TW: Vomiting, Mentions of not eating
The next few weeks, not much changed. During the night, Harry scribbled away in a book, occasionally falling asleep, having more strange dreams, always including a certain blonde.
Draco would glare at Harry at every meal, and it had gotten to the point where he forgot to eat, himself. Pansy, bless her heart, would always give Draco something to eat afterwards.
The next day in the Great Hall, there was practically lightning cracking across the hall between the glares of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy.
Everything was going on as usual, but today, Draco was more determined to get Harry to pick something up, something solid and take even the tiniest bite.
A.) He was worried.
B.) His robes hung off of him like a clothing hanger.
And unless this was some new fucked up fashion statement, Draco was fairly sure they weren't supposed to fit like that.
He was fairly sure Harry had a free period after breakfast, which was convenient, because he did too.
Pansy, however, didn't, and neither did the Weasel and Disaster Hair.
It was perfect.
When the Great Hall started clearing out, Draco took some biscuits being served with breakfast and stuffed them in his pocket. He carefully watched the Gryffindor table, waiting for the moment where Potter got up to leave.
He checked his watch. If Harry stayed on schedule, he should be up in a couple minutes or so.
And right on cue, Harry Potter stood up to leave the Great Hall with a weak smile directed at his friends. Draco said a quick goodbye to Pansy and got up to follow the raven haired boy.
After saying a quick goodbye to Ron and Hermione, Harry rushed to the Room of Requirement, where he tended to spend all of his free periods. He was fairly sure no one knew where this was, or if they did, they didn't want to come there, with the awful memories it held.
Harry, however, found comfort in the magical room. No one knew where he was, he couldn't be bombarded with fan girls, or questions about the war. He was safe from the noise.
Or so he thought.
Harry spun around to see the one and only Draco Malfoy leaning against the wall. "What are you doing here?"
"I couldn't help notice your horrible eating habits," he said. "And I thought I should do something about it, considering your 'friends,' are worrying and not doing anything about it."
Harry glared at him. "My eating habits are none of your concern."
Draco pushed himself off of the wall, and walked over to Harry. "But they are." He said, very close to his face. Harry stared at Draco, blushing at their proximity. Draco narrowed his eyes and spun around on his heel.
"As a victim of anorexia myself, I have decided you don't have to go through the same thing I had to." He claimed, turning his head slightly so he could look at Harry. "Assuming that's okay with you?"
Harry just stared. He just had his rival of 7 years follow him into a room, and offer to help him with his mental illness, and admitted he had it himself. "I- I-,"
"I'll take that as a yes then," Draco proclaimed, a glint in his eyes. He pulled out one of the biscuits he had snagged from breakfast in the Great Hall and held it out in his hand.
Harry looked at it with confusion, and Draco sighed. "Eat it, dimwit."
Harry took the biscuit, a disgusted look on his face. "Are you sure you didn't poison it, or something?"
Draco snorted. "If I wanted you dead, I would've killed you on the train."
Harry shrugged. "Fair enough." His attention turned back to the biscuit as he looked at it with disgust. His stomach churned, and he wasn't sure he could handle eating it without vomiting. "I- I can't eat it."
Malfoy raised an eyebrow. Wait had he been calling him Draco this whole time? He shook his head.
"Please do tell me, Potter, why can't you eat this?"
"I'll just throw it back up." He muttered, stomach already feeling queasy.
Malfoy rolled his eyes. "I know that, Potter. But if you don't get used to food again, you won't stop throwing up."
Harry glared at him. "Whatever, Malfoy. Fine, I'll eat it." Harry's attention turned back to the biscuit in his hand. He felt extremely uncomfortable with Malfoy staring at him, especially in one of his most vulnerable moments.
With a deep breath, Harry took a bite of the biscuit.
Immediately, his stomach turned upside down, you could say it was excited at the prospect of food. However, it ended up getting quite the opposite.
Malfoy calmly summoned a bucket and waited as Harry emptied the little contents of his stomach.
Once Harry finished dry retching, Malfoy calmly handed him the biscuit again. Harry looked at him like he was crazy. "I just vomited and you want me to vomit again?"
Malfoy rolled his eyes. "No, I want you to get to the point where you don't have to vomit."
"Chop, chop Potter, we don't have all day."
This chapter is dedicated to Minty Despair on Discord because she read this before I showed it to her—
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