It had been about a couple hours since Harry and Draco had arrived at the Weasleys. Harry had been drinking, Draco had not. He had a bad feeling about what would happen if both he and Harry were drunk.
"Harry, get off me." Draco complained, trying to shove the smaller boy off his lap.
"Nu uh, you're warm." Harry said, curling up tighter against Draco.
"So I guess that's my use now, that of a warming charm." Draco sighed dramatically.
"Let's never let Harry get drunk again." Ron said, covering his eyes as turned away from the couple.
"Oh, do be quiet Ronald. I think it's cute." Hermione said.
"I'm not sure if the potion will have worn off yet." Ginny said, gazing bitterly at the couple. "Let's give him a couple more cups."
At this point, Harry was basically physically attached to Draco's side. The more he drank, the clingier he got, and all Draco could do is pinch the bridge of his nose and smile affectionately at the green eyed boy.
"Heyyyyy, Malfffooyyyy." Harry slurred.
"Yes, Harry?"
"Arre you singlleeee?" He said drunkenly.
"Nope." Draco said, an amused smile on his face.
Harry gasped. "Whoo aarrreee yyyaaa datingg?"
"You, dumbarse." He said, but there was no malice in his tone as his eyes sparkled with affection.
Harry again gasped and a wide smile spread across his face. "I must be luckyyyy to get such a prettyyyy faceeeeee."
"I'm never letting you drink this much again." Draco said, a light blush dusted across his face.
"You're no funnnn," Harry whined.
"I may not be fun, but at least I'm reasonable." Draco responded.
"Ginny, we should stop." George murmured. "Harry is basically wasted, and his behavior towards Malfoy hasn't changed at all, besides getting more drunken."
"But this isn't right! He was supposed to date me! He was supposed to get married to me! We planned it all out before the war!" Ginny said with tears in her eyes.
"He's obviously different now, Ginny." Charlie said with a shake of his head. "Plus, would you want to ruin how happy he looks?"
Ginny turned to look at Harry and Malfoy again. Harry was leaning on Malfoy, his eyes always on the blonde as he looked at him with awe and love in his eyes. Malfoy returned the starry eyed look, his eyes soft and caring. "No, I guess not."
"Is it alright if me and Harry stay the night?" Draco said softly. Eyes turned to look at him, and saw that Harry was asleep in his arms.
"Of course, dear." Molly said, rushing over. "You'll have to stay in the same room as Ron and Hermione. I trust that'll be alright?"
"Yes, thank you Mrs. Weasley." Draco smiled before carrying Harry up the stairs to where Ron and Hermione were staying.
"The Malfoy boy sure has changed." Mr. Weasley commented.
"He has," Molly agreed. "And for the better, it seems."
"Dammit, Harry." Draco groaned as Harry kicked him in the shin. They were laying in bed, Hermione and Ron in the bed across from them. It was late, and the couple had been asleep for an hour or so before Draco was awoken.
"S-Sorry Dray." Harry said quietly. Draco immediately detected something wrong in his tone of voice and turned to look at his lover. Sitting up, he saw tears falling from his startling green eyes.
"What's wrong, love?" Draco said softly, as to not wake up the others. He reached out and wiped tears from Harry's eyes.
"I had a nightmare for the f-first time in a w-while, and it scared me." He admitted. "And my head hurts."
Draco reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a cup and handed it to Harry. "This should help with the headache." He smiled softly. "As for the nightmare... do you want to talk about it?"
Harry shook his head. "Just hold me."
Draco wrapped his arms around Harry as he cried softly, and cast a tempus charm. It read 23:58.
"Harry," Draco said, letting him go and gesturing to the tempus charm. "It's almost midnight."
A small smile broke out on Harry's face as they watched the clock tick towards the start of January. 23:59...
Draco felt his lips meet Harry's as they shared their first kiss of the new year. The kiss was neither lustful nor passionate. The only word Draco could think about to describe it... was love. Loving?
It was their kickstart to the new year, and when they finally broke off, the clock read 00:04. "To a new year of us," Draco said softly, eyes closed as their foreheads rested together. He could practically feel Harry's smile.
"To a new year of us."
So this chapter is kind of short, but that's okay, right? I'm getting chapters done a lot faster than I thought I would, so here's a chapter to end out your week. I'm already planning out the next chapter, so be ready for that, hopefully next week?
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