Chapter 1 (Rewriting/Editing)
(This is one of my first stories on here and I am bringing it back upon request with heavy rewriting and edits. Most comments may not longer make sense.
For those who did not read above. This is being rewritten/edited.)
"Master Jenkins, Master Jenkins!"
Peace and quiet was not something he was used to, but he would have loved to have obtained it for more then a few minutes each week. But alas, that wasn't likely with such a lively crew. Not that he would have it any other way, though.
With a quiet chuckle Jenkins looked up through a slightly faded window to see his personal servant running across the sunset-lit main deck toward his cabin. Figuring that he was in for a long update of news that wasn't quite as important as it should be, he finished up the last few words for the letter he was writing and then set his quill down.
The double doors to his cabin swung open a moment later, drawing his attention back to the short blond young man as he came stumbling in. He'd hired the lad before they'd left Calnarra Port. He was an excitable young man who'd honestly had heard a bit too many stories of the open seas before boarding. He was also the new main lookout for their vessel, the Sangri' La. While most of his abrupt notices were of pirates and sea monsters that obviously did not exist after investigating the situations, Jenkins had quickly grown fond to the boy.
As the lad began speaking, Jenkins ran his fingers through his dark, semi-long hair, then moved them downwards to tap at his beard in thought.
"Master, there is a ship approaching from the stern! They are coming on quickly, sir."
Ah, another restocking ship from the isles, then.
They had been met by one three days prior, and yet now he was saying they were being followed by one? Moving his hand back down to his desk, Jenkins leaned back in his chair slightly and raised an eyebrow.
"Is it not just a restocking vessel, young Ari?"
The boy quickly shook his head and ran around the side of his desk, grabbing the cuff of Jenkin's dark blue and gold peacoat before carefully tugging him up and out of his comfortable chair.
"Master, I swear it is not a hauling vessel. They be flying the red n' black death flag, sir! Please come look!"
The death flag? The only ones who fly such colors are blood pirates...
Without any hesitation, Jenkins quickly followed Ari out into the crisp evening air, taking his looking glass and placing it to his eye when they stopped at the stern. He didn't want to believe what his eyes soon told him, but there was no denying it.
"By God."
His right hand instinctively went to his chest and outlined a cross before he turned and ran across the deck, then jumped up to the steering column.
"All hands on deck! Hoist the sails to full mast. We have blood pirates to the south!"
The second He mentioned the demons of the sea, his crew froze.
Darn his kingship for signing so many new sailors for this voyage.
It was honestly just a simple delivery to the stockades on the northern boundary and considering the resource flag they were flying, it should not even be thought of as worth raiding. That was the unfortunate thing, though.
While blood pirates were extremely rare and almost unheard of in their current area, there was enough information to make one nervous and wary. They only took the booty half of the time... The old stories tell of ships floating ashore with not a crewman on board, but all of the cargo still below deck. The demons also had vessels that were ungodly fast, and they always seemed to be able to board their targets without even being close.
Of course, he had no intention of testing any of those stories for truthfulness.
"I said all hands on deck, now! Unless you want to end up at the bottom of the ocean, get a move on. All of you!"
That seemed to pull them from their dazes, and just in time. The other ship was approaching much too quickly for his comfort.
"Do you see 'im, Captain?"
"Mmm, yes. What a gorgeous man... tis a shame he keeps his body hidden under all of that worthless clothing."
"Aye, Captain."
His body had been aching for a good, fresh meal for quite some time. The king's royal navy had been patrolling their local waters with hunters for the better half of a year now, causing quite a hindrance to their hunting ability. Their blood slaves were dwindling with the inability to restock, so the ship before them was of vital importance to claim, and that man...
His eyes rose back to the fleeing vessel, looking for the male who had previously caught his attention.
Ah... giving orders. Captain, then. Fitting.
A self-satisfied smile curved along his lips as he watched the man work right alongside his shipmates to try and hasten their futile escape. It was rare for a captain to get his hands dirty, but this one seemed to care more for his ships safety than his fancy clothing and cleanliness. And, while he couldn't see specific details from so far behind, he knew one thing was already crystal clear.
I'm going to have him.
"Captain, we should be close enough soon!" shouted his lookout from the crows-nest far overhead. He was correct, judging from their current distance, they should be only ten knots or so ahead of them.
"Aye. Desden."
His first mate bowed and smirked.
"Enjoy yourself, Capt'n."
He nodded and hopped up onto the worn railing, easily balancing as the ship rocked in the water. His fangs were already beginning to descend as the chance for fresh food grew closer.
With one final look toward his target, he grinned and dove into the churning, frigid ocean below.
I am coming for you, gorgeous.
This really only came about because I searched for mxm pirate stories many years ago cause I thought they would be cool to read, but there were none.
It is now being rewritten and reworked a bit, as well as edited.)
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