Yazan's pov:
Two years have passed but nothing have changed between me and Yarah. I don't think it gonna happen any soon. We have come across long way and the distance have been increased a lot between us. It feels like very distant memory when we were together. No one is same as before.
It hurt me a lot that she didn't thought it's important to tell me that I have a son. Does she hated me that much? Why didn't she tell me? Because of her I have lost the opportunity to ever know my son. I didn't even hold him in my arms for once. Sometimes I feel guilty that I drove her so far from me that she didn't even trust me to take responsibility of my actions. I got yo know that may be we didn't know understand each other. May be we were too young. I have no answers.
Whenever I see her sad face or her pain in her eyes for losing our son. I can't stop myself from feeling guilty and hurt. I just can't face her. I never got courage to be honest with her. Express my feelings, listen to her heart. Neither she tried to approach me or clear things between us. We are two strangers living together. I don't know what will be the future of our marriage? Is it going to last? I love her. Can I ever say aloud that to her again? Does she have any feelings for me? I don't know. I don't want to ponder on that thought much. I want to focus of my career and forget everything else.
Shahyan's pov:
I was deep sleep when I heard my door bell. I switched on the bed light and looked at clock. It was 3 in the morning. Who is disturbing my sleep so early in the morning? I heard the door bell ring continously so I got down the bed to open the door.
I was surprised to see Saleekh. What is he doing here in London?
I said,"What are you doing here?"
Saleekh acted to be hurt and said,"You hurt me bro. Aren't you happy to see me?"
I rolled my eyes and said,"I would have been happy. If you had disturbed my sleep so early in the morning"
Saleekh said,"You are so ungrateful. Atleast I didn't call you to come to the airport to pick me up. You should be thankful."
He pushed me and entered the house. I locked the door and said,"May I know the reason for your surprise visit?"
He said,"I was not interested in coming here. I was forced by your father-in-law. "
I said,"But why?"
He said,"I don't know if it's a happy news for you or not. Surprise or shock"
He is making me nervous.
I said,"What is it?"
He said,"Your wife is coming to stay with you."
I was shocked and said,"What?"
He was so calm and I am freaking our here.
He said,"Yes..she is already here"
My heart was beating so fast and I stammered,"Y-you mean s-she is here with y-you. Outside"
He nodded and my face paled.
He laughted at me and said,"Look at your face. It feels like you have seen a ghost. Don't worry she is not here right now. We came together but she went with Zohaan to Zaeem Uncle's house and I came here."
I said,"Zohaan?"
He said,"Yeah..He is nice guy. He came so polite and generous. He came to pick us. He dropped me here. He made me feel welcome unlike someone."
I shook my head at this tactics.
I said changing topic,"Why is she here?"
He said,"What do you mean? She is your wife. She got recently graduated and dad wanted her to complete her internship in London in Zaeem Uncle's company."
I said,"but why?"
He sighed and said,"It's not only about internship. He is very angry and kind of fed up. He don't want to leave your and Asmara's future hanging. He wants both of you to stay together and decide whether you want to end this marriage or not. In simple words, if you want to make your marriage work then this is the change."
I don't know what to say. After our last fight I came here and we never contacted each other. I am really not sure what should I do about our marriage? But it's high time I should take a decision.
He said,"I don't know why he thinks you will listen to me as you never have. Anyway I just want to say..You are my best friend and She is my sister. I exactly don't know what happened between both of you because you were quite cosy during your honeymoon. I can't pick a side. I don't want to pick. Whatever might be your decision We are okay with it. It's your life and the decision you take will have great impact on it. So don't worry about anything else. Think about yourself. What you want from life? Are you going to regret if you let her go? It's your decision and I am no one to tell what to do. As a brother, i want to say on my sister's behalf she loves you. She is not as bad as you are thinking about her. Now I am tired. I am going to sleep and you think about what I said because she will be here soon. I am not in mood to give any lecture and i think you are not interested as well. Anyway I have completed the task given to me. Good night"
He left from there leaving me in thoughts.
I said,"Wait.."
He said,"What?"
I said,"When is she coming?"
He said,"She will be here tomorrow after her first day in office."
I literally shouted,"What?"
He said,"Don't shout. It's too early in the morning and my brain cells are sleeping."
I said,"Don't be dramatic. You disturbed my beautiful sleep and now you are complaining about early morning."
He said,"Good night. I am not in mood of any conversation now ."
I said,"You are going to stay with you."
He smiled and said,"No, I will be leaving in two days. I just came to make sure you don't kill each other"
I said,"Very funny"
He said,"I am not interested in staying here.I can't wait to go back I miss someone a lot."
I said,"When are you going to reveal who is she?"
He said,"When the right time comes."
I said,"Fine..Where are you doing your internship?"
He said,"I am not interested in business. I am joining art college. I want to be a painter. That's my passion."
I said,"Uncle is okay with it?
He sighed and said,"He is not. I don't want to talk about it. I will go now. You also take rest. You have long day ahead."
Hope you are enjoying :)
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