The Letters
Pov Dipper
"Mable there's a letter from Gravity Falls" I shouted
"What does it say" Mable shouted
Dear Dudes,
I want you to take care of the mystery shack for me. I've been planning to tell you two for a long time now. I'm having a baby, and we need to move away from Gravity falls. I got you two tickets for Gravity falls. Please take care of the shack.
"So Soos is leaving Gravity falls" Mable said
"I guess so but" I said.
"Gravity falls here we come" Mable shouted.
Our parent are gone for the whole summer. We have nothing to do anyways, so we packed our stuff and headed to Gravity Falls.
We were in the bus and near our destination. I looked out the window to see the tree's. The landscape here always made me feel safe. This was comforting to me.
Waddles was sitting on Mable's lap. After a few minutes Mable woke up from her slumber.
"Mable have you've ever missed someo-. . ." I stopped myself
"I've missed so many things about our home" Mable said
I looked out the window to see Mables friends outside. There everything to her, but ever since we left I've lost a part me. Mable would try to cheer me up, try to make me smile, but I could never show her the real thing. I've lost that smiled, that laugh that Mable tries to get out of me.
Was it ever enough?
Was it enough for her?
Was it Enough?
I just can't make her happy anymore. I'm so sorry Mable, but I'll give up my happiness for you. Even tho you're annoying I'll still do things to make you happy.
Mable put her whole face on the window.
"Mable you're squishing me" I said
She didn't really care that this point, so I pushed her off me.
"Dipper!" Mable shouted
I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. When the bus stopped Mable raced out leaving her belongings be hide. I put on my headphones and grabbed our belongings.
I realized how much I changed ever since that day. Instead of that stupid baseball cap I have nothing on my head. Instead of the orange shirt and the navy blue vest I have a navy blue shirt and navy blue hoodie with a light blue pinetree on it. My shorts are now black jeans.
I guessed, I guessed I did change a lot haven't I. I stepped down and gave Mable her stuff. Waddles followed me afterwards.
"Here Mable I'm going to the shack" I said
I really didn't look at them. I just looked up at the sky. I felt like I'm missing something. I feel like I'm missing a part of me somewhere. I just can never give her that real smile I once had.
"Dipper what's wrong?" Mable asked
I placed my hand on her head and smiled.
"Don't worry Mable I'm fine" I said
"H-Hey Dipper" Candy stuttered
"Hey Dipper" Grenda yelled
When Mable saw me smile her face slowly turned sad. She knew that smile was fake but never bothered to question it.
I realized so many things that's been the same for so long. They haven't changed a bit after all these years.
I walked to the shack and saw some changes Soos made.
'Still a man child aren't you Soos'
I started to sweep up the place and fix a few things. I went up to our room and saw all the memories we had. I saw a note on my bed and it was from Soos.
Dear Dude,
Before I'll leave you two for good I wanted to give you your own space. The old break room you gave me years ago is your room now. There was a letter that your Grunkles left you. They wrote it in case you came back to Gravity falls! Don't worry they already knew you were coming. Before I left I told them the plan. I hope you enjoy running the shack with Mable. P.s don't let Mable run the shack by herself again ;)
"Thanks Soos" I said
Sometimes I think that I'm missing something so important to me. We came to Gravity falls a little late. I decided to make dinner for Mable and I. We haven't eaten since the morning so Mable has to be starving by now.
I rushed down stairs and placed the other letters in my pocket. The one letter from our old room and the other from my new room.
I went in to the kitchen and started making food.
An hour later Mable comes back exhausted. I looked at her with a straight face and sighed.
"Mable go wash your hand dinners ready" I said
"Thanks Bro bro I'm starving" She said
She got up and washed her hand and waddles followed her. I just gave waddles carrots that I found. I gave her the food and she smiled.
"Can I ask you something" Mable said
"What is it?" I asked
"Well ever since we left this place, you've seemed different" Mable said in a gloomy tone.
"I know I've changed" I answered
"That's what I'm worried about" Mable claimed
"Mable it happens to everyone" I sighed
"I'm just saying that I'm worried about you" she said
"Do you wanna read Grunkle Stan's and Ford's letter?" I suggested
"Sure" Mable smiled
"here" I said
Dear Kids,
I know that Soos left you two here alone. I'll be back in a month to stay the rest of summer with you two. I want you to take care of the shack please. Ford wants you two to know that we love you very much and hope you take care.
Ford and Stan"She read
I looked at Mable with a surprised face. After that Mable blurred something out.
"Wanna visit some old friends"
"No thank you" I simply say
"Okay I'm gonna go hang out with my friends" Mable said
"Hey Dipper try to open up some more, you've been so cold, so empty and try to show a little emotion" Mable smiled
"Bye, make sure to be back by nine or eight" I ignored her
"Okay 'dad' " sarcasm
After she left I cleaned the table and wash the dishes.
After finishing the dishes and cleaning the table I looked outside.
"I guess I kinda act like a dad to Mable" I said
Our parent's haven't been here for us lately. Ever since we came from this place. So I had to change for Mable. I started to act more like an adult when I was fourteen. Now I'm going to be a real adult soon. Giving up my happiness for her. Like I've always been doing.
What do I do with this empty feeling?
Mable told me I was so empty, so cold and I showed no REAL emotion.
I feel damaged in a way.
I went outside and sat on the pouch looking at stars.
The only emotion I show is when the stars come up. They make me happy but I still feel empty inside. I'm like the night sky in a way. An empty space of nothing that needs their shining star.
Maybe I just need someone to be my shining star?
I sighed and heard a noise coming from a bush.
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