This is going to be a potluck of writing. It's going to be one heck of a ride.
I want people to send me prompts.
It's a ridiculous request, I know.
But...don't be stupid about it. Because that's what stupid people do, and I want to believe that I am not surrounded by morons. You are intelligent individuals with razor sharp minds. Act like it, si vous plait. We all knows what happens to those people that give in to base instinct and ask the unreasonable or the inappropriate.
Moving on...
I want to explore the realm of topics that this world has to offer. Just shoot some ideas my way. Not literally. I do not have the instincts of a D.C. Superhero. Feel free to lay down the law and hit me with your ideas gently because I bruise easily. I'm a fragile soul; what can I say? Just don't hurt me. Writing is hard. Books are hard.
Now, this is supposed to be fun. There. Smile. It's your birthday in less than 365 days (maybe not you leap year nutters, but you're a special case) so you obviously have something to smile about, like the fact that someone who loves you might just get you a cake. If you don't like cake, I am sorry for your loss.
Now let's get down to business to defeat the Huns.
The world doesn't need more writing that was written by someone holding a pencil between their buttcheeks and thinking with their liver. It doesn't. The world needs quality humor, action, and romance. QUALITY, YOU PEASANTS! NOT QUANTITY! I KNOW THEY LOOK SIMILAR! THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING! But they can be. It is possible. YOU CAN MAKE IT POSSIBLE.
The following are the categories in which prompts may be requested, which is pretty much everything. I just...don't do chick flicks or soap operas. My apologies. My condolences.
There are some expectations of course, some things that I'm looking for. I want intriguing material. Thusly, there are a few quote-unquote guidelines. You all seem to be rather mature. You lot can handle guidelines, right?
HUMOR: Funny things. (No shizzle, Sherlock.) Make the audience wet themselves. Make the serious people break their funny bones. Make those that read things like this at ungodly hours in the morning snicker-snort out loud and scare their cats.
ROMANCE: Something sweet. Something angst-ridden or something triple-layered in fluff. Something that toys with emotions. Something that could make even the Tin Man believe that he had a heart. (Writers are such manipulative cabbages. We really are. But...we have no regrets.)
ACTION: Boom. Zap. Pow. ZSHOOOOOOOOOMMMM. Ka-BLAM. Make some noise. Give me a prompt that makes you want to go out and purchase a comic book or makes those little hairs on the back of your neck and on your arms stand up and quiver. A prompt that just makes you want to say, well...
PARANORMAL: The otherworldly. The odd. The unexplained.
DRAMA: Drama comes in the package of a script or as the result of a relationship that ended poorly or as utter sass. Decide. You must decide.
NONFICTION: Historical events (the French Revolution was quite the party), realistic fiction (the everyday trials of the mundane brought to you live by yours truly), and pretty much anything that could happen on this Earth without magical or technologically gifted powers. However, I will not be writing about plants, no matter how exciting and actual-factual they just so happen to be. No plants. People, not plants.
FANTASY: This is not a fanfiction collection. Sorry, not sorry. There are separate books for that thing. The best and most magical fantasy prompts come from the more obscure parts of the brain. Even the greats got their more fantastic scenes pop into their minds are the strangest of times.
SCI-FI: Frankly, this one has no limits. You're giving me the look right now. 'Oh no, how could the author allow our minds to walk amuck? How utterly irresponsible.' Yep. You would be right. But who is actually going to fence off this genre? Honestly. Still, be good children. I'll be watching.
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