We're In This Together Now
2 months later...
Trent's P.O.V
I have been feeling so sick lately and I keep on throwing up whenever I see drugs, beer, smell funny smelling things etc. I have also been having these weird cravings like a peanut butter and pickle sandwich and apples with onion salad. I am 99.99% sure that I am pregnant and Brian and I will have a child together. But I am very scared about what happens when I give birth. I have been told that the baby comes out of the pussy. Ugh now that I think of it, it sounds gross that I came out of my moms pussy. But what happens when you have a dick and a pussy? Will the baby survive? Will the baby be deformed? Will the baby be a special ed student? Will I be a horrible mother??? What the hell? Then I saw Brian come towards me. " Hey. Trent. It is going to be ok. Don't freak out. It is unhealthy for the baby." Brian said. Then I started calming down. " Thanks Brian." I said. " Now let's see if it is officially happening. With a pregnancy test." He said. I grabbed it and read the instructions and I did exactly what it told me to do. Then after I put the test in the cup of my urine I waited for three minutes to get the results. Then my timer went off and I looked at the pregnancy test. " Brian! I have good news!" I yelled. " What is it?!" Brian asked. " I am pregnant!" I said. Then I started crying happy tears and Brian did too. " I am going to be a father." Brian said. " Oh my god this is actually happening." I cried. I felt Brian hug me gently and rub my back. " It worked." Brian said. Then he kissed my forehead. " I always wanted a kid to raise and to be a cool dad." Brian said. " Well it will finally happen. But how do I give birth?" I asked. " The doctors will tell you when it is time." Brian said. Then he kissed my cheek and caressed my cheek. " Thank you Brian." I said. " Your welcome." He said.
A few months later...
Right now I have a baby bump and because of that I cancelled my concerts and barley went out in the public. People are spreading rumors that I cancelled everything because my band broke up. I will prove to them that it is not true when I can perform again. Then I started to feel the baby kicking. Oh my god! It's the baby's first kick! " Brian! The baby is kicking!" I yelled. Then he came running down and went to me. He put his hand on my stomach and started smiling. " Oh my god. Now this is for real." He said. Then he leaned down and kissed the area where the baby is. " I can't wait to show you this world." He said. Then he stood up and started kissing me. I started kissing him back and we kissed for a few minutes. Then we stopped and Brian grabbed the car keys. " I am going to go get some food for you ok?" He said. " Ok. Can you get me a cheeseburger from a local restaurant and not one like McDonalds." I said. " Alright. Sounds good. I will go to Rosies." He said. " Ok." I said. Then he left. I got up and headed to my room. I decided to call someone. Who should I call? Then I just remembered that I have David Bowie's phone number. Then I dialed his number and he answered. " Hello? Who is this? How did you get my personal phone number?" David asked. " Hey David. It's me Trent." I said. " Hi Trent. How are you doing? I have been wondering what happened because you cancelled your whole tour." David said. " Well, the rumors are not true. But what I am about to tell you can't be told to anyone else. I will tell you this because I trust you. Do you promise not to tell anyone?" I said. " I promise. Now please tell me. I have been very worried about you." David said. " Alright. First of all I am intersexual. And I am pregnant right now. Brian is the father." I said. " Well, that is very unexpected. But it is great news! Is it a boy or a girl?" David asked. " I will find out tomorrow." I said. " That is great. I was expecting that you would say someone threw acid at your face or you are transforming into something." David chuckled. I started giggling. " Oh what the hell David." I chuckled. " It is always nice talking to you Trent. I am glad you stopped doing drugs. Those things could do bad things to the baby when you are pregnant." David said. " Well Brian and I were killing each other mentally and physically because of those pieces of garbage so we had to stop. We couldn't do it anymore." I said. " Thank god you stopped. I would have been very devastated if you both died." David said. " I know. But I am scared David. Will the baby survive when I give birth to it? Will I survive? How the heck will it even come out??" I asked. " Those are things that the doctors will tell you. But I must say this. Do not worry. Things will work out for you. Besides, as long as you have a vagina you are fine." David said. " Thank you. I will try to keep that in mind." I said. Then I heard the front door unlocking. " Well I got to go. Brian came back with lunch." I said. " Alright. Just know that I am always mostly available to talk to. Except for when I have concerts. But other than that I am always available. Just call me and you can talk about whatever is bothering you or any good news. Ok?" David said. " Ok. Thank you for always being there for me. I don't deserve you." I said. " Never say that Trent. We met for a reason. And that reason is because you are musically talented and gifted." David said. " Thank you." I said. " Trent! Come down before the food gets cold!" Brian yelled. " I will talk to you later. Bye." I said. " Bye." David said. Then he hung up and I went downstairs carefully. " Who were you talking to?" Brian asked. " David. I told him about what is happening." I said. " What did he say?" Brian asked. " He is happy for us. He also took away some of my worries." I said. " Well that's good. I don't want you to faint when you are in labor." Brian chuckled. " haha no." I said. Then we both started eating this junk and I drank my water. Since I can't have soda when I am pregnant. Then we both finished eating and we both cleaned up the table and sat down on the couch. Brian pulled me closer to him and put one of his arms on my stomach. I blushed. Then he kissed me on my cheek. " You are going to be a great mother." Brian said. Then I cuddled more with him and I fell asleep on him.
The Next Day...
I woke up and remembered that today is the day that I will find out the gender of the baby. " Wake up Brian! It is almost time to go!" I yelled. " Oh shit!" Brian yelled. Then he got up and immediately started getting dressed. I got dressed too and I wore a hat, sunglasses, and some sort of face mask to hide my face from the public so they can just see me as a normal pregnant lady. Then Brian and I quickly grabbed a banana to eat on the way to the doctor and we left.
Brian's P.O.V
We started arriving to the doctors place. Then when we did Trent and I sped walked in there so we are not late. Then when we came in a nurse came to us. " Are you Tina and Brian?" She asked. " Yes. That is us." I said. I had to put a girl name for Trent because I don't trust anyone with his true information. So I also had to pretend that he is a Muslim just so there is a reason why he is hiding his face. " Alright. Lift up your shirt and I will scan your uterus." The nurse said. Then Trent hesitantly lifted up his shirt. " You have some pretty strong abs and you're skinny. That is unusual for a woman." The nurse said. " Oh she is just different from everyone else." I said. " I can tell, you never told me she was intersexual." The nurse said. " That is why she is different." I said. " So Tina. What is it like being intersexual?" The nurse asked. " Uh..it is different." Trent said. Thank god he changed his voice. " Let me see your face." The nurse said. " Um you can't. She is a muslim." I said. " Oh really? But I don't remember muslim's wearing sunglasses." The nurse said. " Well she is blind. So she has to." I said. I was starting to get nervous. Will the nurse find out?! Then the nurse dimmed the lights and took off the sunglasses. Then she took off the face mask. And then she took off the hat. " Oh my god! Trent Reznor?! What the hell is going on?!" She whispered. " You better not tell anyone about this. We need our privacy." I said. " I uh. Don't know what to say. Brian did you get Trent pregnant?" The nurse asked. " Please don't tell anyone. But do tell people that Trent is just really sick and Nine Inch Nails is not breaking up." I said. " Fine. Now I will just find out the gender of the baby." The nurse said. Then she started putting this cream on Trent. Then she started looking for the baby. She found it and then she turned to us. " Your child is going to be a girl." The nurse said. " Now we need to find some beautiful names for her." Trent said in his actual voice. Then Trent put on all the things to hide his face and then he put down his shirt. " Remember. Don't tell anyone. We are both counting on you. We just want to have a private life. Not the life living in a reality Tv show with no privacy." I said. " Ok. I promise. And I promise to tell people that Trent is really sick and Nine Inch Nails is not breaking up." The nurse said. " Thank you." I said. " Before you leave can I get both of your autographs?" The nurse asked. " Of course." I said. Then Trent and I both signed the poster of the Starfuckers inc. video. " Thank you so much. You can leave now if you want." The nurse said. Then Trent and I waved bye to her and we both rushed out. When we both got in the car Trent took off his glasses, face mask, and the hat. " Let's go home now Tina." I teased. " My name is not Tina asshole." Trent teased. Then we both started giggling. " What are we going to name our daughter?" I asked. " I don't know. We really have to think about that." Trent said. Then I started thinking. Briana? Michelle? Coraline? " I was thinking either Briana, Michelle, or Coraline." I said. " Hmmm. Coraline sounds better than the other ones." Trent smiled. " I think even Coraline agrees on it." Trent chuckled. Then I smiled. " Well that is a good sign." I chuckled. Then we both got home and I made some pasta for dinner. It was with chicken Alfredo sauce. When I served it to Trent he ate it so quickly that he finished when I was just starting to eat. " You want a second serving?" I asked. " Yes please." Trent teasingly begged. " Not until I get a kiss." I teased. Then Trent wiped his mouth, got up and started passionately kissing me. I passionately kissed him back. Then Trent broke the kiss. " Now can I get my second serving." Trent teased. " Alright fine." I teased. Then I kissed his cheek and grabbed his plate and served him more pasta. When we both finished we both headed to the living room. Then someone started knocking on the door. " I will get it." I said. Then I got up and peeked out the window to see who it was. Then I saw that it was David Bowie. I went to the door and opened it. " Hello Brian." David said. " Hi David. What brings you here?" I asked. " I just wanted to see how Trent is doing." David said. Then Trent got up from the couch and went to David. " Hi David!" Trent said. Then they both hugged and then they started walking to the living room. I followed them and then we all sat down. " So I heard that the anti-Christ rockstar got Trent over here pregnant." David said. " Yup. Trent, tell him what the gender is." I said. " Brian and I'm baby is going to be a girl! And her name is Coraline." Trent said. " Wow. You named her already? That quickly?" David said. " Yeah mate." I teasingly said in an Australian accent. " I am British not Australian." David said. " I know I am just teasing you. Mate." I said. Then Trent and I started giggling. " I think you two deserve a punishment for this." David teasingly said. " Oh really? And what is it?" I asked. Then he started tickling Trent and I. We were both laughing and telling him to stop. Then he stopped when he saw we couldn't take it anymore. " David! I am not a child." Trent whined. " You are a child to me." David teased. Then I got up and started tickling David for revenge. Then Trent joined in. David kept on laughing and telling us to stop. But we didn't stop until he was out of breath. We all kept tickling each other until 9 PM. " Well, farewell. I will come back whenever I can. You guys are going to be wonderful parents." David said. " Oh stop it. We are not going to be that great." I said. " You are. But you just don't know it." David said. Then we both hugged him before he left. When he left we both went up to our bedroom and laid down in the bed. I felt Coraline kicking. " Goodnight Trent, goodnight Coraline." I said. Then I kissed Trent on the cheek and kissed Trent's stomach where Coraline is. Then Trent fell asleep in my arms and I fell asleep after Trent.
Woah. This is a pretty long chapter. Sorry for making you guys wait this long. Life has just been happening to me and I did not find that much time to update this book. But I updated it so I hope you guys liked this chapter! Bye!
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