Maan's pov:
I can't believe it's been 20 years since me and Jiya got together. Time passed so fast. Our kids are all grown up and taking their own decisions. Sometimes I get too worried for them but I don't want to oppose their decisions. I will let them do what they want but when they fall I will there to catch them. They will always have my back.
Jiya snuggled closer to me and said,"Are you thinking about our kids?"
I said,"you too?"
She said,"I worried for Yarah. Do you think it's right to get her engaged this young? She is just 20. I know that Saleekh is good person but still I don't know Maan I feel like they are not meant to be."
I kissed her forehead and said,"Don't think too much Sunshine. We can't control everything. We got good proposal for Yarah and we should consider it. The decision is in her hands we are not forcing her to marry. "
She said,"I know that we can't change their fate but I can't help it Maan. My kids are not happy in their life. You know Aarzoo, right? She hates sharing what is hers and today he has share her husband with Zara. I am worried for her. She will not be able to handle it. Ruhaan married Adira. I can't believe he left Zara for Adira. As far as I know my son He loved Zara. I have seen the happiness in his eyes on his wedding day. I don't know why he left what was his reason but-"
I said,"I don't want to talk about Ruhaan."
She said,"Till when are you going to stay angry at him? It's been two years. Maan I think it's enough now. Let's forgive him. I don't want him to go back. Let's ask him to come and stay with us."
I moved away from her and said," I am sorry but I can't fulfill your wish Jiya. He is not staying with us. I can't forgive him for what he did to Zara."
I can see tears form in her eyes and I hate watching her cry. I turned away from her.
She said,"He is our son. Parents should forgive their children's mistakes."
I said,"Yes we should forgive their mistakes but your son commited sin. You don't know what he did. I would have forgiven him if he was guilty of his sin but no he is not even aware of his mistake. I can't forgive him until he realise his mistake and repent on it."
She said,"You know something which I don't. What is it?"
I said,"if you want invite him here then you can as I don't want to restrict a mother from seeing her son but don't expect me to be nice to him.
Don't worry about Aarzoo she will find her happiness sooner or later. I am more worried about Zara."
She said,"What do you mean by this?"
I said,"There are things which you are not aware of Jiya. I don't know how you will react when you get to know about this."
She said,"You are scaring me now. What is it?"
I said,"I will tell you but today is not the time. Trust me I will let you know soon. For now focus on Yarah's engagement. Aneekh called me in the evening we wants to know our answer. If it's yes then he thinks it will be good to get them engaged next week. You talk with Yarah and let me know her decision. What do you think about Aneekh's suggestion regarding wedding date?"
She said," okay I will talk with Yarah."
I said,"Now Yarah will also go to her house soon then house will become so lonely."
She said,"Yes. All our kids moved towards their destination. Life will be so boring without kids"
I said,"Is that so? Then how about one more baby?" I tired to kiss her but she moved away.
She said,"What are you saying? You are acting like you are still young. It's not your age to be father but of grand father."
I feel offended.
I said,"I am still young. I didn't even reach fifty. What are you saying? Girls still try to flirt with me in office."
She glared at me and said,"Are you bragging about other girls infront your wife?"
I shuttered and said,"N-No..I-"
He pulled me closer and said,"Listen carefully Mr.Khan you are mine only mine. "
I smiled and said,"Ofcourse my Sunshine. I am all yours. I love you."
She said,"I love you too. Don't think I forgot about Ruhaan. I am waiting for you to tell me. Hopefully it is soon."
I said,"yes..Now come here Let's make a baby."
She said,"stop it. It's not funny."
I said,"Really?" I started tickling her. She is the best thing Allah has given to me. My love..My life..My Jiya.
Zaan's pov:
We fought again today I don't know how we always find a way to argue. You will not believe today we fought on which movie to watch. Today is Friday and it's movie night. Usually we alternatively decide which move to watch. Today is my turn but Maahi got some now DVD and she wanted to watch it and we had argument over it. Sometimes I can't believe that we have become grand parents we still act like kids. Maan bhai says the same that we fight like kids even at this age. I believe that is the beauty of our relationship we are very different from each other. We argue, we fight but we can't stay without one another. Right now we both are sitting on bed facing the opposide sides
She looked at me and said,"It's okay let's watch the movie which you want anyway it's your turn."
I said,"okay"
I placed the DVD and then sat beside her. She wrapped her hand around my arm and her head on my shoulder.
When the name of the movie is displayed she hugged me and said,"I love you.."
It's the movie she wanted to watch.This is what I want her happiness. It has always been and will always be my goal.
I said,"I love you too. We will watch my choice movie for upcoming two friday"
She said,"Sure."
Once the movie ended she said,"Zaan Do you think we should call Zara to visit us? I mean i want to see my daughter and how she is coping with this new situation. I can't believe Arham did this to her. I have no issues with Aarzoo. You know I love her just like Zara but sharing your husband is not easy."
I said,"What can I say if she don't want to leave him? After what he did I don't want him in my daughter's life. If he want to stay with Aarzoo then he can stay but he has no right to hurt my daughter like this. I don't understand why she is so accepting towards this situation."
She said,"Something is weird. I mean Zara was not hurt when she got to know Arham married Aarzoo. She was so unaffected which is impossible for a wife to be in such situation. Do you think she has not forgotten Ruhaan? This is what pushed Arham to remarry?"
I said,"Don't take Ruhaan name infront of me. He broke my daughter's heart. He spoiled her life. Yazan also changed a lot after that incident. He used to me so naughty and mischevious. He can't sit at one place but he became so silent that I don't realize he is in the same room. I am not sure what is happening in our children's life. I tried to talk with him but he always avoids my question. I know he is in pain I don't know what to do about it. You are right Let's call Zara to stay with us for a while."
We lied down on bed and she said,"okay. Let's hope everything fall on place."
I said,"In Sha Allah it will. Don't worry."
She said,"Good night."
I said,"Good night"
Sameer's pov:
Salina said,"Are you okay?"
I said,"Yes I am."
She said,"I know you are not. Tomorrow is Mehak's death anniversary. You are missing her, right?"
I wrapped my arm around her and said,"Yes I miss her but you know right I don't love you any less. I know it hurts to see your husband miss othee women."
She said,"It use to hurt me but not anymore. I am thankful to her because of her I have a son like Arham. She deserves this love and respect. She loved you a lot may be more than me. She sacrificed her life for you and Arham. I can't be jealous of her."
I said,"I hope she is happy and peaceful where ever she is.. Everyone is coming back tomorrow. They will be here for Mehak's death anniversary. How are the preparations going?"
She said,"Almost done with them. I am worried for Arham and Shahyan. How they are going to take up their new responsibilities?"
I said,"Everything will be fine as we are always with them."
She said,"I am not happy with Arham and Aarzoo's marraige. I don't know how you are so chill about it. I mean I understand you love Aarzoo but we can't ignore the injustice done to Zara "
I said,"I understand what you are saying but I know Arham's happiness is with Aarzoo. I never stopped from doing anything ever. I want him to be happy that's only thing I can do to repay atleast 10% of Mehak's sacrifice. Arham and Zara's marraige is a compromise. We both know this. Even though he have said this to anyone we know that Ruhaani is not Arham's daughter. They are not happy together. I just wish like how Arham found his happiness Zara also get her happiness which is Ruhaan."
She sighed and said,"I know Ruhaani is not Arham's daughter. I overheard Zara and Arham taking about this but still how can you expect Ruhaan to be with Zara. Don't tell me you want Zara to be his second wife. That's ridiculous."
I said,"No..never do I want Zara to stay with that Witch Adira. You know how much I hate her. I don't know why Ruhaan married her. I think something is fishy. I will get to know the truth."
She said,"okay fine but rest for now. Tomorrow will be busy day."
I said,"Yes..come here. I can't sleep without you."
She blushed and said,"Shut up. Act of your age. Idiot you children arw married but you can't stop romancing."
I said,"So what I romancing my wife not anyone else. Come here now."
She smiled and came into my arms.
She said,"I love you."
I said,"I love you too."
Adeel's pov:
I said,"Aliya I think we should bring back Aliza."
I can't sleep and Aliya is lying in my arms.
She looked at time then at me and said,"it's 1:00 AM. Why are you still awake? Let's sleep. I am very sleepy." She yawned.
I said,"I am not getting sleep. You know I can't stay without my daughter. I never sent her anywhere alone. I am worried for her."
She looked at me and said,"She is not alone. She is with her cousins. Yarah, Yazan and Saleekh will take care of this even if other's are busy."
I started,"but-"
She said,"no buts. Let her enjoy Adeel. She is not kid anymore. Give her freedom otherwise she will fell suffocated by our love."
I said,"She is still kid she is just 15 years old. She is my baby girl. She will never feel suffocated of my love."
She said,"I don't want to fight with you on this. Anyway they will be back tomorrow."
I said,"What? Why didn't you tell me before?"
She said,"Salina called me today as tomorrow is Mehak's death Anniversary they cut short their trip."
I said,"I want wait to see her. I miss her."
She said,"I feel like only Aliza matters to you. You don't care about me."
I said,"I love both of you. You both are my life. I can't live without you, you know that."
She said,"Me too.Let's sleep now"
I said,"Sometimes I feel like you love your sleep more than me."
She said,"Finally you got to know."
I said,"What?"
She smiled and said,"I love to sleep on your arms."
I said,"Me too."
I wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep.
Aneekh's pov:
Samaira complained saying,"stop turning Aneekh. I can't sleep."
I said,"I am worried for my daughter. You got her married so early. She was just 20. I was so against it but you didn't listen to me."
She said,"Stop acting like this Aneekh. You know Asmara had crush on Shahyan since childhood. You saw how happy she was with this marraige. You talked with her few hours back she sounded so happy what are you worried about?"
I said,"What about Shahyan? He was not happy with this marraige. I saw that on his face he was not ready. Today on call also something was off in his office. Samaira I am telling you something is not right with their marraige."
She said,"You are overthinking. You are just missing her as She is her papa's princess. Don't worry Once Yarah comes in this house You will not miss Asmara much."
I said,"I think it is too early for Saleekh to get married. First let him graduate and start being responsible. He is so careless with his life how will he handle Yarah's responsibility."
She said,"Aneekh what happened to you? Why are you thinking so negitive about everything? I want Yarah to marry Saleekh because he likes her. You know Yarah is so beautiful and she is getting so many proposals. I don't want Saleekh to be heart broken once Jiya and Maan fixes Yarah's marraige with someone else so I asked for her hand. Asmara loved Shahyan so I got her married to him.I just want my children's happiness."
I said,"You just thinking about your children. I am thinking of Shahyan and Yarah. If they are not happy with marraige then our children can't be happy."
She said,"You are thinking too much. I have not forced anyone. Shahyan agreed on his own for this marraige and hopefully Yarah also agrees to marry Saleekh."
She cupped my face and said,"Don't worry everything is fine."
I nodded. I don't know why but I have this wierd feeling like something is not right.
She said,"You know you look very cute when you frown."
I said," Don't call me cute that is for girls."
She said,"Who said that..? I am telling you na you are cute."
I said,"Sam stop calling me that."
She said,"Cute, Cute, Cute"
I tired to tickle her because she is very ticklish.
She said,"This is what I like on your face. This smile. Don't worry we are their for our kids when they need us. We can't change what is written in their fate but we can support them in their tough times. Hopefully it never happens."
I said,"Ameen."
She said,"So let's sleep it's very late."
I said,"I love you"
She is my biggest support. She knows how to handle me. She is the strong one in our relationship. I love her and I am glad that I fought for her with my father. It was worth for.
She said,"I love you too. Good night"
I said,"Good night."
Hope you are enjoying :)
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