48. Helpless
Aarzoo's pov:
I am not happy with my life. I can't live on like this but whenever I see Yahya I know that I am doomed. No matter how much I desire freedom and going back to my love, I can't get him in trouble. He suffered so much in such age but still he tries to stay happy. I wish it would have that easy for me. Since I got the news Arham's marriage I am so restless. I can tolerate being away from him but someone else taking my place in his life is something I just can't let that happen. I don't know what to do.
Just then Yahya came to me and said,"Mumma..I am ready to go to park. "
Then he came running to me and said,"Mumma..you are crying.." He tried to wipe my tears. I hugged him and let my tears fall silently.
I said,"No baby..mumma is fine. Something fell in mumma's eyes. I will be wash my face and come then we will go to park, okay?"
He nodded.
I quickly cleaned up my face and then I took Yahya to park. He loves going to park. We had fun for a while but it became dark so we came back home if we call it that. He looked so happy.
We had dinner and I made Yahya sleep. I was on brink of falling asleep when I heard our front door open.
Only one person has keys to the house that is Ihsaan but today is not weekend. Why is he here?
I quickly stood up and went to the living rook before he comes inside bedroom. I don't want Yahya's sleep to be disturbed. I locked the door. I know it's not of much help when he has eyes but still I tried from my side.
He looked drunk..last time when he came drunk here he tried to force himself on me and I had no choice but to knock him up. He was so angry next day that he burnt my hand with which I hit him. Whenever comes he tortures emotionally or physically. I don't know what he wants today.
He said,"You know I am so sad today and I don't want to be alone. I don't why but my heart brought me here."
I don't know what should I say.
He said,"Aren't you going to ask me why I am sad?"
When I didn't reply he was near me in seconds and pinned me to the wall.
He said,"I asked you something. I hate it when people don't answer to my questions."
I said,"W-Why are y-you s-sad?"
He moved away and I sighed in relief but it was for few seconds as next he got hold of my hand and took me to the sofa. He made me sit on it then laid his head on my lap making me uncomfortable.
He said,"Today is my dad's death Anniversary. "
I don't know what should I say. He is so unpredictable that I can't say what will make him unhappy.
He said gritting his teeth,"Aren't you going to ask me how he died?"
I said,"H-How he d-died?"
He said,"He was killed."
He abruptly stood up and got hold of my jaw.
He said,"Do you know who killed him?"
I shook my head in No.
He said,"Your parents because of your parents I didn't have my father while I was growing up."
My parents?? No..no they would never kill anyone.
He said,"You don't believe me?"
I said,"My parents..why would they?"
He said,"I don't care why..they have no right to take someone's life. They must have got away from law but I will not leave him. I will not let any of their children stay happy. How I grew up my whole life without love. Their children will die carving for love. I will not let them live in peace. No never not until I am alive. "
He shouted,"Do you understand?"
I nodded my head.
He said,"Good..Now I am tired..I want to sleep."
He again lied his head on my lap and got hold of my hand. He snuggled closer to me and he seconds he was asleep. I don't know what should I do.. I am scared even move an inch..I slowly feel sleep in sitting position only.
Ruhaan's pov:
Life is so unfair..so so so unfair. When Zara is not in my Destiny then why everytime my path crosses with her. Why everytime..I have to go through this pain of losing her again and again. It always hurts like hell.
I want to be part of my daughter's life. I know I can't be part of Zara's life. She can never be mine but my desires for only her.
I should not be thinking about all this. My daughter's health is my priority. Zara was never mine to lose.
I saw my daughter who is sleeping so peacefully without fear of anything. I sat beside her and kissed her forehead. She is carbon copy of Zara. From head to toe..
She slowly opened her eyes and said,"Papa..You are here."
I said,"Yes cutie pie..Papa is here and he will always be there for you from now on."
She smiled and said,"I want to go home."
I said,"We will..once you get well. We will go home."
She whined and said,"I am fine. I am not liking it here."
Just the Zara and Zubair entered the room.
He said,"Doctor got the reports. He is calling both of you. Don't worry I will be there with Ruhaani."
I am so tensed right now. I hope everything is fine.
We went to doctor. I saw Zara was shaking so I got hold of her hand. I thought she will take it away but she tightened her hold on my hand.
Doctor said,"I am sorry Ruhaan..but your bone marrow didn't match with her."
I said,"How is that possible? I am her father."
He said,"In rare cases, it happens that both parents bone marrow doesn't match with the patient. "
Zara was in tears.
She said,"What should we do, Doctor?"
Doctor said,"We can look for bone marrow match but there is very less possibility of finding one. We can test your family members and relatives if anyone matches with her. As far as I have heard your family stays in India, it's better if you go there and test with as many people as possible. We might find her donor. If nothing works then there is only one way. "
He said,"That's our last resort. We can look for her donor for a month. If we can't find till then I will tell you."
I said,"Thank you Doctor."
Then we came out of the doctor's room. Zara is crying mess. I hugged her. I can't see her like this..
She said,"Ruhaan..my baby..what should I do? I can't lose her."
I said,"Nothing will happen to her..You have to be strong."
She shook her head and said,"I want my daughter to be safe and healthy"
I said,"In Sha Allah she will"
Arham came to us and signed me asking what happened?
I shook my head and mouthed 'I didn't match'
He closed his eyes and rubbed his face.
He said,"What Doctor suggested?"
I said,"We need to look for Donor in our family and relatives if anyone matches with her. We need to go to India."
He said,"I will make arrangements."
I nodded and he left from there.
I made Zara sit on chair and brought water for her.
She drank few sip. Her tears are unstoppable. I sat beside her and took her in my arms. She kept crying. I know how much pain she is in right now. I am going through the same. Even though it's been only 24 hours since I got to know I have a daughter. I formed strong bond with her. For Zara she is her world. She must be devasted.
Ya Allah please ease our troubles.
Next day we all travelled to India..
Me, Zara, Ruhaani, Arham and unfortunately Zubair as well. Zohaan also wanted to come but there is no one to look after the company in his absence. His dad and grandfather are out on business trip. Shahyan and Asmara just joined the company so they can't come with us. They also did the test but didn't match..even Arham, Zohaan, Zubair, Pari..Zohaan's mother, his grandmother, Pari's family, her husband's family. Everyone took test but no one matched with Ruhaani. We still have hope. We have many relatives..hopefully anyone of them matches with my daughter.
Zubair is not leaving Ruhaani alone for a second and obviously Zara is with Ruhaani. That's my place but I can't even say that to him. I feel so helpless.
Ruhaani said,"Papa..Come here."
Finally This will tell him that Ruhaani is My daughter and she needs me not him.
Hope you are enjoying :)
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