Chapter 9- Movie Night
It has been an amazing at beach holiday! On the first day the four of us went for a walk on the beach and got fish and chips. The second day we went swimming; Kajol and I had a race and had a water fight whilst Varun and Lalita went scooper diving. On the third day we all went to the spa. It was so lovely and the massages were incredible. Today we have a big day! We go whale watching and it is amazing but then we get stuck on the boat for three hours because the engine cut out. Finally someone comes and rescues us but not after I get terribly sea sick and everyone teases me about it! We get lunch and have giant hot dogs which taste so good! Now it's 7:30pm. Kajol and I decide to have a movie night. Lalita and Varun are going out tonight on a date night! Kajol and I went downstairs to the movie shop that is across the road from us, earlier in the day to pick out two movies each. Kajol picked- 27 dresses and Dear John. I picked - Now you see me and Avatar. We rented the DVDs and now we are ordering some Pizza. We go back to our room with the pizza box in our hands. It's 9:40pm we Finnish Now you see me and 27 dresses. The time is flying too fast for me; I just want to be here with Kajol alone for a while longer. Before we start watching Avatar we decide to change into our pyjamas. I clamber into the bed as it's Kajol's turn to sleep in the lounge.
I walk out seeing Shahrukh ready in bed. I get into the little pull out bed trying to get comfortable which is impossible. Even though the hotel is amazing and the double bed is like lying on a cloud the pull out bed is like lying on a gravel driveway! We put on Avatar and I keep moving trying to get comfortable but it's just not working.
'Hey! Come up to my bed, you can get into that bed after we finish watching the movies or I can go to the lounge,' Shahrukh says pausing the film and patting the bed next to him.
'No it's okay... I'm fine' He looks at me with one eyebrow raised up and he knows I'm not okay. After much deliberation in my head I get up and get into his bed. We watch Avatar and then watch Dear John. I never seen it and when it finishes I burst out crying!
'Hey...hey... kya hua?' Shahrukh asks putting his arms around me.
'I miss my dad! He died when I was eight from cancer. My mum got badly injured in a fire at her work place, and it damages her and she doesn't have much time to live. I don't know what to do, Shahrukh, I don't know what to!' I sob feeling like an idiot spilling my whole life story to Shahrukh. He hugs me tight and the next thing I know I wake up in his arms. He's so cute when he sleeps so I just hug him and close my eyes again.
I wake up seeing her in my arms. I must be dreaming? I pinch myself and I'm not. Gosh she is gorgeous! I unwrap her slowly trying not wake up her up. I go to get ready. I write a note to Kajol and leave it on the bed and leave. It is so lovely! I can hear the birds singing and see Lalita and Varun there waiting for me.
'Morning,' I chirp thinking about how perfect Kajol looked in my arms.
'You seemed happy,' Varun says suspiciously.
'What's up?' Lalita asks.
'Nothing' I smile not wanting to lose the image of Kajol in my head.
'Where's Kajol? Lalita questions looking behind me worriedly. That makes me blush.
'She's sleeping,' I say as me, Lalita and Varun find a table in the buffet restaurant.
'Honey I'll go and get some food' Varun says as me and Lalita pull out our chairs and sit on them. He walks over to the buffet and grabs some food, no surprise there then he loves his food!
'He, umm, do u know... Um about Kajol's parents?' I whisper looking round as if somebody might be listening to our conversation.
'Shahrukh I'm her best friend of course I do silly,' Lalita hits my arm playfully.
'Okay,' I sigh in relief. After breakfast I go to the flower shop and I drive to front of a house. About twelve I come back and I to my room and Kajol's not there.
I woke up about eleven and Shahrukh wasn't there. I saw a note on the bed.
Morning Kajol,
When you wake up I put some nice clothes out for you! I think it will look wonderful on you!
I'm sorry about your father and your mum! I send her flowers and a get well card! I know I can't change things but I just wanted to give her my love.
I got your favourite breakfast on the table (A chocolate hot cross buns, Coco pops, leftover pizza and hot milo) I hope you enjoy it!
I'll see you soon.
Love from Shahrukh your hottie (nah I'm joking!)
Awww, it was so sweet and I could smell the hot cross buns! I loved that!!! After that I went and took a shower. I got out and dried my hair and put on the clothes that Shahrukh had put out for me. It was a lovely orange t-shirt and black shorts! I loved it! It is about twelve and I hear the door open and I hide quickly outside leaning on the door. I peek a bit seeing the face that always makes me go crazy!
I turn around so he can't see me. I can hear his footsteps coming closer, I moved slowly to the side, and stop near the wall, no escape.
He walks towards the balcony seeing the view of the beach; I sneak behind him and grab his shoulders.
'BOO!' I screamed making him jump, turning around.
'You scared the crap out of me,' he pants trying get some breath back. We both walk back inside laughing. There is a knock at our door.
'I'll get it' I say walking towards the door and opening it seeing my two friends.
'Hello, come in' I say giggling.
'What are laughing about?' Varun asks walking in with Lalita.
'She scared the living daylights out of me,' Shahrukh laughs.
'Ahaa wow, good job Kajol' Lalita compliments me. We all go out to a nice restaurant and have an amazing dinner, laughing an awful lot. After dinner we all go back to our rooms. We all decide to go to Lalita and Varun's room where we play Charades. We have so much fun. It gets to about 11:30pm and we say goodnight to Lalita and Varun and head back to our room. We both get changed and head to bed, Shahrukh in the lounge. I want Shahrukh to sleep next to me. I feel safe in his arms, when I'm in Shahrukh arms it's like a different world, and I always hear his heartbeat that makes mine beat ten times faster. I am so in love with him!
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