47. New bond
Zara's pov:
I was angry with him but still when he came infront me. By seeing his tearful eyes my heart broke. No...no...no..you can't forgive him so easily. You can't forget what he told you. You are an easy target and fool. You fell in his trap easily. Not this time. This time I will not repeat the same mistake.
I turned my eyes away from him and thanked Arham.
I said,"Thanks a lot Arham. I don't know what I would have done without you. Thank you for being there for me."
Arham smiled said,"No need of thanks Zara. Ruhaani is just like my daughter."
I said,"That she is."
Zubair said,"Let's do the test now."
Ruhaan nodded and went with him.
I sat beside Ruhaani who was lying on bed IV attached to her. She smiled looking at me.
She said,"Mumma, Papa is here. He came for me. Allah listens to my prayers."
I was shocked..How did she know? I never told her about Ruhaan.
I said," who told you about your dad?"
Her smile dropped and she looked away.
I said,"I will not scold you. Please tell me how you know about your father?"
She said,"I-I heard you talking to Zohaan uncle. I also saw the picture which you hug while crying when you think I am sleeping or not there. I never asked you anything because I didn't want to make you angry. Now papa came back so you are not angry with him now, right? We are going to be happy family like others."
I kissed her forehead and said,"I am sorry baby. You are still young to understand why your mom and dad can't stay together. I will tell you everything when you reach the age."
She said,"I am a big girl. I understand eveything."
I said,"I know my daughter big girl and brave so I know she will understand and will not force mumma. "
She sighed and said,"Okay"
She smiled looking at my back and said,"Papa.."
I turned around and startled to see Ruhaan. He also looked shocked.
He slowly walked towards the bed and sat on other side of bed. Opposite to me.
Ruhaani said,"Papa..I missed you alot. Did you miss me? Where were you? Why didn't you come to see me?"
Ruhaan looked uncomfortable by her questions so
I said,"Ruhaani..Papa is tired. He will talk with you later."
She pouted and said,"Okay."
Ruhaan said,"I was lost beta. Now I am here and I am going to stay with you."
She said,"Really?"
He said,"yes."
She forwarded her little finger and said ,"promise?"
He interlinked his little finger with her and said,"Promise"
I glared at him and said,"Ruhaani, it's your nap time."
She said,"but mumma I want to talk with papa."
I said,"Later..now you go to sleep."
She said,"But mumma-"
Ruhaan said,"Listen to your mumma, Ruhaani. Papa will be here when you wake up."
She said,"okay but you have to sing lori for me"
Ruhaan said,"I don't know."
She said,"Papa please.."
He said,"Okay..I don't know if it's lori but I know one song."
He sang the below song:
(Chanda hai tu, mera sooraj hai tu
O meri aankhon ka taara hai tu) -3
Jeeta hoon main bas tujhe dekhakar
Is toote dil ka sahaara hai tu
Tu khele khel kaee, mera khilona hai tu -2
Jisase bandhi har aasha meri
Mera vo sapana salona hai tu
Nanha sa hai kitana sundar hai tu
Chhota sa hai kitana pyaara hai tu
Chanda hai tu, mera sooraj hai tu
Ruhaani fell asleep.
He said,"Why didn't you tell me about her?"
I don't want to talk with him. After everything he did he is still asking me why didn't I tell him.
He said,"How could you hide this from me? She is my daughter as well. You hid this truth for four years. If you didn't need my help now then you would have never told me about her. "
I stood up and said,"I don't think you deserve any explanation after what you did to me."
He said,"So you were punishing me by keeping my daughter away from me but you kept Ruhaani away from her father. What was her fault?"
I said,"I don't want to talk on this topic with you. Don't promise something which is not possible to my daughter. Once my daughter is okay I don't want you in our life. You are nothing to her. You were not there when we needed you. I have raised her alone. I don't want a cheater and back stabber like you near my daughter. If my daughter life was not in danger then I would have never seen your face ever. Stay away from me. Stay away from my daughter. We don't need you."
I was about to walk away when he got hold of my hand.
He said,"I would have been there if you have told me about my daughter. How can I take responsibility when I was not aware of it?"
I jerked my hand from his hold.
I said,"Don't touch me. Don't talk to me. Don't come near me. Stay away. I am tolerating you just for my daughter. Don't cross your limits."
Just then Zubair arrived.
He said,"Everything okay?"
I said,"Yeah."
He didn't believe me but said,"okay..come with me. I want to show you something."
Before I can say anything. He got hold of my hand and dragged me from there.
I said,"where are we going? Ruhaani will be alone."
He said,"It will not take much time just few minutes.."
He took me to the parking and showed a ring.
He said,"How is it?"
I said,"It's pretty but whose ring is this?"
He said,"Yours"
I said,"What?"
He said," I heard your conversation with Ruhaani's dad. "
I said,"What that has to do with this ring?"
He said,"Zara, you know that I like you, right? I have always thought of you and Ruhaani as my family. Ruhaani is so close to my heart. Zara, I want to officially become her father. Will you marry me?"
I said,"Zubair..I can't..I -"
Just then I saw Ruhaan standing at door looking at us.
Flashes of how he ditched me and married Adira flashed infront of my eyes. He moved on. He didn't care for me.
I said,"Yes."
Zubair squealed and said,"Wow..I can't believe this. She finally said yes.
Yes! Yes! Yes! You have no idea how long I waited for this moment."
I made me wear the ring and kissed my knuckles.
A tear slipped from Ruhaan's eye and he left from there.
Once he left it dawn upon me. What I have done. I don't love Zubair. I can't spoil his life. I am not capable of loving anyone else. I am a broken woman.
I quickly removed the ring and placed it on his palm.
I said,"I can't Zubair. I am sorry. I am really sorry."
I was about to go when he said,"You still love him."
I said,"I do but I don't have any place for him in my place. After what he had done to me I can never trust him."
He said,"You always asked me why I am so found of Ruhaani. I will tell you now. She reminds me of my daughter."
I was shocked and said,"You have a daughter?"
He said,"Yes..but she is no more and it was my fault. I was not ready for baby at that time. I was a coward so I denied the baby. Her mother aborted the baby as she was scared to face her family after that she left me. I don't know where is she now..After she left me I realized how much I loved her..how much I miss her..if my baby was alive then she will be around Ruhaani's age. I see my daughter in her. I have no strong feelings for you ofcourse I like you but I have loved only one girl whom I lost due to cowardice."
I said,"Why didn't you look for her?"
He said,"After what I did to her I don't deserve her. I always pray for her happiness. I just want her to be happy wherever she is."
I said,"You really love her."
He said,"That I do."
He gave me the ring and said,"Anyway keep it with you. It will help you to keep your man away from you."
I said,"He is not my man"
He shook his head and said,"Whatever you say. Let's go inside before Ruhaani wakes up from sleep."
Hope you are enjoying :)
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