a change
I was in our house talking to phill about tommy.
"phill he is hurt cant you see all the cuts and scars on his body?!"
I shout
"yes I saw them but they look healed and non of them look infec-" he got cut of by something falling upstairs.
I turn my gaze towards the staircase.
then I started sprinting towards it.
knowing that techno was behind me I slowed down.
I reach the top and look behind me to see techno staring at me.
I nod and we both go towards Tommy's room.
I open the door and go in.
I look at the bed to see its empty.
I glance around the room to see nothing sus.
"hey tech I think he is gone." I stutter out.
techno walks towards the bed and I stand still.
"where can he be?" I question
"to b-" he couldn't finish his sentence before a arm wraps around my neck holding me in a way that I couldn't get out of the grasp of the person.
when techno hears a gasp he turns around instantly.
and the person that held me lets me go imeadeietly and I stumble away from the person.
I gasp as I try to regain my breath my hand travels up too feel my neck.
but out of the corner of my eye I saw techno move.
I shake off the pan as I straighten myself and look at the person who held me.
it was tommy.
I look at him confused, he looked scare and when we got closer to him he backed away.
he genuinely looked afraid, and he was afraid of us.
we start to approach him but he just backed away.
he mutters something under his breath that both of us didn't hear.
he blacked out and I yell out his name.
luckily he didn't hit his head on the floor techno caught him before that even happened.
and now we where all in his room thinking and discussing the things he said.
"well lets just start off with the obvious panic that he held off for us any ideas?" I say.
both of them looked at me then Phil sighed.
"have you done anything before hand to make him panic like that?" he said
"If we even had done something so bad he wouldn't get that scared then shout shit like we where dead." I respond while techno nods.
Tommy's pov.
it almost took a hole day for all of them co actually calm me down to a peekable level.
I was sitting on the ground with Wilbur smiling brightly at me.
as I stair into his eyes my mind flashes back to his dead and rotting face that I saw the last time before the heavy dirt soaked in water covered his actually dead body.
that face was emotionless it looked in only pain and darkness it was a empty husk of a person, but somehow the husk had this, light it was like the person was still inside of it and in pain.
I remember looking at Spify he was the first one to die, but as I stood in front of the husk that looked like my fried, I saw the glimmer in there eyes, I convinced techno to let them live for a bit, he listened and cleared out the basement, we put in all on them inside, only for one somehow escaping and infecting Wilbur....
its my fault.
it always has been my fault that he died and I had to pay the price with the memory of killing a loved one, then I had to repeat it two times over.
the memory's plagued me after techno's passing and the plague just grew, then it hit a point and I started hearing them until this happened.
I look at Wilbur again and he was saying something but I didn't hear a thing he was saying, he wasn't smiling anymore and I saw that he was about to touch me.
I slap his hand away and back away until my back hit the wall.
I saw Wilbur back of and I started to calm down.
I close my eyes and thought about this.
they are alive, i can help them, i have a second chance.
i think and a smile appeared on my face.
i open my eyes and look at Wilbur.
"Hey what date is it?" i say with happiness in my voice.
"Uh i think its January first twenty twenty." he said in confusion.
exactly 100 days until the first wave hit this part of town..
"hey can you tell everyone to meet me on the stage in the thither at the latest-i glance over at the clock hanging on the wall it was twelves at midnight- at about one thirty its important."
"But tommy i- i don't care Wilbur its important and i need them to know about this and i don't want to kill all of you for the second time this life" i cut Wilbur off with a snarl.
he just looked at me and with a sigh turned away and headed through the door of my room.
"all of them are in place out there are you sure about this not too long ago you where weeping about us" Wilbur whispered to me.
and without giving him the answer i just go through and onto the stage.
as soon as the light torched my skin i hear grones and people talking annoyed to each other.
i go int the middle of the stage and the anxiety caught up to me.
eyes, all of there eyes staring into my soul, the eyes of my friends that i killed and those who whispered so many things into my brain that i believe them.
"Come on let us do our things you know some of us where streaming and others sleeping?!" someone yelled.
i stood there frozen in front of them by that comment.
one of them started to stand up, another one followed.
"You know you where the first one dead." i say and look directly at the person who was standing up the firs.
"And im sorry skeppy that you whernt fast enough to fucking die." i say with a cold stair.
"What the fuck are you on about." a person yelled.
"I fucking mean what i meant Quackity, fucking daring to speak out into a fucking croud when you where frozen in fear at a comment from Shlatt witch led to your demise." i say and laugh
i saw him sit down and so did the others.
i look over at the croud in front of me, all of them sitting still and looking at me.
"Thank you for coming and extending your life just a bit" i say with a smile.
"Now where should we begin on January the fifth a mistrust creature appeared in a little town in the land of Spain the creature looked rotten and mindless, the creature bit a person and it only took two days for the infection to spread and he became like the creature, he bit a person just like the other one but this time a woman named Elisa she unlike the other one went to the doctor and before they knew it the town became a town of empty rotting, walking, corpses,, on February the ninth the monsters hit Brittan, within a day skeppy saw one of the monsters trying to attack bad, he ran to bad and before the zombie could touch bad skeppy threw himself onto it saving bad but getting bit, on the next day Spify got infected and became a monster soon followed by skeppy.." I say loud and clearer
"And how do we know you aren't just fucking with us and how do you know all of this anyways?" I hear shlatt say
I see people nod and make noises of agreement.
"I saw it all" I say and pull up my longed sleeved shirt.
a giant gash starting from my wrist and ending at my shoulders was visible.
I herd people gasp and there faces of horror show that they believed it.
"So I speak for my and others safety things are changing" I say and caught a glimpse of my old friend tubbo, he looked so well from the last time where he was tired and had black bags under his eyes, but now he looked determent and had a glimpse of pity in his eyes.
"Tomorrow morning meeting up hear in this place at three" and just like that I turn around and go back behind the stage leaving them all alone like they did to me
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