Hello and Welcome! :)
Hiiiiiiiiiiiii everyone! I'm baaaaaaaaaaack :))))))))))
Did you miss me?!
So...if you've stumbled upon this story, and have not read my story I'll Always Look Out For You...please go read that and then come back to this, because that was the first book haha.
Wow. I'm really back. And I'm really writing my first sequel.
Funny, because I was Race's age in the first one when I wrote it, and now I'm Race's age for this one.
As I'm writing these words here, it has been around three and a half years since I wrote the first one. Wow.
That's...that's the age that Race made Crutchy get run over by a carriage in the first book...
Time isn't real you guys.
So, as usual, I am gonna lay out the important things.
I don't own Newsies. Yeah, y'all know this is true, I'm just trying to make sure copyrighters don't come after me and my fanfic.
This is a sequel to a fanfic I wrote myself. All original work. Yes, it's fanfiction, but the story is all mine.
I hope you've read the last one recently, because I'm gonna use many small details from it, and I also have also been studying it and re-immersing myself in it. So if I, the author, need to refresh my memory on a story that I wrote (albeit a while ago), then this might be your sign to refamiliarize yourself with some of the ideas of the last one haha.
I am still asexual and clean minded. I don't think that will ever change honestly. Of course, Race is going to run into some complications being an ace teenager...but I am never going to write explicit things happening. Also recently someone messaged me saying that they like how my stories are "clean and appropriate". So I'm going to keep writing clean stories forever. Even if I *do* get into dirtier stuff when I'm older--which I highly doubt but never say never I guess--I'm gonna keep writing clean stuff, because I'm never going to forget how I felt when I read something yucky and I recoil and retract a little, and know that other people out ther are like that too. So yeah, no matter what, I'm always going to write cleanly. If you would prefer something not clean, then there are plenty of other stories out there for you. Those stories are also where you can let your gutter thoughts flock the comments. Please don't release your in-the-gutter thoughts into the comment sections of my stories please.
I have absolutely no clue how long this will be. I mean...I almost never know haha. But this time I literally don't. I know that the last one was 59 parts, but I don't know if I can do that again for this one. But how long will it be? Ten chapters? Twenty? 35? 50? 75? Who knows? Not me haha.
(The Come From Away in me: One paaaart and another. And then niiine paarts, and another. And then thirteen parts, nineteen parts, twenty twooo twenty fourrrr twenty niiine, thirty two, thirty eight thirty eight thirty thirty eight thirty eight thirty thirty eight thirty eight thirty thirty thirty thirty eight paaaaaaaaaarts haha)
(The GMMTV watcher in me: ha! Not Me ;))) haha)
So?? How are we feeling about the sequel?? :))
I'm gonna be real with you guys, I am not quite the same person I was when I wrote the first story. I was undiagnosed neurodivergent, had some messed up mental health, and didn't think they were capable of finding love as an AuDHD asexual enby. Well, all of those have changed: I have been officially diagnosed--I firmly believe that self-diagnosis is valid, but it helped me be believed when I was telling the adults in my life that I was struggling. My mental health certainly isn't peachy, but I'm better off now than I was then. Also I did find love as an AuDHD asexual enby--by finding another AuDHD asexual enby. We actually just went on our first date in weeks (I was traveling and so we were doing long distance for some time). We've been dating a little over seven months now :)
So why am I telling you my personal life? I'm here to let you know that I'm living proof that things can get better. I wrote the first story in the summer between ninth and tenth grade. And I'm writing this now in the winter of my gap year. After three and a half years, I'm still here. And I hope I can say the same for all of you in another three and a half years. No, I don't know you all personally. But because you're reading these words here, it's because you've read I'll Always Look Out For You, enjoyed it, and are back for more. So you and I are close in my book. Just know that I'm always looking out for you guys, okay? <3
Have I mentioned how good it feels to be back?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh enjoy you guyssssss :))))
Please, no homophobia/transphobia/aphobia, profanities directed at other wattpad users, or hate in the comment section at all times.
~Your Beloved Author (who is marveling how much can change and how much can stay the same in 3 1/2 years)
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