THIRTY NINE: Pleasant Surprise
"I already told you, this is the one thing I won't help you with."
Temper tantrums weren't exactly my style, but in that moment that was the only thing I could do.
"Why not?! I've already made up my mind, Tsunagu! He lied to me! He had something to do with...with...!" I still couldn't bring myself to say it out loud as I balled my fists. "This is killing me...I just want it to be over."
Best Jeanist leaned back in his recliner, crossing his legs slowly, just like that woman from that yandere movie I saw years before.
"By all means, separate, but I truly believe you should sit on this for a while longer before making anything permanent." It took a lot of strength not to lunge forward and tighten that belt of his until his eyes popped out from behind that side-swept fringe of his.
"Divorce isn't a fucking egg!" I retorted, tugging at my loose (H/C) hair in exasperation. "You know what? Fine! Don't help me! I'll go ask Enji!" It really sucked having no clue how divorce worked. It would be much easier if I could talk to somebody older about it without having to rock up to wherever I have to go and make a fool out of myself.
What am I supposed to say? Good morning! One divorce, please!
"I doubt that Endeavor will have a different opinion than myself, but you are more than welcome to ask him." The blond shrugged his shoulders, tenting his fingers in front of the zip of his neck tube. "You requested my advice, and this is what it is. Wait for a while, take some time apart, but don't jump to something so drastic. Yes, he was keeping things from you, but I personally believe that Hawks has done this for a reason. He isn't the type to lie to somebody he cares about without solid grounds."
If I paced across the pro hero's carpet much longer I would end up wearing a hole, so I stopped and ended up tapping my foot.
"Do you think I care? There's no reason that would justify...that..! You know where he is right now? At the apartment! He texted me saying he was grabbing a few things and staying somewhere else! He scheduled it, Tsunagu! Why can he keep to a schedule now and not before?!"
I need to calm down...
" supposed to mean that we're a team. His problems are my problems, and vice versa. I'm a hero now, too, so telling me that I'd be in danger as an excuse just doesn't cut it. He knows there has to be something else going on." I knew I was right when it came to that. It wasn't some skewed paranoia I was plagued with, that was for sure. Even if his involvement in the tragedy hadn't been intentional, it happened, and he kept it from me.
"I do respect your decision, (Y/N), but you need to take this kind of thing at a much slower pace. Separate, then gradually ease back into communication. As a pro hero couple, if any outsiders caught wind of this divorce talk neither of you would get a moment of peace." Best Jeanist made a move to sit up, gasping in pain before he could make it to his feet. In a flash I was by his side, easing him back into his seat.
He's still in so much pain...I shouldn't be bothering him with my bullshit...
"Are you alright? Can I get you anything?" I questioned worriedly, tensing at the sound of his short breaths. He waved me off, but I could see that he was struggling.
"No...I'll be fine...This just happens every so often..." He replied, rubbing at his chest with a closed fist. "Lungs seem to work better in pairs." Frowning, I gently patted his shoulder, wishing there was more I could do. He had done so much for me, but it was difficult for me to do the same for him.
"I'm happy to stay and help you with anything you need, Tsunagu. I can easily clear my schedule." I told him, but he shooed me away with a limp wrist.
"Stop that. I'm not useless. I do appreciate the offer, but I would much prefer it if you did the things you need to do. If I need any assistance I have people I can call." He chuckled quietly, his eyes somewhat smiling. "Go, and don't forget about our lunch date next weekend, alright?"
Nodding, but still unsure, I reached down to give his hand a gentle squeeze before stepping back and heading towards the door.
"I'd never forget something as important as that." I joked, giving him a final smile and wave before seeing myself out.
A slower pace, huh?
I was surprised that the neighbours hadn't called the cops after the volume of my squealing.
Up in arriving home, I had expected to be alone, or at absolute most come face to face with Hawks, dawdling as an excuse to see me.
I had definitely not expected to see my little brother standing in the middle of the living room, coralling my roomba army.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! I'M?!" Flailing my arms about, I didn't think twice as I rushed over to embrace the smaller boy, making him wheeze as I squished the life out of him.
"Hawks organised it with mother and father! He tricked them real good, saying that you weren't going to be around! He had to go somewhere though, so he dropped me here and told me to wait." Suzu explained, fixing his hair as he escaped my hold. "I can come around twice a week as long as I keep my grades up and don't miss any extracurriculars!"
Keigo...did this...for me..?
I didn't want to be grateful. It was obviously a ploy to lure me back in again, but I couldn't help but feel happy. Quality, lengthy time with my little brother without having to hide around the side of a school? It was an amazing gift.
"W..well that's great! What do you want to do, then?!" I grinned, nudging Patricia III away as it tried to slorp up my toes.
After thinking for a few moments, Suzu perked up even more, clapping his hands together.
"Can we go see the agency?! I've always wanted to check it out, and we can fly there, too!" That was definitely something I was glad to do for him, but the older sister in me had to play the part.
"Oh? Do you really think you can keep up with me, Zu? I'm pretty fast." I teased, motioning for him to follow me to the window.
"I may be small, but that just makes me more aerodynamic." He insisted, his use of such a big word kind of baffling me. That would have been my level of intelligence if I hadn't been cast aside, but I didn't hold that against him. It wasn't any fault of his.
"Huh, well we'll just see about that! Let's bet on it. If you can beat me to the agency, then you can become our honorary junior intern. If I win, you have to come take corny family photos with me, deal?"
Snickering, Suzu followed me out to the patio, activating his similar quirk at the same time I did.
"Sure, but you're wasting your time. I'm way faster than you!" Oh, it was on, and for a moment I completely forgot about my marital issues. Pretending to stretch, I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye.
Maybe a small part of me felt guilty for leaving my sweet little brother in the dust, but I still laughed like a lunatic. It was great to see that our parents hadn't beaten the spunk out of him.
"I'm not even mad!" My yelp echoed throughout the sky as a blur of brown and white whipped past me, Suzu slowing down for all but a second to stick his tongue out at me. "Make way for the new generation!"
What even is this kid?!
I was struggling to come to terms with the fact that I was being absolutely slaughtered in a race against an eleven year old, but pride quickly began to swell as I followed after him, trying my hardest to keep up. It took us no time at all to reach the agency, and once we did I had to sprint after Suzu as he jetted inside.
"Somebody wrangle their crotch fruit, please!" I heard Washi screech from the break room, and I finally managed to catch up to the boy. He was in the middle of trying to introduce himself, but I quickly cut in.
"Sorry, man. This is my little brother, (L/N) Suzu. He'll be frequenting the office from now on, so play nice." I warned the eagle-masked asshole, ready to kick him into next week if he started getting mouthy.
"M'kay, as long as I don't gotta change no dirty diapers." Washi shrugged, scratching at the beak of his mask. Suzu began to sweatdrop, turning to me as he pointed to the older man.
"What's his deal? Is he like a special sidekick, or something?" Snorting, I had to physically restrain Washi from pummeling the kid, completely aware of the smug look Suzu was wearing.
Oh my fuck, he's just like Hawks.
A rather entertaining back and forth ensued, and poor Washi was no match for little Suzu, blessed with a big brain and apparently a much bigger attitude. As I stood off to the side, ready to jump in and beat a sidekick if i had to, Shinpi walked in, caredully balancing an open laptop in his hands.
"Hey, I think you shou-" He paused, his longer lashes fluttering through the eyeholes of his gimpy suit as he took in the commotion. "Did Hawks get hit by a youth quirk, or?"
The mention of that name caused my bitterness to return at full force, but I choked it down like a spoonful of curdled milk.
"What's up?" I asked, skirting over the question. Suddenly seeming to remember something important, Shinpi nodded to the laptop, turning it so I could see the screen.
"There's been a huge problem...over at Daika City..."
***Filler to lead to...fluff!
Pfft, of course not. Angst. Just more angst.
But maybe a little fluff.
Next time: That's Quite Unfortunate***
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