Chapter 4
Ross POV
I shot off the couch and raced out. Not really knowing where I was going. All I had to do was get to Max. I had to know if he was ok. I love him.
In no time I found myself running into the room Max and Tim worked in.
I almost collapsed in relief when I saw his gorgeous firey red hair. A sob escaped, he turned and looked at me. His beautiful chocolate brown eyes, full of worry.
I felt more tears fall as I launched myself into his arms. I loudly sobbed into his chest. Out of both fear and relief. He made soothing 'shh' sounds and rubbed my back. Kissing my head every now and then.
I held onto Ross tightly. Not letting him go. Tim was kneeling next to us his hand on Ross' shoulder and his looking from Ross to me, then Ross again.
What happened?
" R-Ross? Can you tell me what happened?" I whispered. He tended before shakily nodding. My heart broke more just listening to him.
" b-b-Blake t-T-took m-me... Y-y-you t-tried t-to... H-h-he k-k-killed... Y-y-you l-l-l-left m-me" he said as he started sobbing again.
I looked at Tim sadly, I buried my head into his hair and rubbed his back soothingly. I lifted him to where he was sitting on my lap and I rocked him back and forth in my chair.
I didn't notice while he was explaining his nightmare we had gathered an audience. I looked up to see a worried Adam, Jin, and Barney. I sighed and looked back at Ross, then Adam. He nodded. I gathered Ross in my arms, grabbed the keys from Tim and walked out. Tim can catch a cab.
I softly placed a sleeping Ross in the back seat. I shut the door and ran around to the drivers side.
~time skapee ( nemo reference)~
I sat on the couch, holding a sleeping Ross on my lap. Kissing his head every now and then.
Pour kid. He didn't deserve this. That bastard will pay. Ross has never done anything to deserve this. He is so kind and loving. I kissed his forehead agin.
" Max~" I heard Ross mumble as he opened his eyes. I stared into his eye and smiled warmly.
" mornin sleepy head," I said kissing his forehead lightly.
Ross POV
I smiled as he kissed my forehead. He was so sweat. To me at least.
I sighed in contentment and cuddled into his chest. I really do love him. He saved me. Not just from Blake but from myself.
A while ago I had convinced myself Max would never love me and I was just nothing to him. I began cutting. I know what your going to say ' cutting is bad!' Or 'what would you fans say?!' Well cutting does help. A bit. It numbs the pain. It doesn't ever go away. After Blake beat me the first time, I began to wonder if I was even wanted. Or if I was only needed here because I was a toy. A person you can just mess with and once there done they throw you away like your nothing.
" Ross?" Max's voice ended my dark thoughts.
" o-oh yeah sorry I wasn't listening." I said smiling sheepishly. He frowned.
" I asked if you wanted something to eat." He said. I thought for a moments. I hadn't eaten a full meal in a while. I smiled as I thought of pancakes and hot chocolate.
" Ihop?" I asked.
I chuckled lightly at his answer. He sure does love IHOP. I could never see why he loved hat place so much, just how Adam loves the sushi place. I like them both, but still.
" ok, go get ready." I said, moving him off my lap. I watched as he left the room, swaying his hips slightly as he did. I couldn't help but stare at his butt.
God thank you for blessing me with this amazing boyfriend. WAIT! I haven't ask him yet!
I hope you liked it I worked hard! Ok so I got this up February 3, as promised! So I have to go e-learning crap. I have 3 hrs worth of homework but for me being as slow as I am that's more like 5hrs. So I should get started! Yeaaaah! ( note: sarcasm) BYEEEEEEEEEEEE
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