Chapter 34
Mason and I were hanging out today. He wanted to be there for my birthday yesterday, but he had a family thing that he had to deal with so he couldn't. But I told him that hanging out one on one would be better anyway.
I was already at his place. I spent most of the time today in my bedroom reading my new book until five rolled around, then James dropped me off at Mason's house. Mason let me in and we sat down on the couch. It was only five minutes before his mom came into the living room and told us that dinner was ready. She had made pizza. His dad, mom, Mason, and I ate while talking about random things. His older brother was out with some girl.
Afterward, Mason and I headed to the living room again to watch a movie. I let him choose the movie and was not disappointed when he chose The Princess and the Frog.
What? I was a huge Disney fan!
Mason made popcorn and got a bag of Sour Patch Kids as well. He also pulled a blanket off the back of the couch. He sat down covering both of us with the blanket and scooted over until we were right next to each other. The movie started and I sang along to the first songs with no shame whatsoever.
Only ten minutes in the movie and Mason threw his arm around my shoulders. Now that the first move had been made, I snuggled into him and laid my head on his shoulder with no hesitation. He was so warm and he smelled so amazing. I was so comfortable that I could've fallen asleep if I wasn't enjoying the movie so much.
Once the movie ended it was time to go home. Mason's parents offered to drive me home, but I told them that I was fine with walking. It still wasn't dark and it was only two blocks away. Mason walked me outside, but instead of saying goodbye we started talking. We stood there talking for almost half an hour before I finally had to tell him that I needed to go before it got dark.
"Alright, but first, I have something for you!" I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face.
"You didn't need to get me anything! Just being with you makes me happy!" He laughed and reached into his pocket.
"I know, I know. I wanted to. I saw it and immediately thought of you."
He handed me a small box that was wrapped and it had a small bow on the top. I pulled the bow off and stick it on his chest. He laughed but made no move to take it off. Instead, he was impatiently waiting for me to open it. Deciding to end his suffering, I tore off the wrapping paper and it revealed a box. One that would hold jewelry.
My eyes watered but I kept it in. I took a deep breath before opening the box to see a beautiful owl necklace. It was made with small diamonds in three different colors and was hanging on a delicate silver chain. I closed the box and threw my arms around Mason. I buried my face into his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me tightly. A few tears managed to slip out of my eyes, but I was able to hold the rest back.
He pulled back and wiped the few tears from my cheeks. Without asking, he gently took the box from my hands and pulled the necklace out. I turned around and closed my eyes, moving my hair out of the way. I felt the cold metal touch my skin and I opened my eyes to see the owl resting in the perfect place. I felt his fingers brush up against the back of my neck as he connected the necklace. It was like a movie scene.
I reached up and touched the necklace, my eyes almost watering again. I looked at Mason to see him smiling at me, his cheeks tinted pink in happiness.
"Thank you."
In response, he leaned down and placed his lips on mine. I hugged him one last time before saying goodbye and heading home.
I was already about halfway home when I felt it for the first time in a while.
Someone was watching me.
I sped up my pace, walking as fast as I could. When I heard footsteps behind me, I started to run. Turning around the corner, I could see my house. I was almost there. I pushed myself to the limit and ran as fast as I could. But it was no use.
Arms wrapped around me from behind, but before I could scream a cloth was placed on my nose and mouth. Having watched way too many movies and tv shows I knew what it was. Chloroform. I struggled and kicked in their hold, but could not break their grip. I held my breath for as long as possible but I needed oxygen and breathed in. My eyes began to fall and I gave one last attempt to break free with all of my strength.
Somehow, it worked and I dropped to the ground, scratching up both my knees. I jumped up and started running, beginning to scream for help as loud as possible. But it was no use, I had already breathed in too much. My body dropped to the ground and everything went black.
To Be Continued...
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