weird ted-talk about klance
My weird shipping ted-talk
So you know how like everyone ships klance? Okay well What if in the show we got subtle things that would have lead to klance. Like Keith and Lance having each others clothes at times. Like the pool episode, they could have simply had before they got to the pool just them in switched shorts. People could SMIPLY wright it off as a mistake by the editors. But they'd have to keep it into the next seen. Or maybe a short quick seen of lance being like, "I'm cold" and Keith hands him his jacket. Like simple things like that. Things that would go over kids heads to still keep that Tv-Y-7 rating. But for people who ship klance they'd get there klance. Now not to say they couldn't still have lancelura, but things like that would lead to klance in the slide show thingy. Then they just have Keith and Lance hugging maybe kissing. Then they also could have gotten that LGBTQ+ rep. And it would have made more sense in the show than what's his name and Shiro. They also could use that one thing that Lauren Montgomery(I think that's her name). Where Lance and Shiro are holding the LGBTQ+ sign. Yet they sadly never use that. Though they could have a short seen like in the hall. Have lance try and get closer to kuron. Something Like:
Lance: shiro I've started having doubts, i don't think I'm fully straight.
Kuron: go on.
Lance: i mean like when I look at (Keith/ males name) I feel how I feel about Allura.
Kuron: oh, well thank you for coming out to me.
Something as simple as that. Just make Lance BI and make people happier about that. Also in a children's show having an out-bi along with an out-gay would mean more people would probably watch your show. You know maybe that's why she-ra does so well. They don't have to come out and you know that, bo's dad's are gay and together. And they don't make a big deal other than the girls being like, "oh your dad's" thats it. Spinarella and Natasa, their lesbians and have never come out but you known it. The show does so well in treating LGBTQ+ characters and not treating them like sick people or different. So if voltron simply did up to three changes lots of people are happier in your show. Thats just my two cents on this.
Thank you for comeing to my klance ted-talk.
Also what do you think? Tell me what you think please.
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