronounce you man and wife...You may now wait five seconds whilst I leave, because I have no desire to witness you two suck face..." With a loud grunt, our marriage was sealed, and Endeavor stalked away, no doubt back to the front of the restaurant to wait for us to be done with it.
Hawks didn't hesitate. He pulled me as close as humanly possible; minding my baby bump, and kissed me with such mindnumbing vigour that I almost dropped to my knees. I kissed him back with just as much passion, and I had no idea how long our lips stayed connected before we were forced to tear apart for breath.
"I told you I'd wife you up..." Hawks uttered a velvet chuckle as he pressed his nose to mine. I nuzzled him back, barely able to keep my eyes from leaking.
" instead of just threatening you with roombas...I can threaten you with divorce, too..." I joked, and he laughed loudly before swooping in for another kiss.
"Well then, Mrs. Hawks (L/N)...let's go sign this marriage certificate and con~su~mate~!"
***Shotgun Weddingggggggggg***
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