ONE: Untouchable
I absolutely, without a doubt, one hundred percent, hate my fucking life...
I sat in front of the mirror; my (E/C) eyes blazing with such hatred towards my own reflection. My (H/C) hair was curled and set in such a prissy hairdo that it wasn't funny, and the tight-fitting corset of white I wore made me seriously believe my organs would soon begin to squish out of my mouth, as though I were a tube of toothpaste. Everything about my appearance made me queasy, as it did every week.
"I hate this fucking job..." I hissed under my breath as I stood up; grimacing once again.
But it's all I'm good for...
The click of my heels against concrete floor was like the ticking of a clock; counting down to yet another evening of utter embarrassment. I despised this job, but I had already dropped to the pits of the gutter, so it was at least a way I could afford to eat. A woman, much older than myself, dressed in identical attire, strode towards me from the stage left exit; bleach blonde hair bobbing against her bare shoulders.
"You've got quite a crowd waiting out there for you again, kiddo! I'm a bit jealous!" She chuckled in her nicotine-ravaged voice; patting my back as she stopped beside me.
Great...more perverts...
"I'll never be able to beat your performances, Yuno!" A plastic smile forced across my face, but she didn't seem to notice.
"I still don't know why you insist to have all the club lights on...Most of us prefer working in the dark." She wondered out loud, and I gritted my teeth.
"Oh...yeah...well...I guess it just...makes the sparkles stand out more..?" I motioned to the ridiculous layers of body glitter coating my skin, and she thankfully fell for my lie.
"I see! Smart thinking! Well, better hurry up, Miss Tenshi*! Your public awaits!" She ushered me towards the stage and I heaved a long sigh. "Plus there's a few pro heroes out there! You could score some great tips!"
(Tenshi is Angel)
I don't wanna do this again...
I shook out my stiff limbs and tried to clear my mind.
It's just five minutes...of singing and strutting around half naked in front of a bar...full of men...and pro heroes...
Puffing out my chest, I stepped out into the plethora of testosterone.
The men immediately began to whistle and holler, and it took almost everything I had to bite my tongue and not spit every drop of venom I had.
Wow, Mic...wonder what UA would think of your night shifts...
The music began; my cue to begin swaying my hips and pleasing the eyes and hard-ons of my crowd. Now, usually, I would have just been another average girl working in a strip club, but my quirk was what drew in the customers. My voice was often referred to as hypnotic. No matter what I sang, I had people hooked; line and sinker. I was often told that I should be some kind of idol, but that's not what I wanted. Fame was overrated in my eyes. I had never been given a chance at regular clubs or venues, but I needed to make ends meet somehow. The real thing that earned me so much attention, though, was what was slowly forming from my shoulder blades.
My large, glowing wings. The angel of Club Mushiatsui; the gentleman's paradise, with wings made of pure light. The word spilled from my lips as easily as my breath whilst I paraded around in what may as well have been my birthday suit; suffering under the gawking eyes of too many men to count. I scanned every single face, just as I did every night I performed. They were hard to make out through the glaring lights I always insisted on having during my act, but; as usual, I saw many familiar faces. I immediately recognised Kamui Woods near the back; leaning against the bar next to pro hero, Wash. He never failed to attend my shows, and he'd often make the cheesiest of wood puns at his own expense. Wash, on the other hand, would just tend to vibrate awkwardly. Native and Godzillo lingered on the sidelines, too, which made me groan internally. The only good thing about the pros were that they were generous with their tips.
Maybe I can afford a coffee after tonight...
As my (E/C) eyes swept across the room, they landed upon a figure leaning against a table on the far left side. His blond hair appeared windswept and unkempt, and the skin of his bare arms seemed to glow as they poked out from his black and silver top. His eyes were literally glued to me, just like everyone else, but for the first time, mine stuck right back.
He has...
I couldn't miss the rich shade of vermilion that protruded from his back; folded comfortably against his body.
...wings...just like me...
I found myself gravitating towards him; still singing, but wanting to take a closer, more intimate look-see. His dark eyes widened as I stepped closer in my ivory heels; my own spectral wings reaching out to clear my path. I wasn't sure why I wanted to get near the man. I knew it wasn't just because of his identical quirk, but I couldn't pinpoint a reason. He wasn't very tall; only standing a few inches taller than me, and he had a light cover of facial hair along his chin and jawline. Once I reached him; still mindlessly singing along to the music, I reached out and ran a pointed finger up his throat to his mandible; making him lift his head higher. I had no real reason for such a sultry move; I never touched patrons if I could avoid it, but I just wanted to feel the heat of his skin against mine. For a fleeting moment, I thought that he could be the same as me. Only a single moment, before...
"OI! HAWKS, YOU LUCKY FUCK! GETTIN' ALL THE ATTENTION, AYE?!" Someone called out in a drunken slur, and my eye twitched.
Hawks...the up and coming pro hero...
As though he'd vanished into thin air, I turned around and made my way back to the stage; leaving him dazed and confused. I was certainly not a fan of heroes; pros or not. During my nineteen years on the earth, I had lost every ounce of faith in them. Growing up, I'd had too many run-ins with the so-called peace-keepers; being taken in for stealing food to asking for their help. They never did. The mere word 'hero' left a rancid taste in my mouth.
Thanks for pointing that out, random drunk pervert...
As I sang the last lyric of my song, I spread my wings to their full span; striking a pose that made me feel cheaper than chips. Wolf whistles and applause made my ears sting, and I finally made my way off the stage; stepping aside gracefully as possible down into the sea of yellowing grins and waving bills.
Time to turn on my charms...
I smiled sweetly as I collected my money; avoiding physical contact as much as possible. It was difficult when patrons were reaching out to try to stroke my untouchable wings or grope my ass.
"You really are hypnotic, Ms Tenshi!" Kamui Woods handed me a few notes; making sure to brush my hand.
"Wow, thanks, Mui!~" I replied in my fake, singsong voice. I had to keep up appearances if I wanted to continue earning money.
"How about I fix you up a nightcap back at my place? I can show you something that puts mahogany to shame..."
I'd rather choke on a used condom than risk getting splinters all up between my legs, thanks, buddy...
"Sorry, hun, but I've got plans tonight. Maybe next time..." I gave him a sly wink as I moved over to Wash, who nervously nudged another few bucks my way. "Enjoy the show, sweetie?" The number eight pro vibrated for a few moments before a thick rush of soap spurted from his top, making me take a step back.
Did he just'd rather not know the answer to that...
I got way from them as quickly as possible; internally screeching as I flicked off some stray suds that had landed on my thigh. Half of my tips had phone numbers and addresses scribbled on them, which made it difficult to not roll my made-up (E/C) eyes, but that's how my life was. A great big kick in the metaphorical nuts. I couldn't understand why my breath got all caught up in my throat when I approached the winged hero named Hawks. His eyes were no longer wide, but hooded as he watched me saunter up to where he stood; his chin resting in his gloved hand.
"How's it going?" He asked casually as I came to a halt. His offhand demeanour took me off guard, as I didn't seem to get any sleazy vibes from him at all.
"Better now that I'm talking to you, honey..." I purred; feeling so disgusted with my compulsory act. He gave me a few lazy blinks before he let out a strange, spluttering laugh; reminding me of a soggy, deflating balloon.
"'re really something else, aren't you? What's your name?" He held out his hand and I just stared at it; confused and a little unnerved by his reaction. "Aww, come on. I don't bite!"
"Sorry rules. We can't get touchy with the patrons..." I lied through my teeth as I clasped my hands behind my back, below my perked wings.
"Does that mean the last four girls are gonna get fired? Cuz I'm pretty sure they were all over everyone..." He hummed knowingly; seeing straight through my lies.
This little shit...
"Sorry, I mean I can't get touchy..." My tone faltered a little, but I maintained my pristine smile.
"I hear ya loud and clear, sweetheart." He chuckled; tilting his head to the side. "It's great to see a fellow avian quirk-holder, though. Maybe we could catch up some time?" Again, I didn't seem to pick up any malintent, but my nerves began to kick into overdrive.
"Perhaps. You know where to find me." I nodded my head and turned to retreat backstage when I was stopped by something small and incredibly strong; pushing against my stomach. It was a single, vermilion feather.
"Technically I'm not touching you, right?" I snapped my head around and lifted a brow at the cheeky pro, who was waving around a wad of bills. "You forgot your tip!"
Holy fuck on a truck! That's gotta¥!
Biting my lip, I fully turned and held out my hand, but he lifted the money higher into the air. I could have reached it if I really tried; he wasn't that much taller than me, but I was curious.
"I wanna know your name, first!" He announced. Payment for my name. I hesitated, but the dangling cash in front of me was just too tempting to refuse.
"(L/N)..." I mumbled; giving him an exasperated glare before reaching out again to take my earnings. He lifted it even higher; tutting and wagging his gloved finger in my face.
"And...I'd like to touch your wings! Just for a second!"
Just what kind of a kink do you have, you overgrown chicken?!
Gritting my teeth, I again looked between him and my chance of actually having a hot meal and a new change of clothes for once.
"F..fine...for one second..." I muttered sourly; stretching out my glowing appendage and averting my eyes. He handed me the money and stretched out his hand, and I could feel the tingling sensation of his fingers brush through the light of my wings. He was silent after that, and I immediately began to strut away; shoving the money down my exposed cleavage and trying to shake the tingles away. "Seeya, sweetie..."
*Hawks POV*
They felt...
I stared at my bare hand; I had taken the glove off so I could feel (L/N)'s glowing quirk, and swallowed some strange feeling that had begun to creep up my throat.
My fingertips were red from the heat, and I flexed them a few times; savouring the warmth. I had never seen a quirk quite like hers before. I wondered if they were functional. I wondered about what downfalls it may have. I wondered about how that angelic voice would sound in a breathy whisper close to my ear.
Calm down, step at a time...
Once I looked up, I only managed to catch one final glimpse of her face as she slipped past the curtain; her wings already beginning to dissipate into nothingness. I had only intended on killing a few hours at the highly recommended club so I wouldn't wither away from boredom on my night off, but I had stumbled across something incredible. Someone.
She's like...the sun...
Hot. Fiery. Untouchable. Something I needed to get close to. I needed to know more about the elusive woman who had instantly peaked my interests.
"Well then, (L/N)...I'll be seeing ya..."
***Thank you to everyone who gave me quirk ideas - I loved all of them, but I wanted something that was kind of identical to our baby Hawks. There's more to it, but that shall be revealed later. This will have slow updates until I finish Irascible (just a reminder). I'll possibly update chapter 2 sooner than I thought because I just had an idea.
Anyway, basically (Y/N)'s quirk (so far) is wings formed/fuelled from light particles (both natural and non) and are hot to the touch. They are formed by will, so she can just walk around without them. Her voice is kind of like a siren; it can daze and almost hypnotise any living being, male or female; kind of like a siren. I'm not sure what to the name the quirk, so suggestions are welcome!***
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