(I'm sorry about the meme, I had to-)
Harry was sitting at the Gryffindor table during the welcome feast, scribbling away in an empty book. He had bought a dozen of them in Diagon Alley when he had gone to get his Hogwarts things. Ron and Hermione were sitting across from him, talking in hushed whispers, glancing at him occasionally.
He knew what they were talking about. The fact that he hadn't eaten. Well, refused to eat, really.
He knew he should've eaten, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. Even looking at the food made him feel as if he was going to be sick. He scratched his neck as he felt someone staring at him from across the hall.
Turning around, he saw Draco Malfoy's sharp gaze bore into him. Harry, startled, met his gaze evenly. Malfoy made a gesture towards his plate, a question in his eyes, but before Harry could reply, he was pulled into conversation by Pansy Parkinson.
Why did he care? Harry thought again. Why was Malfoy suddenly worried about his health? He scowled at his empty plate. Malfoy couldn't tell him what to do.
"I'm going up to the common room," Harry said shortly. Ron and Hermione looked at him.
"But you haven't eaten anything, Harry." Hermione said softly.
"Not hungry." He said, And with that, he strode out of the Great Hall.
Draco watched as Harry left the hall. He had been Harry in his mind for a long time now, and not Potter. Though he would never admit this to anyone.
Except Pansy. But then again, Pansy knew everything going on in his life. Speaking of Pansy-
"Draco! Draco, for Merlin's sake!" Draco turned his head to look at her.
"What is it, Pans'?" She sighed dramatically.
"Come, you idiot." She said, dragging him out of the Great Hall.
"Pans', where are we going?" He yelped. She shushed him. Finally after being dragged practically halfway across the school she let him go, causing him to stumble. "Pansy, where in the name of Merlin are we?" He asked, looking around.
"Secret corridor that leads to Gryffindor common room. Pretty cool, right?"
"Why would I want to go near the Gryffindor common room,? Please do tell me, Pansy dearest." He said, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Because, Draco, I'm tired of you staring at Potter. Sweetheart, if you don't do something, he's gonna be taken by the Weaslette." Draco blushed profusely.
"Pansy, you know I can't barely talk to him. Potter hates me, and the only thing wrong is that I can't seem to hate him back."
I'm sorry this chapter isn't very long qwq. The next one might be longer, it depends. I write these whenever I have the spare time, so the updates are a little bit slow. Hope you enjoyed!
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