The World of Guertena Returns...
Garry enters the gallery and walks up to the elderly man behind the counter. It had been well over 9 years since he had even thought of going to another art exhibition, but when he heard that it was one of Guertena's and that they had found some of his missing art works... He just couldn't ignore it.
The man behind the counter spoke in a weak but excited voice, "Welcome to the exhibition. Here's a pamphlet of today's event, before you enter we wish to remind you to please follow the rules and that you not disturb the art work." After receiving the pamphlet, Garry made his way further inside as he tucked it in his tattered coat pocket next to his gallery "banned" lighter as well as the most treasured item he possessed, a white lase handkerchief he received as a gift after he had wounded his hand. He had planned on cleaning it and returning it to it's owner who's initials were beautifully sown on with yellow thread... But not only could he not fully remove the blood... But he never seemed to cross paths with them since.
While wandering and thinking of the lase cloth he suddenly realised that he had found himself in front of a rather familiar painting. It was of a woman... No... A girl. She wore all green and held a single yellow rose to her chest. The sight of it filled Garry with dread as well as a sething hatered. The edges of the painting were worn and seemed to of had been burned, they had been burned so far as to take away half of her face, from the top left corner to her left eye had been eaten away by fire. The plake beside it read, "Mary, by Weiss Guertena. It is unknow as to when the painting was made, but it is beleived it was one of Geurtena's later works. It is also beleived that he painted it around the time he went insane, saying that his works would move and or attack him at night, after this started he began burning his works until he was admitted to Fortk Worths Asylum and later died from unknow causes. The painting 'Mary' is beleived to of been a saved causality of these events."
'Well at least it didn't mention me', he thought to himself as he continued further in the gallery. "After the last time he'd hate to run into a chared blond girl." He chuckled to himself making sure no one could hear him. He continued to look at more of the paintings, at his point he had come to realize that most of the new additions were either simply different variations of other art pieces or that he had simply seen them in the alternate gallery such as, "The woman with her umbrella" or "without", as well as "Ah" and "Uh" the women in red and blue. He sighed as he was about to turn to leave when something caught his eye.
His heart stopped as all the blood rushed from his head, his hair stood on end leaving him with goosebumps. As he turned in time to see a disturbing doll sulk around the corner of a wall. Cautiously he walked toward where it had just been, as he turned the corner he discovered that it lead the the gallery's children's room. It was filled with toys and child's drawings, some of which were hung in glass frames. As he made his way toward them he notesed that the piano music from the other room had been replaced with a calm music box tune. It wasn't till he had reached the frames that he realised that it was the crayon world from the other gallery. The plakes revealed that they were by Guertena, but the time frames of which they were all made were all random. In fact even the way they were on the wall seemed... Wrong... The houses were all placed wrong... It was rather unsettling seeing them like this. Garry looked around, a mother had just picked up her boy and lead him back into the gallery, leaving Garry to himself. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind..." He said to himself as he began placing them in their proper order leaving the pink house for last. As he hung it all the music in the room seemed to stop...
Frozen in place Garry seemed to stand there for hours, finally he turned around, the only sound being his own footsteps. Not wanting to stay another secomd in that room, he quickly ran out of the room and into the gallery. It was practically empty, the only ones there were himself as well as the mother and child who soon turned the corner. "Hey! Wait a second!" He called after them to no answer, he quickly followed after them, he entered the main lobby, but even the man who gave him the pamphlet was no where to be seen. "Where'd they all go?" He suddenly heard footsteps that lead upstairs, and he turned just in time to she the mother now on her own turn walk further up the gallery.
He walked after her only to find no one in sight. "Huh... Where did..." The lights flickered and some went out, trying to stay calm he walked further into the gallery. 'I can't be the only one here... Right...?' He turned the corner in time to see the helm of the mother's red dress disappeared around a bend that hadn't been there before. He ran towards it but when he got to it all there was was a long hallway that lead to a room with a single painting at the end. "This... This can't be happening!... Can it?' Fully knowing that it was a bad idea he walked toward the painting, on further inspection it was a young woman. Her hair was long, well to her waist, she had bangs as well as braids that started just above her ears and conjoined in the back, she was pale... Almost porcelain, and wore a white and pale red baggy striped hoodie with a white tank top, there was a design but it was too small to recognize, under all that she wore a red plaid skirt with pitch black stockings, and almost hiden in her beautiful brunet hair and rested on her braid was a single red rose as deep as her eyes that simply stared out on her unchanged face. She wasn't smiling. The plake below simply said, "..........................Find me...................... For I know not were I am found.................'A Familiar Stranger' by Ge..te...a..........." Some of the words are scratched out. Not understanding Garry turned ast to leave but as he did the room changed, the hallway he had just come from had disappearedg and the painting had been replaced by a dark empty wall. Letters began to form at his feet with loud hits on the floor. "S H E S W A I T I N G"
Garry carefully made his way towards the wall but the darkness never faltered. He was right on the edge looking down when suddenly a small boy's voice said, "Grown ups are all slow!" Garry didn't even have time to see where the voice had come from, before the small boy pushed him into the abyss and everything turned black.
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