Tell them I died
This is going to be a kind of long chapter, guys! Sorry they've been super short. Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.
When we get back to the guild, I head straight over to the request board. I feel bad about leaving, and if I stay any longer I might lose my resolve. I search through the job requests until I find the perfect one. It says Protect my Daughter From a Man Who is Trying to Kidnap Her. Reward: 70,000 jewel. I take off the request. Mira seems surprised when I come up to her with the job request.
"So soon? Maybe you should rest. You seem kind of tired. You might be getting sick." She worries over me. I smile wearily. I guess this is morning sickness. Except it's happening during the entire day.
"I'll be fine. Besides, I'll just be sitting there with the girl until her stalker comes." I wave away Mira's concern. Natsu and Happy walk up to me. I flinch slightly as they approach.
"Hey Luce, where are you going?" Natsu asks.
"A job." I show him the request.
"Cool! Let me get my bag." He beams at me. My resolve shakes, and I'm tempted to tell him.
"Sorry, Natsu, but I'm going to do this one alone." I manage to get out, though I feel like crying.
"Why?" He complains. I roll my eyes.
"I need to pay rent. Whenever I go on jobs with the team, someone always goes overboard and then we have to pay for the repairs." I say, annoyed.
"I'll be careful I promise! Take me with you!" Natsu begs. My heart aches, but I walk away.
"Sorry Natsu. I'll go on a job with you when I get back, okay? It'll be the whole team, just like old times!" I lie. Natsu's face brightens and he nods.
"It's a promise!" He laughs and waves. "Bye Luce!" I wave back, feeling my heart breaking.
"Goodbye Natsu!" I yell, then whisper to myself, "Goodbye, everyone in Fairy Tail."
"Bye Luce!" I call. Lucy's been acting pretty strange lately. I really want to go with her, because it'll kill me that she could be in danger doing her job, and I'd be unable to protect her. But I trust Lucy to keep her promise and come back to me.
"Goodbye Natsu!" She yells back. I'm gonna do it. When Lucy gets back, I'll tell her how I feel about her. Hurry up Luce! I love you!
I get on the train. The town I'm going to is calling Honey Waters, and it's a long way away. That's good, the distance will be helpful. I settle down in my seat and decide to take a nap since I'll be here for 8 hours. I close my eyes, and suddenly I'm carrying a little toddler. My sweet baby girl has my big brown eyes and Natsu's pink hair and toothy grin. She's laughing at something.
"Nashi..." I murmur and open my eyes. It's dark, and I seem to be at the Honey Waters stop.
"Last call!" Someone yells, and I get off the train in a hurry. The station is deserted, aside from a brown haired middle aged man and a girl around my age. The girl steps up to me timidly.
"Um, a-are you Miss Lucy Heartfilia?" She asks shyly. I nod and smile.
"Are you the people who posted the job request?" I ask politely. The man steps forward and reaches out to shake my hand.
"Yes, we are. I'm Andy Griffin, and this is my daughter Tee. We heard you were coming." I shake his hand, admiring the politeness he shows as he walks me to their car and opens the door to help me in. On the way to their house, Tee really opens up. It turns out, we like many of the same things, and our birthdays are within days of each other. She's almost like the twin sister I always wanted.
When we get to their house, I stare up at it in awe. It's almost the size of the house I grew up in, although the estate is a little smaller.
"Do you like it?" Tee gushes on about how the staff is like her family, and she wants to learn magic, etc. I find myself opening up to her too, something I usually don't do. I guess I kind of see myself in Tee. Her mother died of illness a few years ago. When we go inside and sit down, Mr. Griffin clasps his hands together and frowns in worry.
"Miss Lucy, I'm sure you're already aware of Tee's situation, but I'll tell you again anyway." Mr. Griffin gestures for us to sit. "Right now, Tee has a man who has been stalking her for quite some time. Recently, there have been attempts made to kidnap her, or even kill her. I'm worried for Tee's safety. Please protect her. I'm willing to triple your reward."
I take a deep breath. This is the moment I've been waiting for. "Actually, I have a request involving my reward." Tee and Mr. Griffin stare at me.
"What is it?" Mr. Griffin asks.
"I'm going to tell you something very personal that I hope never leaves this room." I start. Both father and daughter lean forward, intrigued.
"I'm pregnant." They gasp. "Only seven weeks, but the damage is done. You see, the father is also a member of my guild, but he doesn't feel the same way about me that I feel about him. I don't want to ruin our friendship, nor my friendships with the rest of my family, so instead of any jewel I only want you to do one thing for me." I close my eyes and steady my nerves. When I reopen my eyes, Mr. Griffin and Tee both look insanely curious.
"We won't judge." Tee rubs my back soothingly.
"I want you to go to Fairy Tail and tell them I died." I finish. Tee expels a breath of air, and awkward silence descends on the room.
"Why?" Mr. Griffin asks solemnly.
"Because," I finally release the flood of tears I've been holding in since my talk with Natsu, "I don't want my guild to hate me, or think I'm a slut, and I certainly don't want Natsu to hate me!" I bawl into Tee's shoulder, making her shirt all wet. She only pats my back comfortingly.
"Okay." Tee agrees suddenly.
"Huh?" I sound so stupid.
"I'll go to Fairy Tail and tell them you died. But in exchange, you have to stay here. You can be a member of the staff, because I'm not going to let you live out on the streets when you're pregnant. And, of course, you have to protect me from my stalker."
I stare at her. When her offer finally sinks in, I beam widely, relieved. "Okay!"
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