I can't believe after all this time I fell in love with a demon.
Slowly are lips separated from each other. We looked into each others eyes and smiled.
"You kissed me" I said
"I guess I did" Bill said
"Oh Bill" I chuckled
"And I'm about to do it again"
Timeskip srubs!
It's been a one week since we kissed and now were pretty much dating. Mable doesn't know yet, so I'm probably gonna be dead soon.
Mable's with her friends finding new things to show at the shack. I'm running the shack with Bill. He's doing a great job with the costumers.
It's July now and I'm getting a little bit worried. Our Grunkles are coming back and I don't know how there gonna react. Should I even tell them about Bill?
"Pinetree what's on your mind" Bill asked.
"Nothing really" I said
"I know your lying" Bill said
"I'm just worried about my Grunkles coming back" I said
"You don't have to be" Bill said
"Why not" I said
"Because they won't know" Bill said
He kissed my forehead and left to help other costumes. I forgot Mable told us to close early because someone was going to visit. She wanted us to close at three, so we did.
It wasn't that busy today so it was easier. Bill and I started to clean the house for our so called guest. I wonder who she gonna bring over. Bill hugged me from behide when I was sweeping.
"Who is shooting star bring over?" Bill asked
"I don't know" I said
"Well as long we can be here I'm fine with that" Bill said
"Oh Bill" I chuckled
I turned around to face him and smiled.
"I love you Pinetree" Bill said
"I love you too" I said
He gave me a quick peck on the lips, and we went back to cleaning. I heard a knock on the door. I went to open it and it was only Mable. She sat on the couch and took a deep breath.
"He's coming in a few minutes" Mable sighed
"You seem off" I said
"I don't know why" Mable panicked
"Just claim down shooting star" Bill said
"Don't tell me to claim down!" She yelled
I rolled my eyes and looked back at her. Mable looks so worried about this guy coming over.
"How does he look like?" Bill asked
"I'm not telling you" Mable pouted
"You have too" I said
Bill really wanted to know who was coming over badly. Mable wouldn't tell him even if it means him annoying her.
"Dipper tell bill to stop" Mable said
"Stop bill" I said
"Tell me" Bill shouted
"I tried" I said
"Dipper!" Mable shouted
I started to chuckle little bit because Mable wouldn't just tell him herself.
"Bill come on" I said
He gave him puppy eyes but I still said no. I grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs to our room. Bill sat down while I stood up looking at him.
"Just give it up Bill she's not gonna tell you" I said
He looked at me and smiled making me chuckled. Bill stood up and went up to. I placed my arms around his neck. Bill grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him.
Bill kissed me and I kissed back. We stopped because we heard Mable scream our names from downstairs.
We both went down stairs and I froze with Bill. The two people we know both. Okay were screwed.
"Gideon and Pacifica. . . Mable can I talk to you in the other room" I said
"Sure" She said
I grabbed her and Bill and pulled them to the other room.
"Mable what are they doing here" I said
"I've been meeting up with them, and they been pretty nice to me, so I invented them other" Mable said
"Shooting star one of them worked for me" Bill pointed out
"Well I didn't tell them so your fine just don't use any nicknames" Mable said
"I'm not sure about this what happens if something screws up" I said
"Don't worry there no gonna know it's Bill" Mable said
"Yes they will" I said
"Just stay claim and Bill don't talk as much or at all" Mable said
We all went back to sit down and Bill was far away from Gideon as possible. I haven't seen them in such a long time.
"So Mable told us that you've been here for a month now" Pacifica said
"Yes we have" I said
"Your friend over there looks so familiar have we've meant before" Gideon said
"No we haven't" Bill said
Gideon and Pacifica looked at me and smiled. I knew they were gonna find out. Mable started to chuckle nervously.
"What's wrong Mable" Pacifica said.
"Nothing" she lied
"It seems like you have changed" Gidoen said
"You guys look great" I said
"Thank you" Pacifica said
"Dipper your still your self" Gideon said
"No I've changed a lot really" I looked down at my feet.
"You seem the same" Pacifica said
"No Dipper has changed a lot he became more responsible and stop dealing monster so often" Mable said
"Yeah I became more. . . " I said
"Cold?" Pacific a blurred
"Pacifica!" Gideon said
"That's the right word" I smiled
"But you seemed happy"Gideon said
"Yeah that was after I came here" I said
"What made you change?" Pacifia said
"Just an old friend" I said
"Wendy?" Pacifica said
"No" I said
"Your Grunkles" Gideon said
"No" I continued
"The monster's" Pacifica said
"Let's just say that. . . I like talking to them and the most misunderstood came to me and helped me" I looked at Bill
"Wow you really had connections with them" Gideon
"Yeah it was pretty nice" I said
"I'll get water" Mable said
When Mable left they all looked at me and Bill.
"So who's this one" They asked
"A friend that lives with us" I said
"Are you sure?" Gideon said
"Yes I'm sure he's just shy" I said
"I don't believe you" Pacifica said
Gideon and Pacifica sat right next to Bill and looked at him.
"So what's your name" Gideon asked
"B-Bill" He's really nervous
"When did you meet Dipper" Pacifica said
Tell looked at me and I looked at him. He looked back and started to bend the truth.
"When he was twelve" Bill said.
"Were you here during the weirdmmagian" Gideon asked
"Yes" Bill said
How long does it take to get water. I'm so sorry Bill. After that thought they sat were they were. Mable came in with a smile. WTF!
"So when are your Grunkles coming home" Gideon asked
"In a few days" I said
"That's nice" Pacifica said
"How old are you guys" Gideon asked
"Were all eighteen but Mable's friends there seventeen" I said
"Were all the same age" Pacifica said
"That's wonderful." Mable said
I hope this would end soon, so we can go back to normal. I look at Bill and I see his left eye glow a little. I see Bill stand up and go to the kitchen. I follow him and far enough, so they won't see.
"Bill what's wrong" I asked
"I don't know but it hurts" Bill said
"Let me see your eye" I said
"No" Bill said
"Please" I said
"Only because your my Pinetree" Bill said
I looked at his eye and it was a different color from his other eye. It was turning into a light blue.
"Does your eye turn blue?" I asked
"I haven't used my powers for so long" Bill said
"Don't worry just use a little bit of you powers in here"
"Won't they see me" Bill said
"They won't" I said
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