"Do you think Naruto would come to school un?" Deidara asked Itachi, poking him. Itachi moved away to dodge the finger and tapped on his phone a few more times before looking up at the group that was staring expectantly at him. "Am I suppose to know?"
"WHAT? You- you're his bloody boyfriend!" Hidan exclaimed and a hand clammed over his mouth. Hidan fought back, sending a elbow their way but the elbow only met air as it was dodged. Then Hidan sent a surprise attack, copping the person in the arm harshly. "Ow! Dammit!" The hooded person hissed, holding his arm. Itachi was next to the figure in an instant, fussing over the person.
"Are you okay? Is it bruising? Does it hurt? I swear to kami Hidan, if he is still hurting later I will hurt you!" Itachi said everything out quickly, turning to Hidan with a glare at the last statement.
"Wah?" Kisame asked, gawking when the hooded figure fisted the front of Itachi's jacket to turn him around and pulled the taller man down for a kiss. Itachi responded instantly, pushing back to gain dominance. When they separated the hooded figure tilted his head up slightly to reveal beautiful blue eyes. "You're here un!" Deidara exclaimed in happiness.
"Guys! Check this out! I bought this few magazines!" Konan's voice reached them and they turned to see her running towards the group with said magazines in hand. She held them out to show the covers. It was all about Naruto.
Naruto groaned and buried his face into his hands. The group laughed, Kisame took one and flipped to a random page. "Young typhoon Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto revealed himself yesterday at a sudden conference! He was a big hit with both male and females as many fawned over his beautiful looks and insanely hot voice." Kisame read out, the rest gathering around to look at the photos. Naruto's smiles and glances, a few seriously hot facial expression, smirks, cute facial movements. "Oh my." Naruto groaned and sighed.
"I regret." Naruto admitted. Kisame flipped the pages and they were all pictures and acrticles about Naruto from the conference yesterday.
"They are so fast!" Naruto said as he spotted a few photos of him after the conference. "I had to get someone to be a decoy so I can leave the house without getting stalked to school."
Naruto hid in the corner of the room with Itachi acting as the shield. "...Naruto?" The teacher called out and Naruto hesitated for a bit before making his presence known. Many started whispering and murmuring, the girls were giggling and blushing. Naruto winced. Why do I have to come to school again?
When the teacher announced that they were going to have a group project for the science topic they are on, the girls started shouting and screeching saying they want to be with Naruto. "Everyone shut up!" The teacher exclaimed and the girls all dropped back into their seats. He could see the panic in Naruto's face and the small blond buried his face into Itachi's jacket, hiding behind Itachi. "Let Naruto decide." Naruto clutched onto Itachi harder.
"Alright then. Naruto with Itachi, the two of them can decide their team. No screaming. No shouting." The teacher said, glaring at the rest of the class. After a bit of scaring on Kisame and konan's part, the rest of the class backed away and the squad sat together to discuss the project.
"I don't wanna go to lunch." Naruto grumbled and sulked as Konan dragged him to the cafeteria. They passed many people who all had a magazine with Naruto on it, mostly the girls actually. They were squealing and fawning over the photos, making Naruto shiver. At the table they were approached by many, trying to be friends with Naruto. Even those that bullied Naruto when they were freshman. "Kami help me." Naruto groaned quietly.
Even Naruto's old friends found their way over. "Hey Naruto!" Kiba exclaimed. "Where'd you go?! We didn't see you for years."
"Ask your precious Uchiha what he did." Konan snarled, narrowing her eyes at them. "Leave before I castrate you like I want to castrate that little a*hole."
"It's okay Konan. They don't know." Naruto said quietly.
"Know what?" Shikamaru asked, studying them all. At that, Naruto smiled a little. "Go find out yourself Nara."
"Uchiha said you guys were still together and that you just left for a family thing." Neji said quietly, he hadn't believed the raven for a second. If Naruto had left for a family thing, he would have told them all. Then he would also have told them when he comes back, not get bumped into senior and avoid them like plague. At that statement, the entire squad's face darkened and some held a really angry feral expression. "No. We broke up when I left."
"Why?" Kiba asked, insensitive as always.
"He was cheating."
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