"Up! Upup! Uppy!" I choked out a wheeze as something crashed down upon the middle of my back, a tuft of my hair being yanked backwards and waking me right up.
"Oh no! Am I being jumped by a big, bad villain?!" I gasped loudly, folding my wings inward and smothering my attacker. The fit of giggles that followed made my heart soar, and before I knew it, a bubbly, upside down face was peeking at me from over the top of my head.
"Dadi too sweepy! Dadi cwishmas! Uppy!" Another round of giggles filled the room as I sat up, making sure that I was holding my daughter's underside so she wouldn't tumble off.
"Oh? Is it Christmas already? Are you sure?" I trailed off into a grunt as I climbed off the bed, not bothering to ask for a pause in our game so I could whip on a shirt.
"Silly dadi!" The small child upon my back swatted me with chubby hands, deciding to then wrap her arms around my neck. "Mama coppee for dadi! I pashent!" Padding along, I wandered out of the room, the fresh scent of coffee swirling through the air and making my mouth water. When we finally reached the kitchen, I couldn't help but allow that soft, loving smile stretch across my face when I saw my wife mid-pour.
"Merry Christmas, my beautiful Sunshine~" I sang in my usual tonedeaf voice, and she turned to me, her (E/C) eyes brightening when she saw me with our toddler on my back.
"Merry Christmas, you sleepy buzzard. Ş̵͚̲̲̗̿u̵̪̼̪͍̍͆̓͝z̶̡̀̂͛͒͝ǘ̴̱̦̝͠͝ͅm̶̘̰̳̰̀̈́ẹ̷͚̫̓, give daddy a break, okay? I got you some juice." (Y/N) waved a sippy cup in the air, and I nearly had a heart attack as our little girl tried to vault over the top of my head. Using my quirk, I made her a small carpet of feathers, safely flying her across the room.
Once she was happily clinging to her juice, she grinned ear to ear, clumsily jogging on the spot.
"Fankoo mama! Pezants, pezants!" Snorting, I mimicked her movements, balling my hands into fists and waving them in front of myself as I crouched lower.
"Pezants, pezants!" Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) approached us, handing me my coffee to get me to quit my childishness.
"Okay, okay, I get the hint. We still have to wait for Uncle BJ, though, so you can only have your stocking for the moment, okay?" She didn't have to say it twice. All we could keep track of was a flurry of wavy blonde as Ş̵͚̲̲̗̿u̵̪̼̪͍̍͆̓͝z̶̡̀̂͛͒͝ǘ̴̱̦̝͠͝ͅm̶̘̰̳̰̀̈́ẹ̷͚̫̓ jetted off into the living room.
This is perfect.
Smirking to myself, I placed my coffee down onto the kitchen counter, gently tugging my wife into my chest and kissing at the side of her neck.
"Y'know...this is bliss, but I think she deserves a little brother or sister, don't you..?" Letting out an airy chuckle, (Y/N) batted me away a little, leaning in to peck at my lips.
"Let's touch on that more when Fuyumi sits her tomorrow night, hmm?" She teased, causing my skin to prickle.
"I would much rather touch on you, but I guess I'll have to wait..."
Before she could respond, an ear-ripping squeal nearly shattered the windows, and without a second to lose (Y/N) and I sprinted to the source. There, we found Ş̵͚̲̲̗̿u̵̪̼̪͍̍͆̓͝z̶̡̀̂͛͒͝ǘ̴̱̦̝͠͝ͅm̶̘̰̳̰̀̈́ẹ̷͚̫̓ kneeling on the carpet, clutching one of her stocking stuffers to her chest.
"Baby, what's wrong?! You nearly made me pee!" (Y/N) sighed in relief, seeing that she wasn't hurt. Turning to face us, my panic eased into amusement when I saw her grinning.
Proudly, she held up the small Endeavor action figure, vibrating with excitement. She was right. It did indeed have a rather voluptuous, plastic derriére. I made a mental note to send a photo of it to the man himself.
"Oh, you like your Uncle Enji toy?" I crouched down beside her and ruffled her hair, which looked so similar to my own. "You'll be seeing him tomorrow when Aunty Fuyumi picks you up!"
Ş̵͚̲̲̗̿u̵̪̼̪͍̍͆̓͝z̶̡̀̂͛͒͝ǘ̴̱̦̝͠͝ͅm̶̘̰̳̰̀̈́ẹ̷͚̫̓ cheered gleefully, smooching the action figure and focusing on that instead of her other tiny presents. I remained with her when a knock sounded on the door, and in minutes Best Jeanist walked in with (Y/N), clad in vibrant, red denim.
"UNGLE BEEJ!" The little spitfire nearly tripped over her own feet as she spring up, toddling over to the pro and slamming into his leg, knocking herself onto her own butt before standing up again, hugging his calf. "Mewwy Kissmash!"
"And a merry Christmas to you, too, little one. Come on, let me sit down and give you a hug." Everything felt so right as I watched my daughter climbing into Best Jeanist's lap, bubbling with joy as he pulled out a darling little music box, painted the same hue as my own wings. We continued on, exchanging gifts and fawning over the small child, who was having the time of her life.
"Now, this last one is a super special present from mama and daddy, Ş̵͚̲̲̗̿u̵̪̼̪͍̍͆̓͝z̶̡̀̂͛͒͝ǘ̴̱̦̝͠͝ͅm̶̘̰̳̰̀̈́ẹ̷͚̫̓. You ready?" (Y/N) brought a large box to her attention, and her jaw almost hit the floor. Nodding wildly, the toddler flailed her arms about.
"Ya ya ya ya! Ready mama!" Scooting towards her on my knees, I tapped the top of the box, avoiding the giant (F/C) ribbon.
"Then have at it, Starshine!"
Look at my girl go!
It was a hoot watching our fumbling two year old rip into the glossy wrapping paper, and even Best Jeanist snorted as he filmed the sight on his phone. Both (Y/N) and I had to help her a little, much to her dismay, but once she finally managed to get inside, her (E/C) eyes began to absolutely sparkle.
"BUPPY!" Of course, a two year old wouldn't have noticed the air holes, and we had sneakily turned the radio way up so she wouldn't hear the little (F/dog breed) puppy thumping it's tail against the cardboard. I had to hand it to (Y/N), she certainly knew how to keep a surprise.
"Do you like him, honey?"
Squeaking in absolute delight, Ş̵͚̲̲̗̿u̵̪̼̪͍̍͆̓͝z̶̡̀̂͛͒͝ǘ̴̱̦̝͠͝ͅm̶̘̰̳̰̀̈́ẹ̷͚̫̓ welcomed the puppy into her arms, getting knocked over in the process.
"LUB LUB LUB!" Her shrieking cackles filled me with joy as she accepted every lick and nudge from the pup, who seemed equally excited.
"It's definitely her favourite." The denim dressed blond sighed happily, making sure he was capturing the sweet moment for us.
"It's up to you to name him, Starshine!" I explained, reaching over to steal a quick pat. "Any ideas?" Anyone who has experienced a toddler's thinking face would know that it was one of the most adorable expressions to ever be expressed, and I thought I was going to explode with love.
"BIRDY!" Ş̵͚̲̲̗̿u̵̪̼̪͍̍͆̓͝z̶̡̀̂͛͒͝ǘ̴̱̦̝͠͝ͅm̶̘̰̳̰̀̈́ẹ̷͚̫̓ finally shouted, being boofed back onto the carpet again.
Exchanging a heartmelting look with my wife, I nodded, giving her a thumbs up.
"Birdy it is!" We said in unison, continuing to watch our daughter play with her new best friend. We just stayed like that for a while, us adults catching up and the little ones; both furry and not, playing by the Christmas tree.
"Okay, sweetie, I think it's time I got Birdy some water. Do you wanna come help, or do you want to stay with daddy and Uncle BJ?" (Y/N) addressed her after a while, and I awed at that same expression of deep thought again.
"Stay stay!" It took a while, but (Y/N) finally managed to lure the rambunctious puppy out of the room, out to where she had already set up a bed and bowls.
Ş̵͚̲̲̗̿u̵̪̼̪͍̍͆̓͝z̶̡̀̂͛͒͝ǘ̴̱̦̝͠͝ͅm̶̘̰̳̰̀̈́ẹ̷͚̫̓ went back to playing with her Endeavor and her other presents, and I sat on the floor beside the arm chair where my old friend was seated.
"She's really a chip off the old block. Your energy and (Y/N)'s features...thank goodness..." Jeanist teased, earning a jesting scoff from me.
"You can't see it, but under that onesie she's sprouting her very own wings!" I was whirring with excitement, eager for the day I could begin teaching her to fly. "Little silver ones!"
"The avian bloodline continues, and I can already tell she's going to make a magnificent hero, if that's what she chooses." The blond mused, grunting as he moved to stand up. "I'll be back in a moment. I left my duffel in my car." Blinking, I looked up at him, quirking a brow.
"Duffel..?" I repeated, and he nodded once, already halfway out of the room.
"Yes. Duffel. Hair products, because I do recall promising Ş̵͚̲̲̗̿u̵̪̼̪͍̍͆̓͝z̶̡̀̂͛͒͝ǘ̴̱̦̝͠͝ͅm̶̘̰̳̰̀̈́ẹ̷͚̫̓ that I would do her hair the next time I saw her."
I don't...remember that...but okay!
After Best Jeanist had left, the little blonde girl bounded over to me, launching herself into my lap.
"Dadi, snuggle! Thank dadi toys!" She cooed, wrapping her arms around my neck like she had done earlier that morning.
"You're welcome, Starshine! Only the best for my little girl!" I hugged her back, but I wasn't sure why I felt the need to hold her so carefully. I wanted to squeeze her, but something in the back of my mind told me that she might break.
After a few minutes, she wiggled further up, her face right beside my ear, her warm breath tickling me and smelling of fresh juice. For the longest time she said nothing, but when she finally did speak, my blood began to run ice ice cold.
"Daddy, why did you kill me?"
Time froze. The entire world fell apart, and all that was left was the two of us, surrounded by nothingness.
"Wh..what..?" I could barely speak. Her voice had changed so suddenly; so drastically, but I couldn't move back to look at her. Something was screaming inside my head that I shouldn't.
"Why did you kill me, daddy? You knew what was going to happen."
Her skin was no longer warm. It was ice cold, and it frosted me to the core. No longer was unruly blonde fluffing into my eyes, and I felt her nails digging into my back as she held onto me.
", wait...This...isn't right..." It was like I was drowning again. Like that day. No, what day? Nothing bad had ever happened to us. We were happy.
"What about mama? Do you know how much pain she's in? You did that to her. You ruin everything you touch. Like a disease."
Finally, I found the power to pull her back, immediately regretting my decision. There was no face belonging to my beautiful baby girl. I couldn't even remember what I had been seeing this whole time. It was nothing but jagged black lines, squirming around like decaying worms.
"P..please...t..take me back...back to normal...back" That crawling blackness seemed to grow, devouring the nothingness and making it bleaker, snuffing out all hope I had left.
"Back to your worst nightmare..?"
***Ayooo, depressing nightmare sequence disguised as a fluffy Christmas special check!***
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