chapter 9
Hello! Guess what! Two chapters in one day! YEAH! ENJOY!
I gasped and sat up straight. Instantly regretting it as pain surged through my neck from sleeping on it in such a strange position. Rubbing my neck I looked around, seeing the blank white walls of the hospital waiting room.
" Max? You ok buddy?" Adam asked, he was sitting in the chair next to me. I just looked at him. It was just a dream? It was all just my imagination? So, Ross isn't dead? He is still alive!
" Max. Are. You. Ok?" Adam asked, shaking my shoulders. Finally snapping out of my trance state I shakily nodded.
" You sure? You're crying and you were whimpering and crying in your sleep." My hand went to wipe the salt water that still leaked from my eyes. I nodded again. Trying desperately not to break down crying, not in front of him, or anyone.
I was released from jail after what happened and one of the cops gave me a ride here. So I have been here for about 22 hours. All the guys from the office had come as soon as they heard After they all arrived they talked m into sleeping a while. So I guess seeing that it is only me, Adam, and Jin, that everyone else went home.
" Max, dood, we understand if you're upset. Your freaking boyfriend is in surgery and we don't know if he will make it or not!" Both me and Adam sent him a glare, he continued, unaffected by them," We understand the amount of stress you are in right now. We won't think of you differently if you need to let it out. It has to come out sooner or later." He said, he was currently sitting in the chair beside me, opposite of Adam, his hand on one of my shoulders, Adam's hand on the other. All I did was huff.
" I know Ross wouldn't want you to hold it all in." What Jin said broke me. Tears rolled out of my eyes quickly. I didn't even see when Jin moved in front of me, before he was pulling me into a surprisingly strong hug. I buried my head into his shoulder and cried. I cried more than I have ever cried before, I let the walls I had spent so, so many years building crumbled down. The wall that made me look so strong and angry and tough, the wall that blocked out people, the one only Ross has been able to pass. Crashed down around me.
" It's ok Max, everything is going to be ok, you'll see." Jin cooed. I could feel his grip tighten around me and Adam rub my back. Small sobs shook my body as I let the tears soak Jin's shirt. It had been so long since I have cried, it felt....Nice.
Ross P.O.V.
Everything was dark. Cold. Empty. It felt so alone. Looking around there was only darkness, only nothingness. Just black. Everything was just black and cold. Oh, it was so cold.
" Hello?!" My voice echoed across the black waist land. I jumped as a bright light and a loud click. I spun around to see almost like a movie screen, it was blank white. Another click and a image appeared, no a memory.
" M-max is he G-gone?" It was the time Max beat the crap out of Blake.
" Yeah narwhale he is gone." I smiled at the sound of his voice, so calm and smooth. I miss Max. I really really miss him. I don't know where I would be right now if he weren't in my life. He saved me, he saved me from my biggest demon. I wish I could find a way to get back home, to leave this darkness and return to my bright shining knight.
" I wish I could go back home." I mumbled saddly.
All of a sudden a blinding bright light filled my senses, making me close my eyes tight. The cold and empty feeling left as a new warm and fuzzy feeling took it's place. For a moment everything was quiet and warm, peaceful.
" I have given you a second chance, make the most of it and live it with happiness and love." A deep, yet calming voice said and I felt sleep dawn me. Finally I let myself drift into a deep sleep, hopeful to wake up somewhere with Max.
Max P.O.V.
I stared at Ross's unmoving figure. He looked so pale, so ghost like. I hated seeing him like this, it doesn't match his personality, this quiet and pale looking person. He was so full of energy and life. Oh God, please let him wake up soon, I need my bundle of energy back. Taking his hand in mine I kissed the top of it softly and whispered,
" Please, please Ross, don't leave me. I need you. I love you. If you wake Up I swear I will protect you. I will protect you until I die. Until I just can't protect you anymore, and even after that. Please God, I'm begging you, Please don't take him from me. I swear I will change, I will fix my sins and I will do right to what I have done wrong, just please, don't take away my sunshine." I hadn't noticed when the tears started falling down my cheeks, dripping onto Ross's hand that I had held tight in between both of mine. I just want him to open his eyes, to open them and look at me. I squeezed my eyes shut as a feeling of helplessness set in.
My eyes shot open as I felt a small hand wipe my tears, when I opened them they were met with half open hazel eyes.
" Hey," He whispered, Instantly I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug.
" Oh god, you idiot! Why did you scare me like that!?" I cried, I felt his small arms wrap around me.
" Sorry, I heard what you said. I love you to." I laughed threw my tears. Holding my sunshine in my arms again. Thank you God for not taking him.
So as you can tell, the last chapter, ross dieing was all Max's dream he isn't really dead. So anyway goodbye until next time.
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