Untitled Part 6
I could of killed him, i could of killed him.
The voices cried out in ugly sobs in my mind yelling at me for my mistake.
"STOP, I DIDNT KNOW" i yelled out at no one.
There was nobody to hear my shouts of pain no one to hear me talk all this shit about myself, no one to place a hand on my shoulder and tell me it's going to be okay.
I lived alone in this apartment for more than 4 years, and who's fault is it?!
" I know it was my fault, i know" i mumbled as tears flowed from my eyes.
I started shaking my breath picked up and i started felling lightheaded, as the same thoughts went through my mind.
It's my fault i have to pay for them i have to.
Once my mind was made up, i with shaky legs stood up.
The tears flew freely from my eyes as i took a step out of my bedroom having one thought in mind the whole time.
I need to get there.
With shaky legs i stepped out of the house and started going to a grass field there was a grass hill on it, and without looking i walked towards it, going up the hill.
Till i reached the top, i didn't even notice the gate was gone, as i stepped through the port and into the grave yard.
Looking up and instantly sporting techno's one i walked towards it and sat down on my knees Infront of the grave.
And just like that i fell over in sobs cries and screams of pain as apology's went through my head.
I cried and cried untill my voice couldn't be herd and the river of tears falling from my eyes where dried up.
But still i stayed out there in the cold and dark.
I looked up at the sky.
Huh when did it become dark?
The question was cut off by a hand being paced on my shoulder, i instantly grabbed whoever touched me, and with almost no struggle i was now u top of them having a foot on there chest.
Another one of those creatures that infected the place familiar green skin and rotten holes.
I try reaching out for my knife but nothing was felt as i reached there.
"TOMMY" Someone yelled.
I froze in shock could it be?.
"Wilbur?" I say out loud.
"TOMMY GET OFF OF ME" Wilbur yelled out and suddenly all the graves around me disappeared, and i saw Wilbur under me.
I instantly stumbled back and fell down on the grass.
I saw Wilbur sit up and look at me with, what was that, guilt?, Worry? No disappointment.
" He was sitting there all alone just crying" Wilburs voice was herd from downstairs.
" What happened to even trigger it?" Phil respons was heard.
I ignored them and instead listened to the faint breathing in the room next to me.
It gave me comfort knowing that he was breathing and alive and i once again didn't kill him.
Phil said that dream was over to treat his wounds.
I decided that i could leave techno alone for a bit because of that.
But soon the breathing i could hear became more struggled and slow, without a notice i sat up and sprinted to techno's room, not even thinking about the threat that Wilbur said to me if i went into techno's room.
As i opened the door i saw techno laying on the bed, i came closer and herd his breathing to become more struggled and quiet.
As i came closer i saw the bandages that covered his entire body as well as the ones around his neck.
And now that i think about it, those bandages that where around his neck seemed tight, almost too tight.
I walked over to his side and with swift movements i unwrap the bandages.
As well as the layer of gazers bellow, and as if magic his breathing picked right back up.
Relief flooded through me and as soon it came it disappeared with a voice calling out my name.
"Tommy?" Phil's confused voice said.
I stilled for a moment standing over the person you almost killed with unwrapped bandages in your hands ain't the best look
"Well, um...." My voce went flat on me.
I moved a inch towards techno, but instantly stopped when another voice yelled out.
"YOUR GOING TO HURT HIM STOP" Wilbur yelled out.
This time i started moving but slower, i saw Wilbur going to stop me but before he could reach me Phil stopped him.
I took the bandage roll from the night draw, as i moved back to techno and with carful hands i moved his head a bit and started wrapping his neck in them i saw Wilbur still in confusion but then realization washed over his face as i was done with it .
I have no idea how lonr untill next post so her ya go
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