FIFTY NINE: Smoke Break
Two weeks in, and my patience was wearing thin.
Dabi had me carry out such pointless tasks. Laundry, cooking, carrying insults back and forth between him and the members he wanted to pick fights with. It was tedious, and the fact that I barely got a moment alone with Hawks made it that much worse. It was like they were actively trying to keep us separated.
"This is slavery and I want to speak to my lawyer..." I complained bitterly, glaring at nobody in particular, seeing as Dabi was absent from the room. I was standing by a rack strung with damp clothing, my wings stretched out and acting like a heater to make them dry faster. The rain was pelting down outside, and everyone thought that today would be the perfect day to do laundry.
"Quit complaining!" Twice snapped, immediately giving me a perky thumbs up. "You're doing such a great job! Thank you for all your hard work, Birdy!" Rolling my eyes, I threw in the towel, curling my wings into my back before deactivating my quirk.
"It's not fair. I just wanna help..." I threw on a pout, plopping down onto the armrest of the chair the villain was seated in. "I'm not a housemaid, Jin. Does Dabi really think that little of me?"
Yeah, it was low, getting all chummy with the kindest, most oblivious villain, but I genuinely liked Twice as a person. He always greeted me with excitement, and did his best to make me feel comfortable.
"He just doesn't know how to treat a lady, obviously! He's an asshole! Totally a nice guy, so just talk to him about it!"
The fact was, I had, to a degree. Dabi and I had gotten kind of close since my arrival, but it wasn't enough. He was a tight lipped son of a bitch, which meant I really needed to step up my game.
"Know where he's at, then? I'll go give him a piece of my mind!" Acting tough, I hopped up, cracking my knuckles, which hurt a lot more than I had intended.
"He's at I have no idea! Try anywhere bright, light and happy! Wait, no, I mean dark, dank and dreary. My bad." Giving my new friend a pat on the head as I passed, Ieft my task, ready to scour the mansion high and low. However, not many places really fit Twice's suggestion. The place was cleaner than most, not to mention huge.
Well, it's raining. I'm gonna try outside. At least it's an excuse to get fresh air.
Little did I know, that's exactly where he was. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I walked out one of the back doors, catching him squatting beneath the thin cover of the overhang of the roof.
"Shit! Dammit, you scared me!" I snapped, clutching my chest as the ravonet glanced over to me.
"Story of my life." He chuckled dryly, taking a draw of his poorly rolled cigarette. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure? You miss me so much you had to hunt me down?"
Internally gagging, I sidestepped to get closer to him, hands behind my back as I glanced out at the pouring rain.
"Would...that be such a bad thing..?" When he scoffed, I made a mental note to punch myself in the face later on.
"So it's either a complaint, or you've got a message for me. If it's that knife-wielding lunatic asking for a blood sample again, tell her she can wait until I get my first period."
Puffing my cheeks into a pout, I kicked my foot out, splashing a puddle out into the grass.
"Is it so hard to believe I just wanna hang out? I'm bored, Dabi. You've got me playing Stepford Wife in there, and it blows." I sighed, struggling not to choke from the cloud of smoke that wafted from the cherry of his cigarette.
"I mean, what type of blow are we talking here? Spit or swallow? Big difference." Oh god, he made me sick, but I was lucky my mind was just as quick to form a sassy, yet purposely flirtatious response.
"It really depends on who..on what I'm doing..." Sneaking another glance, I could see I had a nibble at the end of my line once more, and this time I hoped to really reel him in.
Standing up, Dabi flicked his cigarette out into the elements, moving closer until he nearly had me backed up against the wall.
"Well, you're doing it for me, so which is it?" I could smell the nicotine on his breath, and it took almost too much not to try and kill him then and there.
My fingertips brushed against the rough bricks behind me, and I lifted my chin a little, refusing to show any kind of fear or disgust.
"Oh? Did you wanna find out..?" He was such a waste. He was strong, he was capable, and he had such incredible eyes. If he hadn't been the reason for my pain and suffering, I would have pitied him.
Those azure eyes searched mine for a while, and I waited patiently for the bite. The air was chill, and my skin prickled with goosebumps, but that was good. It added to my little charade.
"Tsk tsk, sweetheart. What would your darling husband say?" He purred in his raspy voice, leaning in a little too close to my face. "Maybe I should keep letting you get bored and see what comes of it, hmm?"
Keep your cool, (Y/N)...You've done this a thousand times...He's just like every other creep you've used and been used by...
But he wasn't. He was the creep who had been the ultimate cause of my living hell. His suffering wouldn't heal me, but it would be a pleasant experience, nonetheless.
"Come on, Dabi...Please..?" Reaching out, I grasped the scooped neck of his white shirt, and that was when I knew I had made progress.
His pulse gave him away. I could feel it pounding from such a light touch. Now, all I needed was to keep him hooked.
"Do I look like the kind of guy who falls for begging..?" He asked with a smirk, pressing me up against the wall completely. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just kill you and find a new assistant."
Was I intimidated? Yes. I'd seen photos of Dabi's aftermath, and they had been some of the most unsettling pictures I had ever seen, but I was committed.
"Do it, then." I dared him, raising my chin defiantly. "Perhaps an eternal romp in hell would be less of a bore." Closer he came, and composed I remained, despite the blazing urge to rip his throat out with my own teeth.
"Don't be like that, sweetheart. I never said I wasn't interested...Actually, the begging makes it more tempting...Is that what you're trying to do? Tempt me? Seduce me, so you can lower my guard and stab me in the back? I know you heroes love to do that." His breath was bittered by nicotine, and his lips were too close to scraping against my own, but still, I stayed in character.
The rain began to get heavier, the splashback hitting against our ankles, and likely the villain's back.
"You really think I give a shit about hero culture? The people who let me starve and be screwed over for almost my entire life? Sure, I love Hawks. He fed me, clothed me, put a roof over my head...but you've heard what people say about him, right? That he's too fast?" My hand crept up from the neck of Dabi's shirt, just a little, so that my fingers brushed against his coarse, grafted skin. "I need to be with a man who can fuck longer than it takes to have a morning stretch..."
I'm sorry, Keigo...Didn't wanna do that to you...
A genuine chuckle, much different to his usual, sarcastic snickering, told me I was doing well. Maybe too well. His knee didn't feel right as it pushed up between my legs, but luckily my gasp was shaky, and easily miscommunicated.
"Oh, I'm sure I could meet such an expectation..." His whisper died out as he closed the gap I never wanted to, his lips an equal split between velvet and worn leather. Nothing had disgusted me as much as that feeling, but even if that was the case, I kissed him back.
"Now I'm glad I skipped lunch..."
Dabi grunted in frustration as he pulled back, turning to glare at Trumpet, one of the other high-class members I had been lucky enough to avoid.
"I'm a bit fucking busy. What?" The lieutenant rolled his eyes as he leaned against the door frame, adjusting his glasses.
"Geten has been looking for you. He wishes to discuss a few things. He was planning on sending a message through your little gopher, but she's obviously on break..." His tone made me want to sock him right in the face, but I stayed quiet. I had to choose my battles.
"Whatever. Tell the frosty little shit I'll be there in a sec..." Dabi sighed, taking a small step back from me. "Piss off." Trumpet, although visibly annoyed, did as he was told, and again I was left alone with the person I despised most.
"Rain check, then, I guess..?" I chuckled, tucking a loose (H/C) strand behind my ear.
"Mmm..." Dabi hummed, digging in to his pockets, pulling out a tobacco pouch and some papers, beginning to roll another cigarette.
"Then...should I get back to scrubbing the skid marks out of Spinner's underwear, or..?" I moved to step towards the door, but Dabi kicked his leg out, his foot hitting against the wall and blocking my way. Rolling the cigarette part way, he reached out to me with a pointed finger, eyes dark and somewhat eerie.
"Suck." The mere thought of having anything more than just his lips near my mouth nearly sent me into a gagging fit, but, stubborn and proud, I did what I was ordered to do. This was work. Nothing more, nothing less, if I didn't count my want of violent revenge. Knowing that the finger in my mouth, that was being caressed by my tongue, had been involved in so many murders was horrific. Seeing the arousal on his face, the same face that had been the last thing so many people had seen, made my stomach lurch. Seeing him made me want to stoop to his fucking level.
Mark my words, Dabi...I will destroy you...
"Good girl..." Dabi murmured as he removed his finger, the wet sound it made echoing in my ears. He proceeded to use my saliva to seal the cigarette before placing it between his lips, igniting it with the same finger. The flash of cerulean that glowed against his mismatched skin painted a picture in my mind. An image of death and hatred towards the world. My hatred towards him. I almost yelped as I was startled back into the real world, the cigarette having been transplanted from his lips to mine. "Take the rest of the day off. Come find me if the boredom becomes too much to handle..."
The relief of him leaving should have at least settled me a little, but it didn't. The insufferable itch of his kiss, and the vile taste of his finger in my mouth couldn't be eased by the raw sting of unfiltered nicotine. Inhaling a deep wave of smoke, I fell back against the wall, slipping down until I met the ground, staring dead ahead at the murky, dreary weather that couldn't even hold a candle to my foul mood.
You have to do it, (Y/N). For the people...For Keigo...but most importantly, you have to do it for her...
***I shaved all my hair off and look like a fuzzy egg.
Next Time: Over Easy***
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