TEN: Focus
Two days remained until the exam, and I was in a state of disarray. I wasn't only nervous about the fact that I had very slim chances of passing. No, I was also nervous around Hawks. After the moment we shared on our evening flight, I couldn't even look at him without having to fight off a wildfire rushing to my cheeks. The worst part about it, was that the little fucker knew.
"Focus, Sunshine!" He chuckled as I followed him through the density of the forest; his piercingly bright wings my only beacon. "I know my ass looks great from where you are, but you gotta concentrate!" Gritting my teeth, I spread my satanic wings further; ebony wisps trailing past my ankles and pushing me closer to his boots. Without warning, I launched myself higher; just enough so that I could use his fine ass as a stepping stone to gain more momentum.
"Yeah, it is great! Thanks, bird brain!" I cackled as I left him in the dust. His complaints were drowned out by the wind whipping past my ears, and it felt glorious. I felt free to use this side of my quirk around him, now, and I wasn't going to waste any time.
"Oi! Down to that clearing! The one with the cabin!" His voice finally reached me, and I rolled my (E/C) eyes as I swooped down to land.
"Don't tell me you bought this dump..." I groaned once he had touched ground.
"Uh, no...Inherited, actually. This belonged to my Grandad..." He admitted, making me mentally slap myself.
Think before you open your goddamn mouth, (Y/N)!
Before spending the entire day and evening training, Hawks had announced that he had a little surprise in store. Prior to him dragging me out into the wilderness, I had expected nothing more than the usual chicken dinner and movie marathon, but this was quite the surprise.
"I thought it'd be nice to kick back here for the night. I swung by yesterday after work to make sure we had food and stuff, too, so it'll be pretty sweet." Hawks went on; whipping out a set of rusty keys from his pocket.
"Not to be rude...but you? In a cabin? In the woods? I've seen you skits out over that exact movie before, man...You sure you won't wimp out at the last second and hightail it back to the big smoke?" I teased; secretly admiring the way his ears began to burn a warm shade of red.
"Th..that was just to make you feel braver! I'm totally not scared of anything!" He huffed; kicking the creaky door open and strolling inside.
"Sure, Squawks...Don't think I didn't hear your little run in with the roomba I bought...It's hard to miss such a girly squeal that early in the morning..." I snorted behind my hand; following him inside.
It was dark and musty, but otherwise quite lovely. It was obvious that there was no electricity, and it was kind of exciting. That was the kind of environment I thrived in.
"Look, those things are fucking unholy, okay?! It just...nyoomed at me...Like, right fucking at me!" He defended; that rosy hue travelling down his neck.
"I'm sure Patricia just sensed some mess on your boots." I said as I snooped around; blowing a cobweb from the arm of the wicker couch.
"You named it?!"
"Sure did."
"Why not? You named that damn feather that you use to stalk me..."
"Not stalking! L..leave Gusty out of this!"
As the night went on, so did our playful banter. After a good hour attempting to get the fireplace up and running, we simply sat and chatted about this and that over a bottle of tequila that had been stashed away for who knows how long.
"So, let me get this straight...You didn't help with the Kamino Ward disaster?" I asked with narrowed eyes; sloshing the contents of the bottle around in my lap. Hawks shrugged; leaning back into the wicker with a soft creaking sound.
"Nah...I had my own things going on..." He sighed and kicked his feet up onto the wooden coffee table. I could tell he didn't really want to discuss it, but my intoxication was the one that wanted to push for answers.
"But...didn't you just say that's why BJ is taking a break? I didn't even know until now...but, like...it had to have been pretty bad if he's just...noping out..." I rested my head on my knees; watching him closely.
"Yeah, it was...but you know me...The elites would've just told me I was getting in the way...Besides, somebody had to hold down the fort while they were away." His justification made sense, but I knew he held just a hint of regret. It was obvious in his tone, which wasn't as relaxed as usual.
"They would've just been jealous of the handsome young pro stealing the spotlight..."
Lord and mercy, did that just come out of my fucking mouth?!
Hawks' eyes seemed to pop for a moment, before they settled into a mildly amused gaze.
"I think somebody's had a little too much juice..." He snickered; trying and failing to reach for the bottle before I took another burning swig.
"N..no, but seriously...You saved, what? Seventy people? As a child?! They're jealous, and that's all there is too it. Scared of becoming old news." I said confidently; shifting to kneel. "They should be, too." He watched me carefully; his eyes ghosting over my form and faintly glowing in the warming light of the fire.
"You're drunk as all fuck." He chuckled; shit-eating grin only doubling in size as I pouted.
"Lies and slander!" I barked; mostly focusing on keeping the bottle upright, as he was most certainly correct.
"You're kinda cute when you're smashed." He cooed; removing his legs from the table.
"Well, you're cuter, you dumb ostrich!" I snapped back; immediately heating up to the point of melting my brain into a puddle. Stupefied, he blinked a few times before biting his lip to suppress his laughter.
"How so?" There was a lilt in his voice as he rested his cheek in his palm; waiting for me to reward him with my reasoning.
Stupid stupid stupid stupid!
"Those fucking cherub cheeks, for one! Look at them! It's like you up and tumbled out of a diaper commercial!" I muttered; crawling over his lap and pinching the sides of his face. Again, that smirk only grew.
"And?" He cocked a brow in waiting.
"A..and those dumb wings of yours! Why the fuck are they so bright?! And powerful?! It's stupid!" I raged on; oblivious to my closeness. Hawks leant back so that he was laying down; head resting upon his arms lazily.
"Mmhmm?" He urged me to continue with his low hum, and I was literally straddling him now.
"Y..your hair's fucking soft...Your body is just...how the fuck are you so fit when you're so lazy?! A..and your fucking shit-spewing mouth...I wanna punch it! W..with my mouth!" I was literally throwing up all the truths that I'd tried to keep hidden away. Alcohol has that kind of effect; it lowers your guard and makes you a right dumbass.
Hawks wet his lips slowly; mouth parted and eyes gazing up at me under lowered lids.
"Is that a threat, Sunshine..?" The velvet texture of his voice sent a blazing sensation down from my chest, straight to forbidden places. I knew his game, and I wanted to play it more than anything.
"Fuck you..." I hissed; leaning down and finally closing the distance between us. His lips tasted like the straight spirit shots we had partaken in only minutes before, yet there was a new-found kick to them. It's like I could taste every lick of his cunning, his pride, his wit. I gasped into his lips as his bare fingertips came to brush against my sides, and he took that chance to slip his tongue past my teeth. It was an all out battle for dominance, which I won rather easily; grinding my hips down onto the hardening knot below his belt. His breathy, muffled groan stimulated my senses, and, before I knew it, I was pleading with him to bed me.
"P..please..." I murmured against his sensual kisses. "...I..I need it...n..now...hah...p..please...H..Hawks...now..." I begged; hands trailing down beneath my own body to attempt the puzzle of his belt. Suddenly, his lips were missing from mine, and my hands had been seized and pulled away from what I so desperately wanted. The stern glare that looked so unflattering upon Hawks' face was mixed with guilt and longing, but it was still firm.
"You're drunk. I'm not much better...Not now..." He swallowed; breathing uneven and fast, just like my own. I couldn't believe it. I felt like such an idiot; being led on and then suddenly rejected like that. Without hesitation, I pushed off him and hugged myself; storming off towards the single bedroom to sober up and, quite likely, cry myself to sobriety.
"F..fuck you, you stupid prick!" I yelled over my shoulder; refusing to look at his crestfallen face.
Of course...I'm an idiot...He's a pro hero...he's Hawks! I'm just some homeless little bitch he took pity on...Whatever...It's in the open, now...I have more important things to focus on...Once I earn enough...I can move out...and that'll be that...Right..?
I knew I was neck deep in feelings. I wasn't that oblivious anymore, but I hated myself for it. Mount Lady's words constantly played through my head, about him throwing me to the side for someone better; more talented and interesting. That was just how he was, right? A young, obnoxious kid; soaring to the top. It was only a matter of time. I had to make use of it, so I could keep myself off the streets for good. So I could make Akitsugu proud.
It never happened...It never will...so...just focus!
*Mini Bonus*
"Psssst!" I groaned as something obnoxious hissed into my ear. "Sunshine...You awake?" Scowling and half dead, I rolled over to shoot daggers at Hawks, who had managed to crawl into the bed behind me. His feet were like ice against my calves, and his wings; colour dulled in the darkness, were curled almost protectively around him.
"What the fuck do you want, you seedy shit?" I growled; edging away to rekindle my stolen warmth. He just followed me.
"N..not that I'm scared or anything...but...uh...th..there's a raccoon in the bathroom...a..and it looked at me..." He stammered; quite obviously terrified. I sat up; deadpan expression pointed straight at his defensive silhouette.
"You're kidding...right?"
"No! It literally looked right at me! It's planning something...s..so I wanted to make sure you were safe! S..so, no need to thank me! I am a hero, after all!" He curled up even more, and I was honestly too exhausted; emotionally and physically, to give a flying fuck at the moon.
"Whatever. Lay down and shut up, or I'm gonna go catch it and shove it down your pants..." I threatened; bring my face back into my pillow.
"You wouldn't!"
"Oh, believe me, buddy...I fucking would..."
***Why don't I have a healthy relationship with sleep? Anyway, I don't know what this is but enjoy a filler***
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