TWELVE: One Whole Bird
"Suck on this, you double denim douche!" I grinned manically as I slammed my preliminary licence on the table in front of Best Jeanist, who simply stared at it with a blank look.
"Congratulations. Give me a week and I'll sort out your full license." He said flatly; glancing over to Hawks. "I underestimated her. Don't drag her down with you." Hawks bit the inside of his cheek, though he maintained his casual smile.
"Down? I don't know the meaning of the word..." He leant against the mahogany desk and raked his fingers through his hair. "You've read the headlines, right? They say I'm up'n coming like I'm fucking in an elevator." Both Best Jeanist and myself internally groaned at his bravado, but managed to keep our cool; sharing a pitying look.
"Anywho..." The denim-clad hero coughed; slicking his hair back. " two better stay out of trouble. I may be taking a breather from my work...but I'll be keeping my eye on you..." I knew he wasn't really talking about me, but it still made me frustrated beyond belief that he continued to pick on my partner. Hawks just waved him off; turning to begin strolling off down the hallway.
"Sure sure, Jeanie. C'mon, Sunshine...let's go patrol." I gave the fashionable pro a quick nod before grabbing my new license and leaving after the ashen blond. I kept a noticeable distance between us as we walked, and he became aware of it immediately. "Wanna grab a bite to eat?" He fell back into step with me once I caught up, but I kept my eyes trained forwards.
"Shouldn't we be working?" I mumbled; not wanting to be forced to engage in conversation. Not after the night at the cabin.
"If there's anything to be done, I'll know right away. C'mon, Sunshine...just one itty bitty bite?" He cooed; moving to throw his arm over my shoulders.
Well...I could always keep the conversation away from...that...
"Fine...but we're getting (Favourite takeout) this time...not yakitori..." I growled; the back of my neck feeling hot all of a sudden.
"You drive a hard bargain...but...okay! How about a ra-"
Obviously word had gotten out that Hawks was paying a visit to Best Jeanist's agency, and it had travelled at the speed of light. I immediately slipped away and over to a bench by the sidewalk; knowing it would take a while to get a move on. With my head resting in my palm, I watched the young hero soak up the attention. A charming smile here, a chummy pose there - he really was good at keeping the people satisfied. Jealousy was never a word that I identified with before I partnered with the avian pro, but now that I was seeing so many trim, tanned beauties nearly frothing at the mouth over him, it was all too familiar.
"Sure, go ahead."
"Depends on if I find someone interesting."
"Ask me again in ten years, kiddo."
This is so...argh!
Half an hour felt like forever, and I just wasted away; playing strange flapping game he had installed onto my phone. That was, until something soft brushed against my arm.
"Yo, Gusty..." I sighed; using the terrible nickname Hawks had given to his stalker feather. It tapped against my again, and I allowed my little yellow game bird to die. "I'm fine. Go. Your public awaits..." I flicked the vermilion pest away, and, at the same time, I saw Hawks flinch amongst his sea of followers.
Oh ho ho?
Gusty™ didn't leave; it just continued to hover around me like some large, technicolour bug, but I had a devious idea. I plucked it out of the air and brought it close to my lips; smirking evilly.
"Weren't you gonna take me out for lunch, Hawksy..?" I whispered; licking up the length of the hopefully clean feather. His yelp was music to my ears, and I couldn't help but snort as Gusty™ flew straight back to him.
"Hoooooooooooo-kay...S..sorry, but I gotta jet! S'later!" With that, the stiff man speed-walked over to me and grabbed my arm; pulling me away from the confused crowd. "Low blow, Sunshine...Low blow..." He whined; wings still puffed up from his shock.
"Could've been...but you didn't wanna..." I said casually; freeing my wrist and taking to the sky. He lingered behind for a few moments before racing after me, but I didn't give him the chance to catch up. By the time he had landed, I'd already ordered our food and say down in a booth. After unsuccessfully trying to squeeze in beside me, he plopped down across from me with an almighty pout spoiling his face.
"You do realise I only stopped you because you were dru-"
"ANYWAY!" I cut him off; leaning my elbows on the tablecloth. "I met a talented UA student during the exam. I want you to take him on as an intern." He paused before rolling his eyes and kicking back; previous conversation thrown to the wind.
"I only want you, Sunshine. Nobody else takes my interest." He explained; grabbing a straw from the little holder and placing it between his teeth in an attempt to look somewhat cool.
"No, but I really think you'll li-"
"I said, nobody else takes my-"
"He has a bird head." The blond froze for a few seconds before slowly leaning forward as though he hadn't heard me properly.
"He has a what, now?" It was difficult to stop myself from breaking into hysterics.
"Tokoyami Fumikage. He has the head of a bird...and he has a shadow quirk like my night form." I said with a smirk; watching as his eyes lit up.
"No joke? That would mean..." He stared at the table as I tapped his nose to the rhythm of my next few words.
"One...whole...bird..." His excitement was apparent in the way his wings perked up, and the way his dimples dented further into his cheeks.
"One whole bird!" He repeated ecstatically.
"So...will you take him on?" I crept my hand over to lay upon his; a dirty tactic, but his blushing cheeks were worth it. "For me, Hawksy?"
"Y..yeah! Just for you!"
So, that's how I ended up wandering the halls of UA high; trying to locate the stoic first year. The entire school was a labyrinth, and the only reason I knew where to go was because I accidentally took a right turn trying to evade Present Mic. Finally, I found the 1A classroom, and I rapped on the door as loudly as possible.
"Come in..." The unmistakable drawl of Aizawa's voice called out, and I strolled into the room like I owned the place.
"Yo, Eraser. Got a moment?" I asked; hands shoved deep inside my jean pockets.
"'s the pretty girl!" I met eyes with the desperate blond from the exam and gave him a little wave.
"Sup, kid?" Whilst the boy had some kind of starstruck anuerysm, Aizawa approached me; his scarf hiding the unkempt hairs on his chin.
"What do you want?"
Charming as ever, Shota...
"I need to talk to..." I scanned the classroom before I finally found the familiar black hue. "...Tokoyami! Official hero business, I promise. To do with internships." He quirked a brow, but turned to address his student anyway.
"Tokoyami. This woman wishes to speak with you. Don't take too long." He ordered; crossing his arms.
"Oooh, woman? I'm flattered." I teased; starting to walk off as the bird-headed boy followed me.
"Don't be..." After flipping him off like a proper lady, I led Tokoyami out into the hallway.
"I'm surprised to see you so soon, Ms. (L/N). How may I help you?" He was ever the gentleman, and I gave him a pat on the head, simply because I wanted to know if he felt like an actual bird. He didn't.
"Actually, I came to let you know I got you that internship!" I beamed; watching his neutral face light up.
"R..really? Hawks actually...took an interest in me..?" I leant my back against the wall and nodded; enjoying the change in his mood.
"Of course he did! Just...if he starts chanting something about one whole bird...just smile and nod, yeah?"
"One...whole...bird?" If he had a visible brow, it would have lifted, but I just waved him off.
"Don't worry about it...Anyway, I just wanted to let you know! I'll get the little shit to sort things out with Aizawa, so we'll be seeing you real soon, okay?" I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, but I ignored it so I could bid the first year farewell.
"Until next time, Ms. (L/N)...and thank you for this opportunity." Tokoyami bowed politely, and I patted his shoulder with a heavy hand.
"Please, just (Y/N) is fine. I'll catch ya later, blackbird!" After another bow, he returned to the classroom, and I fished my phone out of my pocket to check the text message.
From: Hawkward Lil Turd
- So do I have a bby birb yet?
- Also u should hurry home cuz u have my keys n I didn't leave the skylight open lmao
- Also also I'm taking u out 2nite 2 celebrate! Been busy. So come hooooooooome my Sunshineeeeeee!!! XxxxxxxxxX
I scratched my screen; positive that the exes must have been flecks of dirt or part of the (F/F) I had eaten at lunch, but no. The exes were real, and I felt my cheeks grow hotter than the depths of hell. I tapped out a reply as I chewed my bottom lip; trying to figure out exactly what was going on in that little bird brain of his.
To: Hawkward Lil Turd
- He's MY baby birb, thank you very much you slutty parakeet.
-Finders keepers.
- I don't have your keys. I saw you put them in your fucking boot before we flew to BJ's.
- Fucking dipshit.
As I waited for his response, I began to really study the hallways of the school. It seemed like a pretty decent place; but anything would after being stuck in the ghetto schools as a child. Everything looked so pristine and welcoming, and I almost forgot to check the new string of texts that lit up my phone.
From: Hawkward Lil Turd
- He can b OUR bby birb then 🐦
- Excuse u, Miss TENSHI u don't know anything of my sluttery
- Oh. I 4got about that. Thnx 😂
He was a mystery. An annoying, obnoxious, dwarf of a mystery, yet I found myself smiling at his messages.
What's wrong with him? What's wrong with me? Fucking hell, (Y/N) need to get someone who isn't a complete moron...
To: Hawkward Lil Turd
- If you're insinuating we're married, then I want a divorce. I get baby birb.
- You wanna throw hands, you rooster cloaca? I'll fucking floor you.
- I don't have a choice, do I? Besides, it's always your treat. Nothing new.
- x
I instantly regretted sending him an ex, but there was no turning back, now.
From: Hawkward Lil Turd
- Ouch. Denied.
- The fuck is a 'cloaca'? Sounds like a fancy hat.
- No u don't but U JUST SENT ME A KISS UWU 😍😍😍
I was so caught up in texting, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. Of course, I didn't notice the lanky DJ sneaking up behind me.
To: Hawkward Lil Turd
- Go fly into a window.
- Did you even graduate? Are you stupid?
- Wait. Never mind. I already know the answer.
- And...did you just... UwU? Seriously? I'm so done?
*Bonus: 3rd person*
"Hizashi, I hope this has taught you to think twice about sneaking up on poor, unsuspecting people..." Recovery Girl sighed as she plastered the blond hero's nose; dabbing away the remaining flecks of blood splatter.
"Yes, ma'am..."
***Kay, so I hate this filler chapter but whatchya gonna do? It's 1am on the dot and I can edit this another time. None of this makes sense to me***
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