am I done? yes I am done
sitting alone in the middle of my room on the cold wooden floor.
floor was covered in dirt and pebbled where scattered around the floor.
there was only one spot clean and that was where I was sitting.
I sat in this spot a lot, just sitting there where nothing can harm you it was something comforting for me with all that happened, usually I would listen to the monsters that where banging on the fence buildings away, just hearing how they struggled it made me happy but I don't know why, or if i don't hear the banging on the fences I hear my friends voices.
a voice just appeared its tubbo, tubbo sounds sad he explains that he is sad because he wanted me to follow him after his death but my brother followed tubbo and now tubbo was sad.
another voice appeared, and I smile.
now its techno who spoke, he.. sounded angry, I ask him why he was mad and he told me that he was angry at me for killing them , he was angry at me for being alive he said stuff like I wasn't worth living and he should of survived and I should of died, soon tubbo joined the complaining.
but my smile didn't leave me even though I became sad by those words.
another voice spoke up his voice was more choky and seemed more distant.
but I recognized it, it was the voice of Wilbur he sounded annoyed and I ask him why he was annoyed, he responds that it isn't fair that he was the twelfth person that died and he said that I should of died instead of him, he said that he should of done more things like found a cure and saved the world he would save everyone then he said that I was useless that I didn't do anything while I was hear, soon the voices joined in and said every flaw that I did after there death, it started from killing them to the most simple mistakes I did, like i accidently got the wrong tomato than was on the list.
i still smiled but now i feel something wet drip down my cheek and land on my pants, i look down to see tear stains, i touch my cheek to feel its wet, but i still sit there and keep on smiling.
a fourth voice appeared.
this voice sounded broken it sounded corrupted but the voice was loud, it was really loud, but i knew it was Phil's voice, he said that i was a disappointment he said that my existence was worthless he said that it was better killing myself than to go on, he said that the cycle would be broken and that i could rest, then it started repainting the same sentence over and over again.
i smiled with tears running down my cheeks my hands covering my ears as i mutter quietly, please stop i cant take this stop stop please i don't want this. my voice became more frantic and stressed as the minuet passed
but the voice didn't stop and three more joined in.
i was shaking crying begging them to stop but they didn't stop they became louder with every passing second they said meaner and meaner things, they only start to quiet down when it become darker, soon they where barley higher than a quiet whisper and i could go back to listening to the monsters banging on the fence.
with that i stand up and go over to my sleeping bag and try to sleep knowing it wont happen.
i wake up with my hole body hurting from the various scars that i got, i get out of the sleeping bag and go over to the shattered mirror, i look at myself seeing there was black under my eyes and my eyes looked dull i just looked dead, the scar on my cheek made me remember a better time where my friends where alive, my hair has grown out quiet a bit over the four years but i cut it myself just a month ago witch was a mistake actually by me using technos pocket knife and i had cut it uneven and in the back i have a scar from where my hand slipped and my knife cut my head it was quiet bloody and it was hard to treat it.
i sigh and go over to the door and open it.
i go downstairs and head outside of my house.
and go into the garden getting a carrot and washing it off and eating it while cutting different types of flowers that the garden had.
i left the garden with my hands full of pretty flowers.
i follow a path until i start climbing the hill, when i get to the top of the hill i see the graveyard, i push open the fence and go inside, i start replacing the wilted flowers on the graves with new ones from the flowers i had in my arms.
i replace all the flowers and sit down on the ground in front of all the graves.
"hey guys come out i want to tell you all something!"
i yell out.
and soon enough all my friends appear above there grave sure they where all tinted blue and had no feet but replaced by a mist, but they where the faces of my friends.
all of them looked angry when they saw me but i smile brightly.
"guys I'm going to be one of you soon isn't that exiting?! "
they all still looked angry and i understood that they wanted me to leave.
"I'm going to leave but soon i will appear hear like one of you!"
i smile and turn away heading out of the graveyard closing the fence behind me as i skipped happily towards our house.
i hummed the song that Wilbur made before passing.
huh wonder if this is the place he imagined when he created the song.
i thought as i lifted myself up to the roof.
i look at the drop that would be my end i smile brightly looking at my doom.
i breath in and look up to see the murky blue tinted green sky.
i breath out and smile stepping forward once.
i look down and step forward twice.
i close my eyes and step one more time as i fall.
colliding with the ground, smelling blood, hearing the oh to familiar ringing in my ear, feeling like my body collapses in on itself,, and ,,darkness.
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