"I honestly thought Hakamata's design choice would be more..." I paused, motioning to the room around me. "...not this..."
Unlike his rather lavish apartment, the condo he had offered to us was rather bare, and the furniture even appeared to be second hand. I actually quite liked it.
"Crazy good view, though..." Hawks hummed as he peered out the window, eyes sweeping over the beach below us.
He had been almost overly attentive since our little talk, and I wasn't sure how to respond to it. Breakfast in bed had been the start of the oddities, and I knew it would only continue to make me feel like his affections were forced. A man scared of losing something could easily make things much worse.
"I'd say it's time to hit the beach." I announced, fixing the tie of my bikini beneath my (F/C) tank top. "The weather has been getting colder lately, so may as well make use of the heat while we have it." Of course, my husband was always at least fifty steps ahead of me, and I almost began to sweat when I turned to find him already waiting by the front door, a surfboard leaning against his side.
Where the hell did he even..?
"Have you ever even surfed before?" I questioned skeptically, pointing to his new accessories. "I've never seen that thing in my life." Thumbing himself, Hawks flashed me that trademark grin, but it just made me all the more cynical.
"I mentioned wanting to try it to Jeanist before we left, and he had it sent here! Can't be that hard, right?"
I married a fucking idiot.
Rolling my (E/C) eyes, I grabbed my towel and bag full of necessities, shoving him and his board out of the door so we could get a move on. I was hesitant to allow myself to be amused by him, because, frankly, I was still so unsure about our situation. Despite finally having a real name to put to his face, I still barely knew the guy. The winged hero was hiding something a lot bigger than that, and it worried me to no end.
Once we had found a nice, clear spot down at the beach, Hawks was sprinting towards the water, lifting off of the sand every so often as his wings flapped excitedly.
"Get ready to be impressed, Sunshine!" He shouted over his shoulder, seafoam catching in the hairs on his legs once he made contact. Ignoring his yelped complaints about the icy water, I pulled my shirt off, again adjusting my bikini straps before laying down upon my back.
The sun was making me feel lazy, and I closed my eyes, trying to drown out the shouts and laughter coming from all areas of the beach. No matter what I thought about, my mind always returned to Hawks. If things didn't change soon, it would be over. There was no denying that. The strength of my doubts were almost as strong as my love for the man, and that in itself was a terrible sign.
I can't just let him sweep me off my feet again...He has to earn back my trust...
"SUNSHINE! CHECK OUT MY RADICAL MOVES!" Propping myself up on my elbows, I tilted my sunglasses down, spying Hawks rushing in towards the shore atop his board. The bastard was cheating, as a flurry of crimson feathers guided and steadied him from below. His board was barely even touching the water.
"Always trying to make everything easier..." I sighed to myself, giving him a lazy wave to show that I had seen him before flopping back down, bending my knee.
A bit of time passed by, and I was occasionally interrupted by Hawks jogging up to our spot and excitedly seeking praise. I had told him I would only be impressed if he managed to ride a wave without the help of his quirk, and of course he boldly insisted that he would do it, just for me. It was kind of amusing, hearing his loud cursing and whining from down in the water.
"Sorry to bother you, but you wouldn't happen to be Songbird by any chance..?" At the sound of an unfamiliar, slightly muffled voice, I cracked an eye open, staring up at the person addressing me. Whoever it was was certainly not dressed for a day at the beach, with a large, dark hoodie, matching gloves, and a black medical mask over his face. The only beachy accessory the guy had was a pair of sunglasses.
"That would be me..." I confirmed skeptically, squinting due to the harsh burst of sunlight from behind his form. He was pretty tall, and lanky, too. "You are..?" The man held his hands up, tilting his head as though he was giving me an apologetic smile.
"I don't mean to intrude on your personal time, I'm just a huge fan. The work you and your husband are doing for people in need is extraordinary!"
He seems nice enough. Funny choice of clothing though...
Sitting upright, I gave him a small smile, causally brushing a sprinkling of sand from my (F/C) towel.
"Oh, well, thank you. Hawks deserves the credit, though. It was all his idea in the first place, uh..?" I looked to him for a name, and he took the liberty of sitting down beside me, unbothered by the sand.
"The name's Kohei. A pleasure to meet you!" When he offered me his hand, I hesitated. The vibe I was getting from him wasn't exactly bad, but it was definitely suspicious.
"Just call me (Y/N)..." I murmured, shaking his hand, noting the blazing warmth that emitted from his glove. "Sorry to ask, but, why the heck are you so rugged up at the beach? You're looking a little out of place, no offence." Kohei laughed, mirroring my pose of having one knee bent.
"No offence taken. My skin is insanely sensitive, so it doesn't really agree with the sun. I kinda have to hide away in heavy clothes unless I wanna miss out on beautiful days like this one."
Aw, you poor thing.
"I'm sorry, that must be a real pain." I apologised, pivoting a little to face him so I wouldn't seem rude. "So, you're a Hawks fanboy, huh?" It wouldn't hurt to make a little conversation. I was ready to welcome any sort of distraction to keep my mind from wandering to our faltering relationship.
"Well, I guess you could say that we're old friends. He did some charity work in the burn unit at the hospital over in Kamino where I used to volunteer, before the big All Might incident." Kohei explained, resting covered chin in covered hand. "He's great and all, but if I'm anyone's biggest fan, I'd definitely say I'm yours."
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop the heat creeping up the back of my neck. Flustering, I ran a hand through my loose (H/C) hair, chuckling awkwardly.
" Pffft, no...Why me? I haven't done anything special..." Leaning back so one of his hands sank into the golden sand, Kohei tilted his sunglasses down a fraction, looking into my eyes with dazzling halved irises that matched the ocean before us.
"You kidding? You single handedly took down a gang on your debut! You run the largest homeless shelter this side of Japan, and you risked life and limb to get those civilians out of that crumbling building in Kyushu, even though..." His voice petered out when I looked away, my smile dropping into a flat line.
I was quickly jolted back to reality as a hand came down upon mine, very gentle, and patted it confortingly.
"I'm...sorry...I shouldn't have brought that up..." It was obvious he hadn't meant to remind me of the incident, and I didn't hold it against him. Not at all.
"No, it's alright. Can't avoid it forever, right?" I chuckled softly, tossing up between pulling my hand away of leaving it where it was, beneath his. Kohei pulled away, though, adjusting his glasses so blue no longer peeked out.
"So, where's that charming bird of prey of yours? Surely you aren't here all on your own?" Snorting, I nodded towards the ebb and flow of the tide, which had just washed a drenched, frustrated looking Hawks onto the damp sand.
"Don't know any charming birds of prey, but the chicken shit has been trying to drown himself all day." The tall, dark stranger chuckled, and once Hawks looked back towards us, we both gave him a wave.
When he saw us I had expected he'd go straight back to his attempt at hanging ten, not that he'd stiffen, grab his board and fly up and out of the water, straight towards us. Kohei quickly climbed to his feet, offering me his hand to help me up, which I accepted. We just watched patiently as Hawks landed, stumbling and faceplanting in the sand before scrambling back upright.
"(Y/N), what's going on?" There was no way to misinterpret the panic on my husband's face, and I rolled my eyes, pinning it on the fact I was talking to another man.
"Just chatting to a fan of ours. Apparently you and Kohei here know each other?" I motioned to the taller guy, who stepped forward and slung his slender arm over Hawks' shoulders.
"It's been way too long, hasn't it, man? Look at you, all married and grown up!"
Still soaked to the core, the man splashed us as he extended his wings, each individual feather twitching wildly.
"What the hell are you doing-" He stopped himself, his amber eyes glancing to me before he tried to gain control. "Yeah, long time no see...What are you doing around these parts? Aren't you busy with work?" I certainly didn't miss the bite to his voice, and I didn't like it one bit.
"Had some time off and thought I'd do a bit of travelling. Who would have thought I'd run into my favourite pros?" Kohei's mask twitched with a grin, and he released my husband to walk back to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I gotta're really punching above your weight, Hawks! You better be treating her right!"
Well, I guess he's trying...
Every inch of Hawks was bristling now, and all I could manage was a squeaky yelp as he seized my wrist and pulled me away from the man, hugging me to his freezing, wet chest.
"Like a queen." He growled, a dripping wing of crimson curling around me protectively. I didn't like that, either.
"You reek like seaweed! Off!" I complained, squirming out of his grip and crossing my arms with a loud huff, unimpressed.
"Well, I guess I'll be going. You two lovebirds must have a busy evening ahead, so I won't keep you." Kohei chuckled, extending his hand towards me. "It was a pleasure to finally meet you. The tv doesn't do you justice compared to seeing you in person." My cheeks burned as I reached to shake his hand, but Hawks lurched forward, grabbing the man by the wrist and squeezing rather tightly.
"I would appreciate it if you didn't buzz around my wife like a damn mosquito, Kohei..." He said cheerfully, though it was anything but polite. I could see the anger twisting upon his face, and it made me feel extremely pissed off. With a swing of my arm, I smacked my winged partner in the shoulder, causing him to release Kohei and take a step backwards. The hooded fan didn't seem at all phased, and proceeded to give us a friendly wave as he began to walk away.
"Keep up the good work, you two! I'll catch you guys later!" As he strolled off, I waited for him to be well out of earshot before I turned on Hawks, giving him a shove before bending down and snatching up my towel.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?! That was rude as hell, Keigo!" I hissed, spinning around and trudging up the sandy bank towards the condo. In a heartbeat he was jogging on after me, surfboard awkwardly tucked under his arm.
"W..with good reason! D...That guy is a real sleazebag, Sunshine! I don't want him anywhere near you!" He tried to explain, but I wasn't having a bar of it. I knew the exact reason as to why he acted like such a douche.
"Sure. I think I can spot jealousy when I see it, Pigeon Dick." I grunted, wincing as my bare feet came into contact with the scorching pavement. Within seconds, the pain was gone, a six-feather barrier between me and the path.
"I'm serious, (Y/N)! He's not a good guy...Whatever you do, don't trust him, and don't talk to him...Please..." Jaw tight, I turned to Hawks, who was staring at me with wide, pleading eyes. His skin was now a peachy shade of pink, and I made a mental note to freeze a spoon so I could slap it against the burn the next day.
"Why? Why isn't he a good guy?" I asked forcefully, crossing my arms and waiting on an answer.
He went to speak about three times before he gave up, deflating and grasping at his surfboard.
"He just.. isn't...You gotta trust me on this..." With a sharp click of my tongue, I stormed off, husband quickly scampering at my heels.
"This is a fucking joke..." I muttered to myself, shaking my head. If Hawks was so dead set on fixing things between us, then why was he lying? Did he even want to save our marriage? The more I thought about it, the more my chest began to ache.
This really isn't it..?
***I can't wait to see Hawks in the new movie...I'm EXCITED!
Next time: So, you're planning a divorce?***
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