In This Place it Seems Like Such a Shame
Marylin's P.O.V
F**** Trent! F***** everything!! I hate everyone! Ugh. I need Twiggy's advice. I can't stay like this forever. Then I went to Twiggy. " Hey twigs. I need to talk to you." I said. " What happened Mari? Is everything ok?" Twiggy asked. " No. Trent won't help me anymore. He said I did it to myself. That is all bull****!" I yelled. " Well maybe he was just upset at you for some reason. He will probably regret it afterwards. Just try to be nice to him too." Twiggy said. Then I got annoyed and frustrated. " Nice to him?! He took away my opportunity to make the whole soundtrack of a movie! He is a b**** and he deserves it!!" I yelled. Then Twiggy looked scared and he went in a corner. " Oh, I am sorry Twiggy. I am not mad at you. I won't hurt you. I am just so mad at Trent." I said calmly. Then I hugged Twiggy to calm him down. And he went to sleep. I carried him to a couch and left him sleeping on there. Now I will deal with Trent. Since I know where he lives hehe.
Trent's P.O.V
I went to grab a beer from my fridge and then I heard the door slam open. I turned around and saw Marylin with a big stick and he had huge boots on. " Surprise Trent, you forgot I know where you live" Marylin laughed. Then he started hitting me with the stick. " F*** Marylin! I don't't want to hurt you. But you leave me with no choice!" I yelled. Then I grabbed a small pocket knife and I made a small but a little deep cut on his leg. " You b****!" Marylin yelled. Then he started hitting me harder and harder. "Brian! This isn't you! If you here me Brian please stop doing drugs!" I yelled. " Don't call me Brian!!" Marylin yelled. " Then you are lost!" I yelled. Then he started hitting me with a whip. I started bleeding a lot and I felt a lot of stinging pain all over my body. It seems like it isn't safe to live in le pig anymore. I have to move! Then Marylin kicked my stomach with his huge boots. " Ahh!" I screamed in pain. I haven't felt this much physical and mental pain at once for my whole life. I felt stinging and betrayed. What have I done wrong to deserve this?! Then I heard someone else come in and I saw him hit Marylin with a stick on his balls. It was Robin! Thank god he came! " You son of a b**** leave Trent alone! You are just an ungrateful little b****!" Robin yelled. Then he went in front of me protecting my defenseless self. " F**** you man. You ruined it for me!" Marylin yelled. " Please Brian. Stop doing drugs." I said. " F**** you too." Marylin said. Then he walked out of my house. " Holy shit are you okay Trent?!" Robin said. " No. It hurts really bad." I said. Then Robin went to the medicine cabinet and he gave me some painkillers and he also has some alcohol wipes. Then he cleaned my cuts. " You really need to move out of this place." Robin said. " I know I know. I will work on that." I said. " For now you can live with me. Until you find a new place to live" Robin said. " Thank you so much for everything Robin. You are such a great friend. I feel like I don't deserve you." I said. " You need me Trent. Don't ever say that. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve to be in your band." Robin said. " What no! You belong in Nine Inch Nails! Of course you deserve to be in it!" I said. "Thanks Trent. You will always be my friend. I hope you remember that." Robin said. Then I hugged him. He just patted my back in comfort and then we stopped hugging. " Want a beer?" Robin asked. " Sure dude." I said. Then we started drinking beer laughing at comedy tv shows.
A Few Weeks Later...
Trent's P.O.V
I was walking in the cold breeze of winter. I had to head to the studio but I was to high to drive my car. So I had to walk. When I entered the studio I went to finish writing the lyrics of my new song. I wrote it about my drug addiction and what it did to me. Also about what happened to Brian. I cried a few times thinking about him. I miss him so much. Why did I introduce him to drugs?
I went in the bar and I saw this band performing. The lead singer had a cat in a hat hat on and some weird baggy clothes. When I watched them I saw that the lead singer looked like he had the potential to make so much great music. Maybe I can help guide him to the right path. Then they finished and they went off the stage. I started heading towards him. " Hi. I saw you performing. What is your name?" I asked. When I looked closer at him he had such beautiful features. He had pale skin, dark eyes, black straight hair, and a nice looking jawline. He looked so beautiful. So fragile. " My name is Brian. Who are you?" Brian asked. Wait what?! He doesn't know who I am?? " I am Trent Reznor from the band Nine Inch Nails. Have you never heard of my band?" I asked. " Nope. But my band is called Marylin Manson and the Spooky Kids." He said. " I can help you and your band become successful. I can guide you to become a great and well known band" I said. " Really? You would do that for an asshole like me?" Brian said. "Yes I would. Even if you are a pain in the ass with instructions." I laughed. " Alright then. I will come with you" Brian chuckled. We went to my house and we drank a few beers.
Back to the present.
I smiled at the memory. Those were great times. How I miss hanging out with him like that. Now he hates me. Brian is gone...Then I started getting depressed. Ugh why is this song so difficult to write!? It is just a song like my other songs, this should not be so hard! I got up and since I was high and frustrated I flipped over a desk and threw it at the wall. " What the f*** is happening in here?" Danny asked. Oh boy. " What do you mean what the f***!" I yelled. " Uh Robin! Trent needs you!" Danny yelled. Then Robin came running in. " Trent are you ok? What the f***!" Robin yelled. " What?! You never seen me mad before?!" I yelled. " Look dude. Marilyn is a dickhead but that doesn't mean that you can let him get under your skin and f*** with your life like that!" Robin yelled. " Yeah but how can I do that when we used to be so close with each other and then I came to destroy Brian with stupid drugs!?" I yelled. Then I started crying on the floor. Then I felt Robin hugging me. " It will be ok Trent. I will help you with whatever you want to do to get Brian back ok?" Robin said. " Thank you Robin." I said. " Don't thank me. You need this." Robin said. Then he kept on holding me until I fell asleep. He is like a mother/ best friend to me. Always taking care of me and making sure I get sleep too. Then I went to sleep.
That is it for this chapter! I promise I will update whenever I can. Bye!
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