It 5:15 when I opened the door your late I now had to stop at the mall way the mall will I had to pick something up "OK" so what do you want to do noting but have you live way because am 14 years old I can stay home alone but not mom would no let me oh OK will I will live you alone and it's like I'm Not their OK well ok I when up to my room to face time a friend so I did but 2mim late my dad call hey I have to go my dad called OK buy hi dad oh hi hows your day good is your babysitter their I wish not but she is OK I have to go see you later OK buy dad. I set down on my bad and turn on my TV and go to Netflix and put on a show but 10mim late I get Hungary so I stop my show and get some food but then it hits 10:00 time for bad so I go up the step. To my room to OK to bad but I say up to like 11:00 but then I go to bad.
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