"Why is your wife staring at me like that..?" Endeavor glared at me with sceptical eyes as we walked along the street, with me sandwiched between the top two pros.
"I'm not deaf, ya know..." I huffed, still straining my neck to study his face. After everything Hawks had told me about Todoroki Enji, I couldn't help but try to see past that brawny exterior.
From stats to rumours about the man's home life, my husband had disclosed it all. I wanted to form my own opinions of the flame hero first hand.
"She's probably just intimidated! Right, precious wife of mine?~" Hawks chuckled, slinging his arm over my shoulders. Immediately shrugging him off, I rolled my eyes, shifting a little closer to the flaming tank.
"As if. Maybe I'm already sick of married life?"
I enjoyed the amused laughter that erupted from my husband, glad to see that our banter was still a highlight in his life.
"You two really are sickening..." Endeavor sighed, though it was obvious that he didn't really mean it. There was a touch of jealousy to his gravelly tone, and I kind of pitied the guy. "Anyway, aren't we almost there? I want to get this over and done with."
Hawks pointed ahead, up the street, to the tallest skyscraper. Smiling, he turned to look up at the behemoth hero, casually grabbing hold of my hand as he did so.
"Yup! Right up there! The very top! We can get to work the second our asses hit the seats!" He pulled me into his side, letting his feathers tickle the exposed nape of my neck. "Then, when we're done, I'm yours 'til the midnight hours..."
Yeah...until your hero gig that I'm not important enough to know about...
"Well, I guess I'll head off and look around. You boys don't get into too much trouble, yeah?" A swift kiss to my husband's cheek and a pat on Endeavor's tree trunk of an arm, and I was already several paces back in the opposite direction.
"Waaaaaaaait!" I yelped as Hawks' fave appeared from above, his nose literally skimming my own. "Aren't you forgetting something?"
Pursing my lips, my brow raised in thought.
"Hmmm, let's see...Kissed your chubby-ass cheek, check. Politely said goodbye to the lumbering fire hazard, check...Can't say I'm forgetting anything..?" Before I knew it, my eyes were level with the zipper of his pants, upside down and certainly startling, especially in public. Though, before I had the chance to lose my actual shit, I felt his hands against my stomach.
"Dada loves you, lil' lady!~" He cooed affectionately, attracting a few too many stares from pedestrians. "Remember what we talked about? Don't give mama gas, and don't kick her too hard! I'll tell you lots of fun stories about Uncle Enji and Uncle BJ when we get back to the hotel, yeah? I miss you already!"
Is it possible to fall in double love?
A soft giggle escaped my lips as his face returned to mine, smiling brightly like the sun he claimed I was. If anybody resembled that glowing orb of warmth, it was him.
"Call me when you're done." I sighed, glad that I actually knew where he was going to be for once.
"I'll make it quick, I promise." Kissing upside down wasn't exactly a new experience for us, but it was still one hell of a challenge. Even with most of his affection hitting my chin rather than my mouth, I couldn't have been happier.
I had never been to Kyushu before, but it didn't seem that much different from home. Same kinds of stores, same kinds of people, but it was still a breath of fresh air.
I wonder if Hawks will want to move to an actual house once bubba is born..?
Back when I still thrived off of hopes and dreams, I had imagined living in a cosy little house in the suburbs, with my dear husband, a couple of beautiful children, and a fluffy golden Labrador. Now, those fantasies I had given up on didn't seem so far fetched.
On the same street as the luxurious skyscraper; not even four buildings down, I had found a quaint little store dedicated to all things baby. The urge to check it out was too much for my will to cope with, so instead of browsing for maternity jeans and food stalls, I had ended up fawning over the tiniest onesies that had my ovaries aching for a gaggle of stinky little butterballs.
"Oh, how far along are you, sweetheart?" I jumped as a kindly voice called to me from across the display table, and I looked up to find a heavily pregnant woman smiling at me.
"Uh, a little over halfway there. How about you?" Of course, I felt awkward trying to engage in small talk with somebody I didn't even know. After spending the majority of my life treated like vermin, it wasn't something I was used to, even after my hero debut.
"About ready to pop at any moment now!" The woman laughed, patting her swollen stomach. That was when I noticed the little boy standing behind her, clinging timidly to the skirt of her dress. He couldn't have been over four years old, but the poor thing seemed to be very nervous about something.
I feel ya, kid.
"Well, congratulations! Do you know the gender?" The more I spoke, the more I realised how much older I sounded. It was like I was nearing my thirties instead of my twenties, and it was weird.
"A little girl, so says the doctor! But that's what they said for Benjiro, here!" She nudged her son out from behind her, but he didn't release her clothing. He really seemed to be ill at ease, but I would have been the same if I was only three feet tall and surrounded by flurries of people.
"Hey there, sweetie. Aren't you a charming little fella!" I couldn't help but get clucky. His chubby cheeks were doing all sorts of things to my mind, and I couldn't wait to be able to smoosh and smooch my own child's when they were born. Meeting my eyes, he blinked a few times, ringing that abused material in his hands for a few moments.
"I saw you on tv...You're a hero."
Wow, even people all the way out here heard of me?
"Oh, uh, yeah, I'm Songbird. I work with that big bird man, Hawks." I laughed nervously, brushing a few (H/C) strands from my temple. Benjiro nodded absently as his gaze shifted out the store window behind me.
"He's kinda cool. Is he here, too?" His voice was so sombre for a kid barely out of diapers, but he looked pretty tired to me. Likely a full day of shopping ahead of him, and all the darling heart wanted to do was go home and take a well deserved nap.
Why are little kids so relatable?
"He's up the street, yeah." I smiled, becoming distracted as the boy's mother starting pointing out particular articles of clothing and gushing over how cute they were to me. I barely even registered him speak up after that.
"Good...That's good..."
Time went on, and it seemed like this woman was sticking to me like glue as we wandered the edge of the store, probably realising that I was just a baby myself. It was nice to have somebody giving me suggestions. A great change from having Miss Joke cracking unbearable dad jokes along with my husband.
"Oh oh oh! You definitely need to get tonnes of muslin wraps!" Mio, the execitable mother, waddled along with both Benjiro and myself in tow, pointing out packages of brightly coloured wraps. "You can never have too many of them, especially when it comes to late night accidents! When Ben was-"
"Mama..." The little boy tugged on his mother's arm, stopping in his tracks. "...we gotta go..."
"I know, I know...I promised you I'd take you to see 103 Pomeranians at the cinema, but it doesn't start for another four hours, honey. Let mommy help get her new friend prepared, okay?" Mio gave his head a gentle pat, but it didn't calm him in the slightest. If anything, he grew more distraught.
"'s coming..! It feels all dark and not good! We gotta go! Find the bird man..!" Benjiro whined a lot louder this time, trying to drag not just his mother, but the both of us towards the door.
Wait...This kid isn't just being impatient...
I followed his wide eyes to the front corner of the store, right where one of the little security cameras sat. I pondered that perhaps he thought that people were spying on him, but he didn't seem like the type to let his imagination run so wild.
"Benjiro, honey, Hawks is a very busy man. You can't just bother heroes when they're working, sweetie! Please just settle down, and we can go once we finish up." His mother gave him that look I barely remembered getting from my own. One that told whoever was on the receiving end to quit messing about.
"BUT MAMA, IT'S GONNA GET US!" Tears were streaming down Benjiro's face now, and I was truly beginning to share his panic. I pulled myself out of both their grips, but stayed close to the boy.
"Mio, maybe we should go...I mean, Benjiro is four, isn't he..? Couldn't this maybe be his qui-"
If only I had come to that realisation only a minute or so beforehand. If I had, then perhaps we could have been out of the way before the store roof came crashing down upon us...
***Me, sitting here plotting out just how angsty the upcoming chapters may or may not be, waiting for the panic:
Boy, do I have a treat for you!
The story KINK, by the staggeringly talented duo Writing_Mates_LAB is an actual blessing to us all. I'm hooked, to say the least, and I can't even begin to describe how addicting it is, because I could never do it justice.
I would strongly advise that you be 17 or above to read this, as it is jam packed with very mature, very explicit content. For those of you who are of that age, please, I urge you to read this masterpiece, and give these two talented writers a follow, on both the provided account and their individual accounts, which are provided in the profile bio.
I assure you, it's a gloriously satisfying read... ⚡💦***
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