I'm Somewhere In Neverland
Mable woke us up early because we needed to clean the shack. Mable's friends were already here.
"Guys wake up then get ready" Mable yelled
"Just a few minutes" Bill yawned
"No hurry up" Mable said
I got up and looked at Bill. I gave him a yellow T-shirt I had for some odd reason. We went downstairs and saw Candy and Grendy drinking coffee.
"Hey Dipper" They both said
"Girls we have a new worker with us" Mable said
"We should tell them now" Bill said
"Okay but don't freak out when we tell you this" I said
"Remember the demon that almost killed us" Mable asked
"Yes" they said
"He's the blonde guy there, but he's not gonna hurt us" Mable said
"Wait that's Bill" Grenda said
"Yes" I sighed
They didn't freak out and just sighed.
"What is Bill's animal" Candy asked
"A wolf" I said
"Mable we should find better stuff to make these ears and tail they keep on breaking" Grenda said
"I have an idea" Bill said
"What is it" Mable asked
"I can use my magic to make them real" Bill suggested.
"But can we take them off" Candy asked
"Yes but when do we close down the shack" Bill asked
"Until six in the afternoon" Grenda said
"That's perfect" Bill said
"You're testing it on Dipper" Mable said
"Okay hold still" Bill said
Bill used magic on me. I looked at Mable.
"Did it work" I asked
Mable looked at me and smiled.
"Your so cute Dipper" Mable squealed
"Give me your phone" I asked
Mable took a photo of me. She gave it to me and smiled.
"Why" I blushed
Pov Bill
Why does he have to look so adorable. A light blush came across my face.
"So who's next" I said
"Come on girls" Shooting star said
I did the same thing to the rest of them. I then I did it to myself. Pinetree blushed slight as he saw me.
"Okay we need to get ready to open shop" shooting star said
The girls went to open up shop and Dipper kept on looking at himself.
"Come on Pinetree let's go" I said
"Okay" Pinetree shyly said
I grabbed his hand tight and went to the shop. I see so many people out there waiting.
"Ready guys" shooting star said
Shooting Star opened the door and everyone rushed in. They came to see the new things shooting stars made. Even her pig was involved with this.
Timeskip to three in the afternoon
Pinetree was helping meatsacks with things.
"Bill can you help me" Pinetree said
"What is it Pinetree" I said
He was surrounded by so many female meatsacks.
"I'm too short to reach it" Pinetree said
"Don't worry Pinetree" I said
I reached the box that Pinetree was pointing too.
"Here Pinetree" I smiled.
Pinetree smiled at me.
When I left pinetree came over to me because I had no clue what I was doing. We were looking threw the paper for something.
"I got a paper cut" Pinetree said
"Let me see it" I said
"It's not a big deal" Pinetree said
"Yes it is Pinetree" I said
I got a band-aid and wrapped his finger.
"You didn't have to do it for me" Pinetree said
The female meatsacks started to fangirl. What's wrong with them.
"Thanks Bill" Pinetree smiled
We started to work outside, and we were fixing the sign.
Pov Dipper
We were fixing the sign and I looked at Bill. Mable was just like Grunkle Stan and making them pay to see me work.
"Bill be careful up there" I said
"I will Pinetree" Bill said
One of the costumes wanted to come over.
"Who's your friend" They asked
"That's Bill he just moved back here" I smiled.
When Bill was coming down the ladder one of Mable flower pots fell. It missed both of us to we were fine.
Mable turned up the radio and a song came on. I started to sing along to the song.
"Wendy we can get away
I promise if you’re with me, say the word, and we’ll find a way"
I sang and people started to listen. I didn't notice until Bill sang along.
"I can be your lost boy, your last chance Your 'everything better'" Bill sang
I looked at Bill and smiled. He smiled and held my hand.
"Oh, somewhere in Neverland" we sang together.
Everyone clapped and I was embarrassed. Mable was telling everyone to leave. They all left tips and paid for there things and left.
Me and Bill started to party by ourselves.
"Wendy run away with me
I know I sound crazy
Don’t you see what you do to me?" I sang
"I want to be your lost boy
Your last chance, a better reality" Bill sang
"Wendy we can get away
I promise if you’re with me, say the word, and we’ll find a way
I can be your lost boy, your last chance
Your "everything better" plan
Oh, somewhere in Neverland" We both sang.
I laughed after we sang that part. Bill grabbed my hand and twirled me. I smiled at Bill and laughed.
"Bill" I chuckled
"Pinetree were already in neverland" Bill said
"I guess we are" I giggled
"Now were having fun" Bill smiled
Mable saw the position I was in with Bill. My head was on his chest and Bill's arms were around me. I was looking up at Bill and smiling.
"Bill your such a goof" I smiled
"Pinetree your just purrfect" Bill
I made a soft chuckle and smiled him.
"Bill Dipper!" Mable yelled
"Mable" I said in surprised
Me and Bill stepped away from each other. Mable grabbed me by the hand and lead me to the other room.
"What are you doing!" Mable yelled
"What do you mean" I asked
"That!" She pointed
A faint blush came across my face and then Bill came in.
"Shooting star I closed up" Bill said
Mable went to Bill and gave him a death stare. It was already seven and magic was off. Mable and her friends went somewhere.
"Bill let's go watch T.v." I said
"What's wrong with her" Bill said
"Don't worry" I sighed
Instead of watching T.V. we listened to music on the radio.
We were listing to the same song we sang. We danced in the living room and were having a great time.
"I can be your lost boy, your last chance" I sang to Bill
"Your "everything better" plan
Oh, somewhere in Neverland" Bill sang to me
We danced together and I looked at Bill. Bill grabbed my hand and spinned me. He pulled me closer to him and smiled.
We just kept on dancing until I forgot something. I ignored it and kept on having fun.
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