Run away with Nashi!
*7 years later*
I now have an adorable six year old daughter named Nashi. Just like the vision I had that one time, Nashi has my eyes and Natsu's hair. She is absolutely gorgeous. I've told her stories about Fairy Tail, especially about her father. She really wants to meet them. Maybe someday she can.
"Auntie Tee! Auntie Tee!" Nashi calls. Tee and I both come running over to see what she found, which turns out to be a beautiful flower.
"For you." She hands it to Tee. The two of them are really close. Tee has been a huge help to me in caring for Nashi. I even taught her magic, and she uses her wind magic to help with Nashi's fire.
"And for you." Nashi hands a flower to me too. I smile as I take it, and when she beams back I'm reminded of Natsu and his toothy grin. They really do look so similar. I'm sure Nashi is going to grow up to be a strong wizard just like her father.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a sudden explosion in the forest on the estate. It's where Nashi was picking flowers before. Tee and I nod to each other gravely. It's him.
Ever since Nashi was born, Tee's stalker transferred his attention from her to Nashi. I even got a message from him, in which it said that he wanted easy magic power, and since Tee had been unable to use magic he wanted her. But Nashi has more raw power than Tee, and while she's a child she can't defend herself as well. He is after Nashi, but this is the first attack since her birthday. We aren't prepared for it.
Tee and I run into the small forest. Nashi's stalker is standing there. I know it's him because I recognize his magic. He has bright red hair and red eyes, and he's surrounded by a vortex of sand. Two other unfamiliar people are standing with him.
The woman has black hair and purple eyes. She's wearing a short black dress with purple leggings and knee high black boots.
The man has brown hair and green eyes. He's wearing a black shirt with a skull on it with plain blue jeans and black tennis shoes.
"Mommy! Auntie Tee!" I hear Nashi yell as she crashes through the forest trying to find us.
"Stay back Nashi!" I warn, but she's already in view. The man in the skull shirt raises his arm and a green magic circle of a tree appears under Nashi.
"Forest cage!" The man yells and the plants around Nashi grow and wrap around her, trapping her. Nashi tries to use her fire magic to burn them, but they don't budge.
"Open, gate of the giant crab: Cancer!" I summon Cancer and he quickly cuts the plants trapping Nashi. The woman tries to stop me, but Tee blasts her back with her wind magic.
"How do you want your hair styled today-ebi?" Cancer asks me. I point to the three magicians.
"They're trying to take Nashi. Get them!"
"As you wish-ebi." Cancer gets into a battle pose. I also summon Loke, who thankfully sees that we're in a battle and moves to protect Nashi and I.
"Lucy, run away with Nashi!" Tee yells at me. I refuse to leave her behind.
"I'm going to stay and help you. But Nashi, you do need to run." I get eye level with my daughter.
"I'm not leaving Mommy and Auntie Tee. I'm gonna fight and be strong like you and Daddy!" Nashi lights her little fists on fire. I shake my head.
"No." Then I give her Loke's key. "Loke, get Nashi out of here. Please, protect her with your life if you have to." Loke nods and picks up Nashi. She tries to break away from his grasp, but he doesn't let her go.
"No Mommy! I wanna stay with you!" Nashi starts crying. I put my hands on her little cheeks.
"I need you to stay strong for Mommy, okay?" Then I tell Loke, "Take her to Fairy Tail."
"Am I gonna see Daddy?" Nashi asks, sniffling and wiping her eyes. I nod, and her eyes brighten.
"Yay! I'm gonna meet Daddy!" She cheers, and stops struggling. I pull out my whip.
"Start running Loke! Tee and I are going to buy you some time by kicking these guy's butts!" Loke is gone the next instant, using magic to boast his speed.
"After him!" The leader begins to sink into his sand vortex. I wrap him up in my whip and pull him out of the ground. Tee once again blasts back the two minions with her wind.
"You have to get through us first!" We shout in unison and get into fighting positions. I will Loke to hurry and get to Fairy Tail before it's too late.
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