Well Then...
You know what I hate about my life? That I can't do the amazing things that I do in video games. Imagine if one day you wake up and then BAM!! You could teleport to a different place or summon a creature so it can do your bitting.
I've played many games in my life that I wonder what would it be like to be in it? I wish that could happen.
"Sean!" My head shot up at the call of my name which ended in my hitting my head with my mic.
"Ouch!! What the fook!?" I mumbled harshly as I rubbed my head. I stood up from my chair and decided to check on what my girlfriend wanted.
"Sean- oh. Sorry did I wake you?" Signe said as she saw me in the hall way.
"No it's fine hun. So what did you need?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around her waist and smiled down st her.
"I was just letting you know that I was leaving." She replied with a small giggle. "Also, don't forget to buy coffee."
"I won't and make sure to say hi for me okay? Oh and take pictures! Lots and lots of pictures." I replied before giving her a peck on the lips. "You sure you don't want me to drop you off at the airport?"
She smiled at me before placing her right hand on my cheek. "You need to rest Sean. This whole 'Jacksepticeye' thing is making you a little stressed. Don't worry about what the people say. Just as long as you love what you do nothing else matters. Okay sweetie?" I smiled at her words and kissed her again.
"What did I do to deserve you?" I said before pulling her into a hug.
"Same could be said about you." Signe said as she hugged me back. We stayed like this for a good minute or two before letting go.
"I got to go. Make sure you say hi to your parents for me." Signe said before walking out of our apartment. I smiled before going over to my room.
"I should get going to the shop and then to my parents house." I said thinking out loud. I quickly grabbed my coat and my umbrella and walked over to the fridge. "I need more ham."
I quickly took out my phone and made a list of what I need before heading towards the door. I grabbed my keys and wallet before walking out of my apartment and locking the door behind me.
The cold December air send chills throughout my body as I walked down the street. People who recognized me said 'hi Jack!' Or 'Love you Jack!' It was flattering and all but I just didn't have it in me today to say anything. All I did was smile and wave.
"I just need to get to my parent's place so I can relax." I said as I turned the corner to the shop.
Once I reached the shop I quickly grabbed the coffee and some cookies. Looking down at my phone I started to check things off: Coffee ✅ Cookies ✅
Ham? Maybe after I come back. Though I could buy some food for my parents. I thought to myself. As I turned around to get something to make my parents, I bumped into an old man.
"Oh gezz. I'm so sorry." I said as I made sure that I didn't hurt the man.
"I see. You'll do great." The man said as he looked into my eyes. I tilted my head a little as the man smiled at me. "Don't let them get to you boy." And just like that the man walked away without another word.
"What the fook was that all about?" I asked myself as I stood there trying to comprehend with what just happened. "Nevermind, I should take cake with me."
I went to get cake for my family before going to pay. Once I'd paid I went back to my apartment and got ready to pack for the week. I ran around my apartment looking for things that I might need and made sure to take my disc drive so I could upload my pre-recorded videos to YouTube.
"Let's see: Clothes? Check. Phone charger? Check. Travel kit? Check. Camera for family photos? Check. Food? Check. Guess I'm all done. I just gotta call a cab and then I'm done." I said as I dialed the number for a cab.
As I waited for the cab I decided to clean a little before leaving. It only took ten minutes and the cab took fifteen. Once in the cab I put my headphones on to avoid an awkward situation. Oddly enough the music fit the calm and relaxing drive just right.
It's been two hour and I finally made it to my parent's house. The little cabin in the woods reminded me of the old days when I first started making videos and brought so much nostalgia.
"It's great to be home." I said as I walked towards the house.
"Jack!" I heard my Ma shout as she opened the door for me.
"Hi Ma. Howse going?" I greeted with my arms opened.
"Oh my baby boy. I've missed you so much." Ma quickly wrapped her arms around me giving me one hell of a hug. "Come inside and tell me everything that you have done." Ma said as she took the cake out of my hands.
"Of course Ma but first let me rest. I'm tired." I said as I walked over to my little house next to theirs.
"Okay I'll let you settle down. I'm glad you're here Sean." Ma said before leaving me to my own. I walked over to the cabin and opened the door. Everything reminded me of the old days. The place that everything started.
"Man it's been a really long time since I've been here." I said as I place my luggage down. I quickly went to the bed in the corner and laid down. Before I knew it I was falling asleep.
I woke up due to Gizmo barking. I looked out of the window and noticed it was evening. I got out of bed and walked over to the door. I opened the door and saw Gizmo sitting outside with a ball in his mouth.
"Hey Gizmo! What are you doing buddy? You want to go for a walk?" I said as I petted him. Gizmo barked at me before running towards the road. I followed after him and made sure that no cars were driving by.
"You want to go for a walk in the field across the road?" I asked as Gizmo crossed the road. I followed after him and talked to him about what I've been doing. Though I know he's a dog it still feels good to have someone to talk to.
"-and then Mark got frustrated and started yelling at the top of his lungs." I said as I laughed at the memory of my friend.
"Huh?" I looked up and noticed it was starting to rain. "Shit! Let's find a place to stay Gizmo. Come on boy!" I said as I ran towards what looked like a cave.
Once inside Gizmo and I sat all the way inside. Gizmo had his head on my lap while I rubbed his head. I looked around the cave and saw a green thing in the ground. I got on my knees slowly since Gizmo was laying on my lap.
"What is that?" I said as I was now in front of it. It looked so familiar but for some reason my brain couldn't figure it out. I reached out to touch it and the thing started to glow. I quickly jumped back and remembered where I've seen it.
"It can't be! This just can't- but it's here! How!?" I said as I thought back to a couple of days ago. The game, the game that I had fallen in love with somehow someway ended up here?
"What's wrong Gizmo?" I said as I turned to look at him. Gizmo just continued barking as he backed away from the mirror. I on the other hand went to pick the mirror up. I wanted to know how or why it was here.
I bent down on the ground and digged around it. Once it was out of the ground I carefully went to pick it up. However, as my fingers made contact with the mirror, a bright blue light engulfed me. I couldn't see anything but I could hear a loud roar followed by Gizmo barking. My body felt as if it was being thrown against the walls of the cave over and over and over again. I just wanted it to end.
But then it did. No sounds could be heard. Gizmo had stopped barking and the rain seemed to have stopped. My body felt heavy and my eyes just couldn't opened. All I felt was a hot breath on my back as I laid on the ground.
Well then... what now?
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