A/N: Shit's about to go DOWN
TW: Panic Attack, mentions of self harm, mentions of possible suicide
It was Christmas Eve, and Harry was asleep on the golden silk couch in front of the fireplace under a throw blanket decorated in stars on a night sky. Meanwhile, Draco went around the house, putting the last few finishing touches. He had even gotten Mrs. Black off the walls after breaking the ward that was used to protect the sticking charm. She was now in the attic, where she could do her screaming where no one could hear.
Unknown to Harry, Hermione and Ron had sent him an owl about their coming to visit, decidedly right before they came, so it was crazy how they expected it to arrive before themselves.
So, when the fire roared, Harry startled awake just before it emptied his two best friends.
"Hi, Harry!" He heard a voice who he recognized as Hermione's say brightly.
Harry squinted and made out his glasses on the side table, so he grabbed them and put them on. "Hermione? Ron? Didn't I tell you to warn me before you came over?" He said irritably.
"We did send an owl mate, but I guess we got here before it did."Ron said apologetically. Harry shook his head and sighed. Draco was likely somewhere upstairs, so he probably had no clue of Harry's friends' arrival. He just had to hope for the best.
"What did you do with the place?" Hermione asked, looking around wide eyed. "It looks completely different!
"I guess I kind of remodeled it? We-I got new furniture painted the walls and everything."
"Wow! Can you give us a tour?" Hermione asked, not noticing his slip up.
"Right now?" Harry winced as his friends nodded eagerly. "Alright, I suppose..."
After giving them a tour of the first floor, he hesitantly headed up to the second, where he knew Draco was. He just wasn't sure which room. So he took as long as possible showing them each room until all that was left was the room that used to be a storage room, but Draco had transformed it into a potions lab. He and Draco studied there, and he sometimes sat in there chatting with Draco, as the Slytherin fidgeted with the many ingredients he had found in the old house.
"Are you sure you want to see this room?" Harry asked, cursing the silent charms Draco put up around the room so he couldn't be disturbed. "It's pretty boring."
"Oh come on mate! We want the complete tour. Let's go in already!" Ron exclaimed, getting impatient.
"Alright," Harry sighed, as he knocked lightly on the door, so he wouldn't completely startle Draco.
Harry opened the door and walked in, seeing Draco stirring a cauldron of blue potion, hair slightly damp and messy. He had redyed his hair over their break, but now instead of the streak being a light blue, it was black. "I know it's simple," Draco had said, "But I think it looks nice." He reached up his hand to tuck some hair behind his ear, but before he could, Ron and Hermione caught sight of him.
"MALFOY?" Ron shrieked.
Draco's eyes snapped up from the potion he was making and looked at the redhead, before turning his gaze to the raven haired boy and raised an eyebrow, as if to ask "Uninvited?" Harry nodded before Draco sighed and turned back to Harry's stunned friends. "The one and only." He said dryly.
"What are you doing here? Did you break in?" Hermione said, pointing her wand at him.
"No, I come with the house," He said sarcastically. (I know this is completely irrelevant but when writing this line my mind was like "Draco's like the toy in the happy meal" so let that sink in)
"Petrificus Totalus!" Hermione had petrified Draco, who was now on the floor, fear starting to flame up in his stormy eyes.
"Hey, stop!" Harry said, before rushing over to Draco and performing the counter curse. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly as Draco sat up, trying to slow his breathing.
"Harry, since when were you all buddy-buddy with Malfoy?!" Ron shouted angrily.
"Oh I dunno, ever since he started helping me when you guys didn't say a word!" Harry shouted back, angrily as he fought to get Draco to calm down. "Who do you think helped me recover from the war, because you two sure didn't. Who do you think made it so I could finally sleep in peace again without being plagued by nightmares, and made it so I could finally appreciate the fact that hey! I'm alive and deserve to stay that way? Who do you think convinced me to eat again, and finally told me I was more than some stupid icon to prove that the war was over and the good guys won? Who do you think, because it certainly wasn't you two." His two best friends were silent as he caught his breath, fury practically radiating off of him. "You two have been so caught up in each other that you hadn't even noticed I was almost to the point of killing myself. The first hug I had gotten in months was from Draco, and we weren't even on a first name basis at that point. I was just so desperate to feel like someone cared, that someone cared for me enough that they were willing to wrap their arms around me and just sit there like that till I had calmed down. You guys have been practically ignoring me to the fact that I feel like I'm nothing more than a third wheel. So don't come in our home and start attacking him when you don't even know what's been going on in my life because you haven't been paying enough attention."
The entire room had fallen silent after Harry's outburst, the only sound audible was Draco's shaky breathing as he recovered from his panic attack. "To the point of killing yourself?" Hermione asked quietly.
"You heard me correctly." Harry snapped.
"Mate, I'm so sorry I didn't notice." Ron murmured guiltily.
"Well then, thank you Malfoy for looking after our friend when we didn't." Hermione said to the blonde Slytherin, who had recovered and was now seated cross-legged on the table.
"Yeah I suppose, thanks for being a good friend to Harry." Ron said begrudgingly.
"Boyfriend." Draco corrected.
"What?" Ron said.
"I'm not Harry's friend, I'm his boyfriend." He repeated dryly. Jaws dropped again as Harry bit his lip nervously.
"You know what, Harry, we'll come back another day to discuss this properly." Hermione said briskly. "Molly sends her love." And with that, Hermione walked out of the room, dragging Ron along with her.
A/N: So, Hermione and Ron know now! Obviously like I said, shit went down. Do you think they will make amends? Let's find out next chapter. Also, how do you feel about Draco dying his hair black? I'm probably going to change it back to blue after the break, but ya know :P.
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