Chapter 33
When supper came, I was feeling more like myself and starving. I headed downstairs and heard voices in the kitchen. Opening the door, I was met with a surprising but welcome sight. James and Tessa were standing at the island talking to Michael and Steve! And better yet, they had pizza! The door shut behind me announcing my presence and everyone turned to me.
"Hey, I was just about to come to get you, Michael and Steve brought pizza!" James said. I smiled and walked over, only to be pulled into a hug by Michael.
"Happy Birthday, kiddo!" I laughed and returned the hug before I was pulled into another hug by Steve.
"Happy Birthday, Sera."
"Thanks, guys."
After pulling away, Tessa handed me a plate of pizza and I sat down and dug in. We all talked while we ate and all three pizzas practically disappeared. I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten so much!
We all placed our dishes in the sink before James walked out of the kitchen and returned with Monopoly. It was my absolute favorite board game. Something James learned during our many chats as he drove me home from school. Tessa and I set it up while the men talked about guy stuff. It took several hours of playing before I finally won.
As soon as it was put away James announced that it was time for cake and ice cream. Tessa made me a yellow cake with chocolate icing. It was a double layer cake in the shape of a heart. She also used yellow icing to pipe a border around the bottom and top of the cake. On the top, there was also a lotus flower candle, also yellow, and two candles to make 15. It looked amazing!
James turned the lights off and lit the lotus candle. The plastic petals dropped down into two levels and began to slowly spin while it played an instrumental Happy Birthday. Everyone began to sing along with the music as my cheeks grew hot. It was so embarrassing.
After I blew out the candles, I skipped the wish, Tessa cut the cake and gave everyone a piece. Then she pulled the ice cream out of the freezer. She had three different kinds, Mint Chocolate Chip, Moose Tracks, and Cotton Candy. The surprise on my face was obvious. I had never gotten to try it before. Ever since my mom went to get it and never made it back, I didn't have the heart to try it. But now was my chance.
Everyone was caught up in their conversations so they didn't notice what was going on with me, but I had managed to school my face back to normal before they did. Tessa got me a bowl and asked me which I wanted so I pointed to the cotton candy. I watched as she scooped some of the pink and blue frozen treat into the bowl. I stared at it for a second before picking up my spoon and trying some.
It was so amazing. It was the best ice cream I ever had. It didn't necessarily taste like cotton candy, but it was just amazing. I would have to have some more.
Once everyone was done and our dishes were placed in the sink once again, Michael yelled, "Present time! Present time!"
"You guys didn't have to get me anything!"
"Of course we did!" Tessa said.
Steve handed me a small gift wrapped in gold paper and excitedly gestured for me to open it. Slowly unwrapping the paper, I was greeted with another book!
"I heard that you liked the last one, so I figured I'd get you another."
"I did! I loved it! Thank you!" I was forced to sit the book aside as Michael excitedly forced a gift into my hands.
"Calm down," Tessa and I said at the same time.
We both laughed and Jesen faked a mad face before laughing as well. I unwrapped the box-shaped gift to see an Arrow Pop Figure! It was so cute and so detailed. It was amazing!
"I wasn't sure what to get you so I just went with what I knew!"
"No! It's perfect! Thank you!"
Tessa handed me a rather large gift, but even though it was large it wasn't very heavy. I quickly opened it to see a yellow and gray fuzzy blanket. It was really soft and really pretty. Last but certainly not least, James handed me a small but heavy rectangle gift. I opened it up to find a small Bluetooth speaker. It was adorable and it even lit up with different colors.
I hugged everyone and then Michael and Steve said they had to go. Tessa sent them off with some cake and they headed home. James, Tessa, and I washed the dishes together like usual and then sat down to watch a movie. We ended up choosing to watch Beauty and the Beast. I sang along with all of the songs and once it was over, I headed up to bed.
To Be Continued...
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