Chapter 39
Sera's POV
Since I have no sense of time, I can only estimate how long I've been here. It feels like it's been several days at least. Meaning it's been around five days since I was taken. I wonder what James and Tessa were doing. And Mason...
Looking down I stared at the only thing that gave me comfort. My owl necklace. I was grateful to have it. Looking at it brought memories of Mason. And from there I was able to think of James and Tessa and all of the amazing things that have happened since Dimitri came into my life. It was a nice distraction and a nice motivator. If I ever wanted to see them again, I had to get out.
My father has yet to leave again, but that's all I need to escape. Ever since he knocked me out several days ago, he has yet to come down again. I haven't seen him since. This also means that I haven't had anything to eat or drink in days. My stomach wouldn't stop growling and my mouth and throat were desert dry. My ribs hurt so much that I could barely breathe and my face was most likely covered in bruises and other marks. I still sat in the same spot with my arms behind my back. I had to be ready for when he finally left again.
Hours passed and I was beginning to doze off when I heard a door slam shut. And then a car started and disappeared. It was finally time to get out of here. I waited for another five minutes and didn't hear a thing.
Finally taking my hands out from behind my back, I had to move them around to get the feeling back into them. Once I could finally move them correctly, I set to work untying the ropes at my ankles. It took me a good ten minutes to get it untied. It was tied tight in a way that I had never seen before. Finally getting the rope off, I massaged my sore ankles.
Fighting through the pain, I forced myself to stand. Already I was panting in pain and exhaustion. Not only was I weak from not eating and my injuries, but I also slept as little as possible waiting for my father to leave. I slowly limped over to the stairs and began climbing them one at a time. Each step made me want to scream in pain. I almost had to drag myself up the steps.
Reaching the door I slowly pulled it open an inch and stood still listening for anything. Several moments passed but the only thing that could be heard was the buzzing that might come from a fridge. Opening the door fully, I made my way into a living room type area.
There wasn't much in it. There was a rug on the floor and a couch pointed towards an old tv. In the corner there was a fridge and next to it was a microwave on a stand. There were two doors. Once which lead outside and the other probably leading to a bedroom.
Looking out the window all I could see was trees. I was in the middle of the forest. It was daytime outside, but based on the brightness it was still probably morning. Not wanting to wait any longer I headed to the door that I thought lead outside. Reaching the door a stand caught my eye. It was so small I must not have noticed it. But sitting on it, was my phone. I quickly grabbed it and slipped it into my pocket.
Opening the door, I was pleased to see that it did lead outside. The bright sunlight blinded me after being stuck in artificial light for so long. Stepping out, I closed the door behind me. Taking a look at the building outside I discovered that it was a small cabin. I was definitely in the middle of a forest.
Leading away from the cabin was a dirt road. If I followed it I bet I could find some civilization eventually. Deciding to play it smart, I walked in the forest along the road. I went in far enough that I could still see the road and where it leads, but anyone driving by probably wouldn't see me. I couldn't risk my father coming back only to spot me walking along the road.
I began to walk, cringing in pain every step. I could barely breathe anymore. I pulled m phone out of my pocket, I powered it on only to see that it only had fifteen percent power left and I had no service whatsoever. I would have to keep walking until I found service or help. But I would have to do it quickly before my phone died.
Hours of walking later the sun was high in the sky, meaning that it was probably afternoon. Turning off my phone and only checking about once every hour for service kept my phone from dying but I still had no service. Losing hope, I checked my phone one last time but was shocked to see two bars. Tears stung my eyes in gratefulness. I continued to walk but called the first person I could think of. James. It barely even rang once before he picked up.
The sound of his voice was enough to cause the tears I was holding back to burst out. Between the pain and tears, I could barely speak. But I managed to choke out his name. "J-James..."
"Sweetheart! Where are you? Are you alright?!" I could hear in his voice just how panicked and worried he was.
"I-... I don't know where I am. In some forest. Father...kidnapped me...some cabin... Not good." I could barely even think anymore. The pain was overwhelming making it hard to breathe or speak correctly.
"No... Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I know you're probably in pain, but I need you to turn on your GPS for me. If you can do that the police can track your phone and find you." I stopped walking and turned on the GPS.
"Alright, good girl. They're tracking you right now. We're gonna find you, stay with me."
I went to take another step but my leg gave out and I crashed to the ground. I screamed in pain.
"Sera?! What happened?!"
I tried to answer, but everything went black once again.
To Be Continued...
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