Chapter 2: The First Day
"Chapter 2: The First Day"
Author P.O.V
Alexander suddenly woke up by a loud alarm as he groans and sits up soon after holding both of his hands on his head as then he heard a slap on something and the noise had then thankfully stopped, Alex looks off to his left to notice a tired Sheila staring right back at him while he wiped his eyes.
They sit in a comfortable silence for a few seconds before Alex breaks it saying "hey don't we start our classes today?" Like that realization same to Alex as he progressed what he had just told Sheila as he then says as he got up from his bed but somehow fell out of the bed too "oh my god Sheila we gotta get ready right now-- *Alexander proceeds to hit his picky toe on his nightstand somehow* FUCK!"
Sheila covered his mouth all of the sudden trying to contain his giggles from Alex getting hurt, Alex noticed this and said while trying to brush off the pain in his foot "why are you laughing at my pain? Just you wait for the karma, and if you didn't noticed we have to get ready, like right now!"
Sheila nodded then got up starting to get ready for today, he then opens his dresser and grabbed random cloths that looked nice and said "I'll be in the shower Alex, I won't take long, promise" Alex nodded while basically throwing his small pile of shirts on the bed, Sheila laughed a bit before walking out of the room closing the door behind him, Alex knew that the guy (Sheila) didn't care about what he was gonna wear threw out the day, but unlike the luck that Sheila has Alex struggled to find something he had that was at least decent to make him at look like someone who at the very least took care of themselves at the end of the day.
Alex groans when he see's that his shirt dresser is empty, he looks back at the bed and began to throw his cloths back messily back on the dresser picking up a light blue t-shirt, he sighs and looks threw his pants dresser (idk) and picks dark blue jeans that looked pretty good with the shirt he had chosen.
He soon heard footsteps and the door opened which made Alex turned his head and as soon he seen who it was and groans slightly seeing it was Thomas, Thomas looked annoyed and said "who in the world is in the shower?" Alex blinked remembering that both Sheil and himself didn't really leave the room the rest of the day they were there yesterday.
Alex shakes his head and puts his messy hair into a lazy bun saying "Thomas, that so happens to be our other roommate, his name is Sheila." Alex then grabs a pair of matching socks, soon hearing laughing from the one and only Thomas saying "oh m-MY GOD YOUR NOT SERIOUS! I mean who would have such a super girly name like that?"
"I would Thomas." Thomas got startled by the voice and turned around to only be faced with Sheila's annoyed expression, Thomas smirked and said "my my, I didn't think I'd never run into you again, scars." Sheila flinched slightly at the name but said "fuck off, I don't wanna deal with this right now and don't think I forgot how you used to act, and I see that this attitude is still with you."
Alex stared confusedly at the two males glaring at each other mainly Sheil glaring down Thomas, Alex asked "wait Sheila you know each other?" Sheila looks at Alex and says "sadly yes I so happen to know this fucker right here." Thomas looked offended and said "Hey! You know you missed me!" Sheila laughed and said while passing by him going to his dresser "ha as if I would actually miss your idiotic presence Jefferson."
Sheila then pulls out a pair of matching socks, putting them on he puts on his shoes soon after and grabbed his faded green sweater quickly tying it around his waist so casually "I now know this isn't going to be a great year than I originally think, when I actually thought nothing bad was going to happen. It just happened." Sheila finished off as he grabbed his glasses putting them on.
Thomas rolled his eyes and left the 2 males in the room, looking at Sheila Alex noticed that he seemed to be 5'6 or somewhere near that, Alex then asked while starting to get undressed "Sheila, how tall are you?" Sheila looks at Alex before grabbing his phone with his keys saying "I'm 5'7 and a half, I'm nearing 5'8 in height, why?" Alex pulls his light blue shirt over his head and puts it on.
"Oh I was just really curious sense yesterday I didn't notice that you are taller then me." Sheila laughed a bit "well Alexander that's that, wait now you got me curious, how tall are you?" Sheila said while brushing his hair with a brush that popped out of nowhere.
Alexander look's at Sheila and srugs saying "I'm 5'3, not that bad in height I guess." Sheila smiles and says while putting his hair into a low ponytail "yeah it's not so bad Alex, at least you're not 4 feet tall am I right, or am I ri-left. FUCK I really have to stop doing that to myself." Alex laughs and puts on his socks.
-Timeskip to Alex and Sheila walking in the hallway for classes-
Alexander's P.O.V
I look over to a smiling Sheila as we walked in the halls, I smile and ask "hey sheil what got you in a good mood?" Sheila turns his head at me and says "Alexander I hope you remembered we start classes today, I just in general love writing! I also love drawing too but that's pretty much it, and that we will make new friends!"
Sheila turns his head away from me to face the halls and claps his hand in what I guess in happiness, I couldn't help but
laugh at his behaviour sense it was great that he was in such a good mood, oh that makes me think of the name I will give him on our messages, I pull out my phone and press on his contact and changed his name to "ThatHappudude"
I see Sheila pull out his phone and look at the name I have gave him, he turns his head at me and says "dude, that is the best name you thought of, and sense I'm happy right now I must say that it seems like we have known each other for years even tho I only met you yesterday."
I smile and nod saying "well I gonna head to class, see ya Sheil." He smiles and says back to me "I'll see ya later Alexander!" And like that Sheila runs off to his class, me and Sheil went over our class schedules a while ago and I had 4 classes with him.
I'm not gonna lie but I feel kinda scared sense I don't know anyone else beside's Jefferson and Aaron, which isn't much helpful sense I don't know Aaron well and I hate Jefferson to the point if I thought even for a second considered him a friend of mine I would kill myself. Not that I really would do that but I hope you got my point.
I sigh and continued to walk to my class, after making it to my first class for the day I opened the door to see most students are already here, I awkwardly look threw out the class room and find only a few seats by the back that were not taken, I then head towards there sense it seemed like the best place for me to sit in the classroom.
I soon take a seat by the window in which had a good view of the side of the school which was pretty decent surprisingly enough, I hear the classroom door open a few times but I chose to ignore it sense I decided to stare out the window at the place where tree's were mainly were, I then decided to have lunch out there with Sheila whenever we run into each other sense it seemed to only be a 3 minute walk from the school which wasn't so far but it looked really nice just by here which was surprising to me.
I hear a cough from the front of the classroom which I only guess was to grab the attention of the whole class so I turn my head to face the front of the classroom to be faced with a guy, he seemed to look in his late 30's if I only had to guess.
"Hello students, I will be you're history teacher George Washington, but just call me Mr. Washington, anyways I'll be you're history and debate teacher, today I will be teaching brief history because it the first day, so..." Like that Mr. Washington started to teach our class about history, I then started to take some notes in a scribbler I had on me.
-time skip to lunch because I'm super lazy-
I walked in the hallways with Sheila, sense we had class together before lunch we walked with each other, I look outside and quickly remembering the place I wanted to take Sheila so we can admire the view and eat lunch. Surprisingly this collage allows people to eat outside and inside the building which was interesting.
I turn my to him and say "Sheil I wanted to go to this place to eat for lunch, wanna go?" Sheila glances at me and says while smiling "sure Alex, it wouldn't hurt to get to know each other some more!" We both laugh and make it to the lunch room, I walk in with Sheila by my side and we look around.
There were so many different types of people here and outside, I poke Sheila's arm and said "let's grab our lunches and go find that place I seem to be so curious about." He nodded and we both go grab our lunch, there were doors in the cafeteria which lead outside which was on the other side of the lunch room, as we started to walk to the other side of the lunch room I felt some stares on both me and Sheila. But felt the stares mainly on me, I wonder why.
As we continued to walk I turn my head to one of the tables as we were passing by and the world seemed to move in slow motion as I met a pair of super beautiful hazel eyes, they have a lot of freckles on his face, and chestnut brown hair which seemly was really fluffy, as soon I met the eyes of the person, they met mine which they were staring back at me as I felt my heart drop, I couldn't help it but I felt so helpless at this moment...soon after my heart had skipped a few beats my heart suddenly went...
I couldn't help but blush and look away walking faster out of there sense something clicked inside of me, me and Sheila make it outside, I couldn't help but squeal in excitement after what had happened, I felt Sheila's stare as he asked "Alex, did something happen to you while we were in different classes or what? Sense you're here squealing like a girl but I'm not judging ya if you are gonna roll that way."
I felt that I was blushing but I didn't care how red I was, I was in love or something so I decided to say while tangling my hand into my hair which was down for a while now "I-I don't know but I s-seen the most beautiful person ever, I don't k-know their gender and it's not great to assume, ahh! Their looks they had fluffy chestnut brown hair, and their face-thE FRECKLES oh my god, they had a lot of freckles on their face!! They had the most pretty face! The way the hair just fits their head frame-EE! And the eye--omg the eyes were a hazel color! Oh my god they were so pretty it makes me want to cry omg I think I have a crush what and the way they stared back at me oh my---"
My mouth was then covered by Sheila saying "Alex, you have a crush which is very very nice but you are catching a whole lot of attention right now." I look around to see unfamiliar faces which were staring at us-or mainly me sense I was talking "oh whoops, sorry shall we go and eat by the tree sense I wanted to do that-okay lets go!"
Like that I was dragging Sheila off and I felt really embarrassed by the attention I got as I ranted on about that person that I now like, soon enough we both make it to the place I spotted durning Mr. Washington's class, and like that we both were sitting down and as I say whole enjoying the view "I didn't really think this please would be a lot more beautiful in person, but it is! And that's great!"
Sheila laughs and says while leaning towards me "so, about the person you were ranting about?" I felt my face heat up straight away after his statement, I looked away and said "I-I am just saying this absolute truth about them! But I felt some click inside me after I just even looked at them..." I look down thinking about it.
I heart went "boom" when this happened, but I exactly am not sure what's has happened at that exact moment, did something click unlock inside of me? What is this feeling? I don't ever remember feeling this feeling I have currently, what is it? What did it do? Did it happen to them too or was it just me? UGHH I AM SO UNSURE BUT I FEEL VERY CHEESY SOMEWHAT RIGHT NOW.
Okay okay, just breath Alex, think who are they? I defiantly know I never met them before, and that they surely never met me either, hnnn they looked so..i don't know, very pretty? Like I would marry them girl or boy or whatever is they're gender????
"Alex, Alex? Alex...ALEXANDER HAMILTON LISTEN UP!" I blink I few times in confusion, wait did I zone out?? UGHH...I look at Sheila and see him with a small smirk, I blink and ask "what's with that expression you have right now?"
He laughs and says while waving his hand "oh it's nothing! It's not like I know you have a crush on the person or anything! Hahahahehaha!" I blink and say "wait-what? Ummmm may I ask why you are acting weird even tho I only known you just for day????"
Sheil laughs and says "sorry, it's just I'm proud of how you already have a crush on somebody! It could be a guy or a gal, or just a person if they go by both genders or none."
I felt myself suddenly blush and I say while scratching my peach fuzz beard "well it's okay if we don't know them now, I will talk to them soon enough." Sheil smiles at me and says "Alex, I'm still really surprise that you have a crush on someone! Is this the first time happening or you felt like this before?"
I couldn't help but quickly nod my head saying "this feeling is so new to me! I had never felt like this in my life! And I don't want it to end!!" I couldn't help but think about them, they really are so beautiful!
I hear Sheil laugh and say "Alex we should eat before lunch ends, and I will support you 100 % of the way to help you get in touch with this person you have a crush on if it's the last thing I do!" I laugh at his choice of words and he laughs with me.
I now know I made a good choice when I decided to be Sheil's friend.
-Another timeskip to classes, but it being the last class for today.-
Author P.O.V [if you didn't know what P.O.V means it's Point Of View. Sorry I had to get this out of the way--]
Alexander walked into his last class for today, he looks around to see there where only a few seats left, Alex forgot which class this was but he was aware that Washington was gonna teach them about something, but of corse Alex decided to not really listen while Washington was talking so he didn't know.
He decided to sit at the back of the class, not bothering to see who sat in front of him, or even besides him, Alex looks up to only be faced with a guy with dark blue hair, forest green eyes, a decent beard, a grey beanie, a green long sleeve shirt, and a F necklace, Alex then thought 'wait a minute this guy is staring at me'
Alex coughs a little and says "h-hello, may I help you?" The guy blinked and said while holding his hand out for Alex to shake "hello there, umm I'm sorry for staring at you for a bit but my name is Maxima Night, but I could like it if you just called me Max" he sended Alexander a kind hearted smile.
Alexander smiled back at his kind behaviour saying while shaking his hand "well Max, my name is Alexander Hamilton, but just call me Alex." Max laughed bit and said "well Alexander, I hope we can talk some more, here is my phone number so you can text or call me."
Max had a ripped piece of paper and which has a phone number written on it, Alex grabbed it and said while placing the number in his phone "I for sure will keep contact with you Max!" Alex and Max laughed until the door slammed shut which had made the whole class so silent, that you can hear a pen drop.
Max flushed red when he dropped his pen on the floor quickly swearing in French, which Alex understood and tried his best not to burst out laughing.
Alex thought 'what a interesting guy, hope to learn more about him and become friends with him, he really seems to be no harm at all! Unless I where to betray him then yeah.'
"I can't be dreaming, Hamilton, you're in this class?"
Alexander turned his head to the left of him to only be faced with an asshole he didn't want to see, which was the one and only-
Thomas Jefferson.
Eh not much happening here but that is that, well that is all i hope to update soon, which I really hope I do.
Well I hope this satisfied you >:3
Remember that I love ya'll!
And a Foxxyz is always a Foxxyz
Foxxyz out!
Words: 3210
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