I heard a noise come from the bush next to me. I look at it and sighed.
"Dipper" She shouted
"God damn it Mable" I said
She laughed as I just sighed of what she did. Then something else came out of the bush that scared Mable.
It was a little black kitten that had one brown eye and one blue eye.
"Calm down it's just a kitten" I said
"It scared me" Mable said harshly
"Did you bring the kitty with you" I asked
"No" she relayed
"Will it has no collar, so I guess we can keep it" I said
"We already have a pet" Mable said
I looked at the small kitten and picked it up.
"I'm gonna keep you than" I said
"Fine but if it hurt waddle your dead" Mable pouted
"Waddles is five times the size as this little guy" I said
"Fine" She rolled her eyes
I noticed that kitten has this constellation on his back. It was Leo. I looked at the cat and said.
"Your name is Leo" I said
I walked inside as Mable made a big sigh.
"What's wrong with you" I asked
"Nothing, but what are you naming it" Mable wondered
" Leo" I responded
"Why that name?" Mable asked
"Because this little guy as the Leo constellation on his back" I stated
"Just like your constellation of the Big Dipper" Mable laughed
"Real funny" I said
I placed the small kitten on the ground. Mable came to me with another letter from Ford.
"Dear Kids,
Before I left Gravity falls with Stanly I found something big. When the weirdmmagian ended, after we defeated Bill his statue still lives on. Please don't go near it. I wanted to warn you if you come across it one day. Dipper please don't go near it. Mable make sure he doesn't.
Ford " Mable read
"B-B-Bill's statue" I stuttered
"I hope he never comes back" Mable bitterly said
"Why not?" I shly said
"Because he's gonna try to kill us again" Mable yelled
"Bill" I whispered to myself
"Don't tell me you miss that dorito" Mable said
"Wait has he ever had a dorito before" I woundered
"Dipper answer the question" Mable said
"Pff...N-No" I stuttered
"Okay" Mable said
I told Mable that I was going to have my own room. I showed her where my room was. She smiled and went to her room. Leo followed me inside after I shut the door.
I laid on my bed and looking at Leo lying on my chest. I started to pet him softly and soon we both fell asleep.
Dream world=)
I'm in the woods?
Walking around, but I see myself when I'm twelve with Mable. I see all those happy memories that slowy turned back and white.
Then something bright comes in the picture. The only color I could see from all the memories.
Everything went dark and I hear my name over and over.
Bye bye dream world=)
"Dipper!" Mable shouted
I opened my eyes and saw Mable shaking me.
"I'm up" I yawned
"Dipper you were crying in your sleep and your sweaty" Mable said
"No I wasn't" I said
I touched my face and felt the tears and sweat run down my face.
"Did you have a nightmare? You always sweat alot when you have those" Mable pointed out
"I don't understand" I mumbled
"Don't understand what" Mable asked
"It wasn't like a regular nightmare Mable. There were our old memories when we came here. It was all black and white but only one color stood out" I said grabbing my hair
"That doesn't sound like a nightmare" Mable said
"I know" I said
"Will get dressed" Mable said
She walked out of my room and closed the door. I looked at Leo and smiled.
I went to take a shower and after I changed into a long sleeve shirt with black jeans. I gave Leo a quick and small bath. When I looked in the mirror I was wearing a necklace.
I didn't mind it so I just left it where it was.I went down stairs and realize that it was ten in the morning. I woke up late today.
"Mable wanna go to the Dinner for breakfast" I asked
"Sure" She answered
We walked outside and when we were already a few feet away I heard something. When I turned around Leo followed me.
"Mable we have a little friend following us" I smiled
"Dipper why does he follow you?" Mable asked
"No idea?" I answered
We just let him follow us the rest of the way.
We ended up going our ways after. I headed into the woods. I needed to find some answer to that dream. What did it mean?
The statue of Bill!
I need to find if it I need some answers.
I started to run faster and faster every minute. I reached a part of thr woods that I've never seen before. I looked at the amazing view and stepped back.
I stop the search and just looked around the forest.
Hours later I just looked at the tree's. I tripped down a small hill and ended up lost. I walked around and marked my areas in case I walked in circles.
Then I saw it. . .
I walked infront of it and smiled. I reached my hand out but I didn't touch him. I sat down infront of him and smiled.
"Bill, you dumb dorito" I laughed
"I never understood this place because I always thought that I had to be the great hero saving Gravity falls" I sighed
"But when I looked deeper into them deeper in to those monsters they were just" I paused
"Lost" I stated
"They never wanted revenge or to kill people for no reason" I said
"They were just misunderstood of what they wanted"
"They were scared that they might be forgotten, but when you reach out to them they told me what they wanted most" I reached my hand out to Bill.
Inches away from his hand I stopped my self and just looked at him .
"People thought I was some kind of monster whisper, but I wasn't" I raised my voice
"They'll make you understand why there here, what they wanted, but you. . ." I looked at him and felt anger i clenched my fist and looked at him.
"But from all those fucking monsters! I wanted to help you the most" I shouted
"But you never took the chance to grab my hand and tell me what you truly wanted" I said
"You never wanted my help, you only felt joy in hurting other but I can see threw you Bill" my vocie was shaky
"You wanted someone by your side, you wanted so many things, you wanted to feel loved" I said
"You were different!" I yelled while tears came down
"You were alway a mystery to me Bill,
I would never understand you because at the end I would understand everyone but you" I said.
I felt this one tear fall down my face as I was looking at Bill. I was so close to touching him but I was afraid.
"Now I'll never get that chance to grab your hand , speak to you, to help you like I did to them!"
I was so angry that tears streamed down my face.
"I guess when you come out, I'll be here to help you" I said
"I'll be here, just you wait" I mumbled
I stood up and looked at Bill and frowned. I saw this flower and picked it. I placed it near him because it felt right.
"When you come out I'll be here, I'll help you, I'll save you but for now goodbye Bill"
I picked a flower that was on the ground and placed it in Bill's hand.
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