🖤All The Love In The World 🖤
2 years later...
Marilyn's P.O.V
Today was going to be a big day for Trent and I. I don't know if Trent will say yes or no but I hope he will say yes. Then I went up to Trent. " Hey Trent. Can we go out on a date today?" I asked. " Yes please. Save me from boredom." Trent said. I chuckled and I saw Trent blushing. " You are cute when you are bored though." I said. " Well what are we waiting for? Let's get our asses out of this house!" Trent said excitedly. " Alright alright. But first wear something for going out." I said. Then Trent looked down at his PJ's. " Oops. I almost forgot I had these on." Trent said. Then he ran up to his room. When he came back he had leather pants on with a black t-shirt and black leather jacket with some black doc martens on. I had black leather pants too with a leather shirt with doc martens that went up to my knees and they were 5 inches tall. " Let's go badass." I said. I saw Trent blushing and then the limo I ordered came. " Wow. We are going in a limo??" Trent asked. " Yes we are." I said. Then we both went in. I was staring at the view of the sunset. Perfect. It will get dark soon. Then we arrived at the fancy gothic restaurant that I wanted to take Trent to. We both got out of the limo and saw the beautiful restaurant. " Hi. I am here for the table I reserved. My name is Brian Warner and he is Micheal Trent Reznor." I said. " Alright. Get in through the back door. Can both of you sign this for me please. I am a huge fan." The man calmly asked. " Alright. As long as you don't tell any fan girls where we are." I said. " Ok. I promise." The man said. Then Trent and I signed it and he looked happy. " Have a nice day guys!" The man said. " Thanks! You too man!" I said. Then we went in through the back door to place where the famous people go. I looked around to see who was here and I saw Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood having a make out session while waiting for their food. Ok so they are together too. Wait a minute. Thom Yorke! And Jonny Greenwood!? Then I also saw David Bowie. And I think Trent did too because he started running to him. " David!" Trent said. " Trent!" David said. Then they hugged each other. This made me a little jealous but I knew Trent looks up to him. " Have you finally stopped doing drugs. I notice that you look healthier than before." David said. " Yes. I stopped. Thanks to Brian over here." Trent said. Then I came to them. " You must be Marilyn Manson." David Bowie said. " Yes. Nice to finally meet you." I said. Then I shook his hand and then he patted my back. " Thank you for saving Trent and yourself too. Wow you look healthier too!" David said. " Drugs were making our relationship horrible. I finally realized how evil drugs are. I couldn't imagine how we would be if we still did drugs." I said. " You guys would be great examples to your fans who do drugs." David said. " You mean it?" Trent asked. " Of course! Why would I lie to you?" David said. " Thank you so much. Have a nice night!" I said. " You too." David said. Then Trent and I sat at the table I reserved. We ordered our food and now we are waiting for it. Then our food came and we finished it and we had some wine left over. " Trent. I want you to know that I will always love you even in the end of everything. In the afterlife I will always be with you. I will do anything to keep that smile on your beautiful face. I will never hurt you and if I do just know that I don't mean it. Now Micheal Trent Reznor." I said. Then I went on my knees. " Will you marry me?" I asked. He looked like he was full of joy and he went on his knees too. " Of course I will marry you" Trent said. Then he took out a ring and we both put the rings we bought for each other on each other's ring fingers. Then we started kissing and I heard people cheering for us. We stopped kissing and we both hugged each other. Then I carried Trent to the beautiful dark garden of this restaurant. We walked around the garden. " Wow. This place is so beautiful." Trent said. " Not as beautiful as you are love." I said. I saw Trent blushing. " Thank you for everything Brian." Trent said. Then he kissed my cheek. " You don't have to thank me. You deserve all the love in the world." I said. Then I started kissing Trent passionately. He kissed me back passionately. I started sliding my tongue in his mouth and he opened it a little. I started exploring his mouth with my tongue and I wrapped my arms around his waist. I brought him closer to me and I felt his dick on mine. We stayed like that for a few minutes then we stopped. Trent smiled at me and I smiled at him. Then we started heading to the studio and we got dressed in different outfits for the music video we are going to do together for a song called Starfuckers inc. Trent and I worked together on that song for his band. "Alright. We will start filming in three, two, one." The man said. Then Trent and I started acting for the music video. We are in a limo right now. I am wearing girl clothes and Trent has a lot of make up on.
After a few hours of retakes and filming...
Right now we are watching the video and we did pretty good. Then Trent and I came out of the studio. " Good job today Brian." Trent said. " Thanks. You did a good job too." I said. Then Trent and I went back home and then when we came in I started passionately kissing him. Then he started kissing back. I wrapped my arms around his waist and brought him closer to me. Then I pushed him against the wall without breaking the kiss. Trent wrapped his arms around the back of my neck and we stayed like that. Then we stopped. " We are finally getting married." I said. Then we headed up to our room and we cuddled to sleep.
Sorry if I took so long guys! The next chapter will be called All The Love In The World part 2. Since it will be about uh you know what. Well, the reason why I am taking so long is because I am making a stage model out of cardboard. Well bye!
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