Romeo and Juliet
His eyes began to water as he remembered that night...
Y/n was laying in her bed, it was her senior year. It was prom night, everyone dressed so elegantly but no one compared to the beautiful Y/n. Y/n didn't have anyone to go to the prom with except her best friend Chloe. Regie of course was best friends with Chloe too but he decided not to go to prom. They both spent all night laughing and dancing with their friends. It was the best night ever to everyone until....
They went to the store to grab snacks. "I'm so hungry." Y/n says, Chloe laughed. "Too much pot?" Chloe joked and Y/n laughed awkwardly. "Look I'm sorry...I know your dad's drug dealing might be scary for you. I didn't mean that you're a pothead, I know you don't smoke anymore." Chloe said, Y/n nodded, avoiding Chloe's gaze. "It's all good...Chloe?" She asked grabbing a bag of chips. "Yeah Y/n?" Chloe and her finally made eye contact. Just then a bell dinged catching everyone's attention. "Where's Y/n?" Y/n ducked, remembering the sound of the familiar voice. She dragged Chloe down with her and began to crawl to the back door. "There she is." Just then....
Chloe was shot dead...right in front of her eyes. "Next time tell your daddy don't steal shit from Jaz." The guy shouted, Y/n sat in terror, covered in blood. "C-chloe?" She cried, the cashier ran towards the two. "DONT JUST FUCKING STAND THERE HELP." Y/n said to the cashier.
She sat in the emergency room, she already knew the words that were gonna happen spill from the doctors mouth. "She couldn't make it I'm sorry." Her hands began to shake as she checked her pockets for her phone. She has to call someone. Anyone . She called the only person she really knew in this fucked up town. "Hello?" She sniffled. "Y/n what's wrong?" His voice made her calm down. "Regie...Chloe's dead." She tried to remain calm and explain to Regie what happened. "Where are you at?!" His voice was filled with concern. "The hospital... can you bring me extra clothes?" She asked looking down at her bloody body. "Yeah I'm on the way."
Present day
Regie stared at Y/n who was asleep peacefully. "I have to keep her safe." He thought to himself. He held her tight and kissed her head. "Can we smoke some more?" She asked, Regie looked at the girl and chuckled. "You can if you want to but me? I'm burnt out." He says, the two stared at each other for moments. Regie's lips curled up into a little smile, he soon avoided eye contact with the girl and looked up at the ceiling.
"Now what do we do today?" She asked Regie, Regie shrugged. He had no clue about what to do besides make a YouTube video. "Well I'm gonna head home-"
Y/n never knew why but Regie never let her go home, he had a strong connection with her parents. Her parents were never present to her so seeing him so close with them just felt so unreal. "Why?" She asked finally, he placed his chin on her head and sighed. "I just feel so happy when you're around I'm really glad we're friends."
"I'll stay." Her voice was hushed by the sound of the rain. The two lay together in silence, it was quiet and safe and nothing else mattered to them. She fell asleep fast in his arms.
Y/n and Regie. The best of friends. Always have each others back and always comforting each other when something is wrong. Their love for each other was stronger than Romeo and Juliet.
She had never had anyone care for her the way he does and she never knew why he'd take such great care of her. His love for her was something you couldn't stop examining. It was the love everyone wanted from each other and he would only give it to her.
His pretty brown eyes, charming smile, and laugh would always calm her down. No wonder she fell asleep so fast in his arms.
Romeo and Juliet.
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